Beginners and Beyond

Bumbling ThursDAILIES (Read 39 times)



    MUSCULAR INJURY, yes.  Not my fear.  Ergo, this assignment receives an incomplete, because it did not address how racing a 10K is worse in a skeletal sense than doing a long run.


    Do you only get skeletal injuries?


    Super B****


      Do you only get skeletal injuries?


      No, but I've never gotten a muscular injury as a direct result of running "hard." They tend to just crop up whenever, for no particular reason.  And while all injuries suck, and make me extremely unhappy, the only one of which I literally live in terror is a fracture.

      chasing the impossible


      because i never shut up ... i blog


      delicate flower


        LUBE UP.


        Although, 100% chance of rain is the norm there isn't it?


        Also, try another weather site. This is after all, the internet. Where opposing sides can find data to support their view up the wazoo. lol


        Naturally I took to the internet to verify DaveP's outlandish claims, and he is indeed going to get wet.  And while I believe running a marathon in 50 degree rain is a big ol' pile of miserable bovinestool, it is also good PR weather.



        Former Bad Ass

          Everything around here is open so we went out to lunch.  Still some minor wind and rain, but it looks like we will miss much.  But this is our radar right now.  That to the right is Matthew.  We are so fucking lucky.  I'm left of the black thingy and more South, by the road that takes West below 75.  I'm way inland to feel it.




          Super B****


            Naturally I took to the internet to verify DaveP's outlandish claims, and he is indeed going to get wet.  And while I believe running a marathon in 50 degree rain is a big ol' pile of miserable bovinestool, it is also good PR weather.


            Does it matter if it comes from the sky or sweat??

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog


            delicate flower

              Everything around here is open so we went out to lunch.  Still some minor wind and rain, but it looks like we will miss much.  But this is our radar right now.  That to the right is Matthew.  We are so fucking lucky.  I'm left of the black thingy and more South, by the road that takes West below 75.  I'm way inland to feel it.




              Did I miss something or shouldn't you be catching a flight in the very near future?  Chicago!!  The Steel City.



              Former Bad Ass


                Did I miss something or shouldn't you be catching a flight in the very near future?  Chicago!!  The Steel City.


                My flight leaves Saturday.  Good thing because I bet nothing is leaving this afternoon or tomorrow morning.




                  Does it matter if it comes from the sky or sweat??


                  One soaks your shoes and the other does not


                  Super B****


                    One soaks your shoes and the other does not


                    Not for everyone

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog

                    Half Crazy K 2.0


                      One soaks your shoes and the other does not

                      There was no rain my last two races on the rail trail. I was leaving wet foot prints because my shoes were totally soaked. My clothes easily tripled in wet. Lightning dry shorts, I call BS.


                        There was no rain my last two races on the rail trail. I was leaving wet foot prints because my shoes were totally soaked. My clothes easily tripled in wet. Lightning dry shorts, I call BS.


                        I have never sweated so much that my shoes were totally soaked. And I don't want to!


                        Super B****


                          I have never sweated so much that my shoes were totally soaked. And I don't want to!


                          YOU haven't!  But some people do.  (I'm lucky enough not to be one of those people.  But I got wetter than I would have liked during the 18 mile tuneup because the saturated shorts of runners near me were flinging sweat droplets all over the place.  That was kind of icky.)

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                              the saturated shorts of runners near me were flinging sweat droplets all over the place.  That was kind of icky.)


                            Ew ew ew ew ew


                            delicate flower


                              YOU haven't!  But some people do.  (I'm lucky enough not to be one of those people.  But I got wetter than I would have liked during the 18 mile tuneup because the saturated shorts of runners near me were flinging sweat droplets all over the place.  That was kind of icky.)


                              My shoes have gotten fully soaked during July and August triathlons, due to the summer heat humidity.  Wet feet from the swim probably didn't help, but shoes don't get squishy in early season triathlons.



                              Super B****


                                Ew ew ew ew ew


                                I KNOW!  If that won't spur you on to the finish line, I don't know what will

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog