Beginners and Beyond


Track Work TuesDailies (Read 21 times)


Waltons ThreadLord

    Track work today. 12 x 400m runs with 400m recoveries. The target pace was about 2 seconds slower than 5k pace and I hit that target for most of the repeats. This is usually only a moderate workout for me, but temperatures in the mid-70's made it a workout I struggled to complete.  9+ miles total for the day.

    5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
    10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

    Upcoming races: Running is Back 10k, 5/12; Greta's Run 5k, 5/19



    delicate flower



      Track work today. 


      +1.  Although mine was just an hour of moderate running.  Warm and humid made for some slow going.  I am not acclimated yet.



      Former Bad Ass

        I have 8 with 3 X 1 mile @ HMP later.


        Didn't sleep well. I need a nap.


        Half Crazy K 2.0

          4 with 4 strides. I was dripping sweat 15 minutes in. Not a good morning to forget a headband.

            9, two loops of accotink with .8 added to the end…slow as I could go.


            off work day


              Track work today. 12 x 400m runs with 400m recoveries. The target pace was about 2 seconds slower than 5k pace and I hit that target for most of the repeats. This is usually only a moderate workout for me, but temperatures in the mid-70's made it a workout I struggled to complete.  9+ miles total for the day.

              400's are probably the best introduction to a warm track workout - they are short enough you don't die as much as longer intervals in the heat.


              Waltons ThreadLord

                400's are probably the best introduction to a warm track workout - they are short enough you don't die as much as longer intervals in the heat.


                Agree 100%.  They're less about gaining an absolute improvement and more about getting mind and body ready for the harder stuff to come later, especially for summer training cycles.

                5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
                10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

                Upcoming races: Running is Back 10k, 5/12; Greta's Run 5k, 5/19



                  Temps right around 60 here so no complaints. 8 miles with 6 x 3 min hilly intervals at 10k/HM effort. The entire interval wasn't just up as Coach suggested working on cresting the hill and keep the foot on the gas for some down as well. I have many hill options around my house, from gentle to need elevator so I might have picked a bit on the easier side. I did feel strong though.


                    400's are probably the best introduction to a warm track workout - they are short enough you don't die as much as longer intervals in the heat.


                    Especially the way Hansons does it, with 400m recoveries. 

                    RD #2 for me. I feel mostly OK, but I’ll probably take one more day tomorrow then ease back into it.


                      9, two loops of accotink with .8 added to the end…slow as I could go.


                      off work day



                      Added: 30mins of pool mix, followed by stretch… I bring a yoga  mat and a pink dog leash that I use as a stretch belt.


                      And a little good news, I had a bit of a release of something in the hams today.  About three  hours after this morning’s run I got an extreme burning sensation along stringy thing or seam in the right ham…I’ve had them before… something stuck together being separated; adhesion fibers tearing.   Burning sensation but doesn’t effect movement, didn’t interfere doing the pool mix.  Still warm there but no burning now.


                      Emphasis on ‘little’.


                      UM 45 Ohio 23

                        70 degrees with 95% humidity at 5:30am. Ran/swam 5.5 miles in it. Rode the bike for 18 minutes then to PT. Hammies continue to confound as the left now feels fine but the right is sore, like the left was a month ago. Always something but still much improved over a month or so ago.


                        I'm hoping to trust the hammy tendons enough to do a 400 track workout sometime this summer.


                          4 miles run/walk this morning. It was mid 70s and sunny.  I'm not ready for that yet.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            I ended up moving my RD to today. Between my lack of sleep and my wrist hurting, I was like FTS. I'll do my intervals tomorrow.



                              I did an interval workout on the TM for 8 miles total.