Beginners and Beyond


Weekend Penguins Welcome Spring - or not (Read 22 times)


Team TJ



    Robert- Glad to see you're back out there!  How's the tooth?




    It no longer exists!  

    Running for TJ because he can't.



    Former Bad Ass

      Morning Penguins!


      Rowdy Run 5k this morning. It supports the Rowdy Runner program at the Midlothian elementary schools. My sister is a PE teacher at one of them.


      14 sec PR @ 30:02 almost there...


      D - Did you get your BP back under control? That used to trigger my headaches.


      Funny you say that.  It's again out of control so I am starting BP meds.  I am pretty healthy but unfortunately, you cannot outrun hereditary diseases.  Bah.



      Former Bad Ass

        Oh, and 10 miles with hubby.



        Team TJ


          Funny you say that.  It's again out of control so I am starting BP meds.  I am pretty healthy but unfortunately, you cannot outrun hereditary diseases.  Bah.


          I can absolutely relate to this with BP... Mine was recently sky-high even taking mads and I had no idea.  Changed back to the original med I was on and it's back to perfect now.

          Running for TJ because he can't.



          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  I have 6-8 miles tonight.  Woke up without another migraine, and although the BP is still high, at least there is that!



            Former Bad Ass


              I can absolutely relate to this with BP... Mine was recently sky-high even taking mads and I had no idea.  Changed back to the original med I was on and it's back to perfect now.


              Do you have a BP machine?  We have one here (I cannot use my husband's manual one because it needs two people).  They are not necessarily super accurate but better than nothing!  At least you can monitor it.



              Return To Racing

                Recovery run when it warms up. Still in SLC for a few more days.  Hope the migraine is better D.



                  Jerry, can you put up a few pics when you have time. I have a coworker thats from SLC, the scenery there is really nice. I really need to travel out west some.


                  I need to get a few recovery miles in a bit later.


                    Good morning, Penguins!


                    I'm pretty stiff from yesterday's hills.  That run was just crazy.  I was running with the leader of our club, and at about mile 9 when we crested a hill only to see another one, I burst out with "Seriously?  This is the worst run we've ever done!"


                    I had 5 easy miles planned for this morning, but we woke up to the smell of smoke.  There's a major wildfire upwind from us.  The air looks like Beijing out there.

                    Jack K.

                    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                      13 miles today! Guess what? It hurt! Well, just the last two miles because they are uphill back to the house. Other than that I felt pretty good. 8:46 pace, nice and easy. The good news is that my fitness is still ok. My legs are a bit tired but I don't feel tired at all. Still, a marathon is a long race and I don't know if I will be ready to do that in two weeks time. We'll just have to wait and see.


                      Have a good day,


                      Team TJ


                        Do you have a BP machine?  We have one here (I cannot use my husband's manual one because it needs two people).  They are not necessarily super accurate but better than nothing!  At least you can monitor it.


                        Yes, we have one.  I just had not checked it in quite a while and when I had to go to th dentist recently they found it very high.  Checking it is now a twice daily habit.  That scared me.

                        Running for TJ because he can't.




                          It no longer exists!  


                          I hope that the tooth fairy brought you something good!


                          Good catch on the BP for both of you.


                          I have 6ish, which is all I need to hit my mileage goal for the week.  I've definitely felt the races/quality runs my last couple of days, though!


                            13 miles today! ...


                            Don't you have smoke in your area?  It's still bad here, but I'm about to go do 4-5 against my better judgment.

                            Jack K.

                            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                              Brill: I could smell it a bit and see a lot of it because we are up on a hill. It didn't bother me at all.


                                Brilliant - where is the fire?  I hope you can avoid the smoke.


                                Jack- nice run.  Hard decision.


                                D - I'm surprised that you have BP issues with as much exercise as you get.  OTOH, you have a very high stress job.  And, as you said, heredity has a big role.  I'm glad the headache is gone.  Good luck on your evening run.


                                Jerry - hope the recovery run went well.


                                Mitch - you definitely need to go out west.  There are so many spectacular places to see.  Enjoy your recovery miles.


                                Z - what is your goal for the week?  I'm sure you reached it.  You are a very disciplined runner.


                                I ran 8.5.  It was a pretty run, but felt much harder than it should have.  My leg was hurting the whole way, which didn't help.  I keep hoping for a miracle to fix my hamstrings, and so far it's not happening.  I have really low miles this week, which may help.
