Beginners and Beyond

Mondailies (Read 34 times)


    The company where I work, we are a software development company and our clients are the school boards of the province of Quebec. Our software is divided in two families: the administrative suite, and the pedagogical suite. I work on the administrative suite.


    Our CEO has just announced that the whole administrative suite is on hold. Client support for what we have developed continues, but nothing new at least until January. There will be a board meeting, and we'll see after that. Wow, that affects about half the company.


    Not afraid for my job per se, meaning my pay checks will keep coming in, but the atmosphere has dropped a couple of hundred notches in the past 30 minutes.


    delicate flower


      I could do that, I'm considering it, but I can't find an answer to the question I ask myself, what's the use?


      Sniping race points.



      Former Bad Ass

        Ugh, Cy.  Hope everything is explained at the meeting and hoping for no bad surprises.




          Sniping race points.


          Hahahahahaa! So you get to snatch race points from the teams?



            it's for us so we don't have to wait an extra 5 hours until you decide to tell us, hello?


            Yes, that’s why it’s your job to figure it out. 

            I’d be surprised if there wasn’t something, but don’t see anything about it on the website. Maybe something will pop up on race day.



              The company where I work, we are a software development company and our clients are the school boards of the province of Quebec. Our software is divided in two families: the administrative suite, and the pedagogical suite. I work on the administrative suite.


              Our CEO has just announced that the whole administrative suite is on hold. Client support for what we have developed continues, but nothing new at least until January. There will be a board meeting, and we'll see after that. Wow, that affects about half the company.


              Not afraid for my job per se, meaning my pay checks will keep coming in, but the atmosphere has dropped a couple of hundred notches in the past 30 minutes.


              I feel your pain.



                Ugh, Cy.  Hope everything is explained at the meeting and hoping for no bad surprises.






                I feel your pain.


                I have lots of senority, am friends with the development VP, and am above average at what I do. This is a unionized shop, so there shouldn't be a problem. The question will be do I want to stay here? The situation is not dramatic for my little person, not at all, but it's still somewhat of a shock.


                  We each get a turkey yes.




                  I ran Detroit's turkey trot one year (2011 I think), which goes about 22,000 deep. It doesn't sound like much compared to some of the other big city events until you realize that it's only 5k and 10k runners. The point in the course where the two events merge is this massive sea of humanity that I haven't seen in any other event. It's really cool, and yes, pricey.



                    I ran Detroit's turkey trot one year (2011 I think), which goes about 22,000 deep. It doesn't sound like much compared to some of the other big city events until you realize that it's only 5k and 10k runners. The point in the course where the two events merge is this massive sea of humanity that I haven't seen in any other event. It's really cool, and yes, pricey.


                    Sounds awful, actually. Ha! I swore off huge Turkey trots a few years ago. More maddening than fun.





                      I have lots of senority, am friends with the development VP, and am above average at what I do. This is a unionized shop, so there shouldn't be a problem. The question will be do I want to stay here? The situation is not dramatic for my little person, not at all, but it's still somewhat of a shock.


                      Yikes, sorry to hear! Low morale certainly makes work unbearable.


                        I’ve run some kind of Turkey Trot the last 5 years, but none were such a mass of humanity. Just like regular races. It’s not like there is one Turkey Trot around here, there are literally like a dozen I could go to. And the one I’ve done the last 3 times wasn’t even on Thanksgiving, it was the weekend before (since the last 2 years I was traveling on Thanksgiving). This year 2 weekends before, for some reason, but worked out well timing-wise vs. my marathon.




                          So I'm sending the Ghost 12s back today, in exchange for another pair of Guide 13s. Hopefully I'll know within the next week or two if these shoes are the ones for me.

                          I am not doing a race on Thanksgiving Day, as I am fixing up two sides for my family's lunch/dinner and DH is extremely busy fixing up the downstairs of the house in preparation for moving our offices down there and then moving the machinery we're keeping into our pole barn so since I have a trail half marathon this Saturday, I don't to take up his mornings more than once.... especially since the half marathon is much more important to me than a 5k.

                          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

                          Half Crazy K 2.0

                            Off work for the week, so got to run 6 miles in daylight.


                            I'm signing up for the mileage game. Funny how that seems to be motivation for running, cause my stellar race results over the past few years sure aren't motivating.


                            Cyberic, hope you get some answers in the meeting. I guess you could say I am on the other side in that I am in school administration. Is it the type of thing where the school folks aren't quite sure what it is they want/need?


                            Whiskers, please tell me you get a shirt in addition to the hat for that price.


                              Sounds awful, actually. Ha! I swore off huge Turkey trots a few years ago. More maddening than fun.


                              Indeed. It's a 7:30 am start here and parking is a cluster so you're leaving home at 6:00 and therefore waking up at least an hour earlier (at least!). The cool part though (and it's really cool) is that the race follows the parade course, which already has thousands of people lined up. It's like running Boston, New York or Chicago except it's only 3.1 or 6.2 miles.


                              There is a costume contest at 7:00 and the creativity and ingenuity of humans is absolutely incredible. That appreciation grows even deeper when you see a runner dressed as a turkey pass you during the event, being "chased" by runners dressed as a knife and a fork, among many, many others!


                                So I'm sending the Ghost 12s back today, in exchange for another pair of Guide 13s. Hopefully I'll know within the next week or two if these shoes are the ones for me.

                                I am not doing a race on Thanksgiving Day, as I am fixing up two sides for my family's lunch/dinner and DH is extremely busy fixing up the downstairs of the house in preparation for moving our offices down there and then moving the machinery we're keeping into our pole barn so since I have a trail half marathon this Saturday, I don't to take up his mornings more than once.... especially since the half marathon is much more important to me than a 5k.


                                What happened to your shop? Did I miss something?