Beginners and Beyond

Bumbling ThursDAILIES (Read 39 times)


    I am halfway through my high mileage week (well, high for me. It would be considered a cutback week for most others lol), and haven't had a single slice of pie, cake, a serving of ice cream, cobbler or a king sized candy bar...


    When I look into the mirror, I see a compete stranger staring back at me.





      I mean, why would a 10K be worse than a long run?  


      In how many words do you want this essay, ma'am?


      Super B****


        In how many words do you want this essay, ma'am?



        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog



          I don't like to schedule anything firm post-marathon, till post-marathon. Because marathon.


          Excellent post. Maybe I'll take a few words out and make it into a siggy when training for my next :


          I don't schedule anything post-marathon, till post-marathon. Because marathon.


          Former Bad Ass

            I wouldn't run it for the reasons onemile mentioned. You don't want to miss a BQ and wonder if...


            5 miles done.


            Skirting calls from parents freaking out that the hurricane is going to hit us (it's not), that we are being evacuated (wrong city, again) and that it's heading towards us. Geography is important. West Palm Beach is 100 miles north of me. I am also not on the coast.  Miami is lucky this time.  We'll be fucked when it loops back.



              We'll be fucked when it loops back.


              Is someone driving that thing like a street sweeper?






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                  But, she would so PR this thing. And probably beat my PR in the process. So, no, don't run it.




                    Jetta and I ran this morning, 7.2 miles. 

                    Hope everyone down south stays safe, anybody else see that satellite pic of Matthew?

                    Image result for Hurricane Matthew

                    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                      Well, fuck. No hurricane here, but not looking fun: Chance of rain 100%; rainfall near an inch. Goddammit.

                      I have done a rainy half, not too bad, but 26.2 is something else. Can't wait for the chafing.



                        Is there any part of you that's just hoping to have an excuse in case marathon day doesn't go well?


                          Well, fuck. No hurricane here, but not looking fun: Chance of rain 100%; rainfall near an inch. Goddammit.

                          I have done a rainy half, not too bad, but 26.2 is something else. Can't wait for the chafing.


                          LUBE UP.


                          Although, 100% chance of rain is the norm there isn't it?


                          Also, try another weather site. This is after all, the internet. Where opposing sides can find data to support their view up the wazoo. lol


                          Super B****



                            Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury. Pushing hard increases the risk of injury.


                            MUSCULAR INJURY, yes.  Not my fear.  Ergo, this assignment receives an incomplete, because it did not address how racing a 10K is worse in a skeletal sense than doing a long run.

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                            Super B****


                              But, she would so PR this thing. And probably beat my PR in the process. So, no, don't run it.


                              Hi?  I ran a 10K a month ago.  Nowhere near what I "should" be able to do.  I think you're safe!

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                                Well, fuck. No hurricane here, but not looking fun: Chance of rain 100%; rainfall near an inch. Goddammit.

                                I have done a rainy half, not too bad, but 26.2 is something else. Can't wait for the chafing.


                                I ran Boston in the rain and it was actually not bad.  No chafing.