Beginners and Beyond


For lack of a better word - TuesDAILIES (Read 39 times)


    yeah, about the only thing I think twice about running in is when there is thunder, becuz that can mean...lightning! and I don't want to be lit up like a Christmas tree.


    I have not run in an actual thunderstorm but did hear a loud ass crack of thunder once while running in the rain. Talk about instant fartlek? My ass was gone Jack! 

    marathon pr - 3:16


    Former Bad Ass

      Hey everyone!


      It's been a crazy few days for me.  Let's go back to Friday first, I got rearended on my way home from work on my last day in my old job, crazy.  I'm ok, the car is mostly ok, creased the bumper a lil and cracked the pain, but it took the hit really well, I faired better than the E250 van that hit me.  Messed up his bumper bad and pushed it all the way back onto the tire, crazy.  His insurance is paying for everything, so that's good.  I was a lil sore the next day, but not too bad, I went to the doc immediately after the accident tho, just to get checked out to be safe, everything was good.  So then the next day, I moved down to SC.  I'm staying at my brother's while I get the new house ready (cleaning/painting/etc.).  I was dreading the hills here, but turns out, I really like them!  It really keeps the run interesting, power up a hill, fly down the backside, it's great.  Plus it's in the 70s and sunny, so I'm getting an early start on my tan. Smile


      Hope ya'll have a great day!


      Ugh, sorry about the accident, but yay at the moving!



      delicate flower

        I have not run in an actual thunderstorm 


        I have.  Not fun.  It's difficult to run when the rain is coming down so hard you can't see where the hell you're going.



          I have.  Not fun.  It's difficult to run when the rain is coming down so hard you can't see where the hell you're going.


          I have run in rain almost as bad but not with thunder thank goodness.


            yeah, about the only thing I think twice about running in is when there is thunder, becuz that can mean...lightning! and I don't want to be lit up like a Christmas tree.



            Yep, lightening scares the begeezus out of me! You literally jump into the air mid-stride when it strikes. lol


               The wind kicked my ass.


              Surely you jest? 


              Now report to the mileage thread. 


              Run to live; live to run

                Speed work is really helping. I did 3.1 with 4x400 1 at new hmp and 1 easy. My easy pace used to be super super slow. It is now a few minutes faster than it was in Jan. I'm happy with that. My 400s were a minute per mile faster too



                  Speed work is really helping. I did 3.1 with 4x400 1 at new hmp and 1 easy. My easy pace used to be super super slow. It is now a few minutes faster than it was in Jan. I'm happy with that. My 400s were a minute per mile faster too


                  Just like we thought, awesome!

                  From the Internet.

                    Hi folks!


                    Feeling much better today, whatever stomach bug we had was thankfully very short-lived. Got in 7 miles with 10 strides. Felt good to be outside but I definitely was not 100% toward the end, I think it was likely just lack of food/water yesterday. I did my best to take in a lot of fluid and eat when I was feeling up to it last night but wasn't enough I guess. Heading out to run a couple of errands now, the most important of which will be getting me a Reese's peanut butter egg!


                    Barking Mad To Run

                      Late start on the threads this morning, co-worker had to attend a cousin's funeral, so I've been busy with all the projects to be done today, taking some of the load for her, so she won't get behind.  She does the same for me on the days I'm gone.  Nice to work with cooperative team members.


                      Nice and sunny here and going up to 81 degrees today. My kinda weather!  Party near the end of the day for a friend here at the university who is retiring, so I may just go home after work and "digest" the cake for a couple of hours and then go run in the nearby park on some off-road trails.


                      March 31 is National Tater Day....




                      Image result for potato cartoon


                      Image result for potato cartoon


                      Image result for potato cartoon

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt



                        This is what I did. 9 miles With 6x1mile at slightly faster than mp. OK. It wasn't 11 but i will TRY to go to Bertha tonight and run 3 easy hilly miles. Sometimes good enough is good enough.


                        *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                         **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                        Barking Mad To Run


                          People don't run through thunderstorms? I wouldn't run for 5 months if I did that.


                          I will run in just about any kind of weather...but I don't wanna mess with a run if there is lightning around....scary stuff, that darn lightning!

                          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                          Barking Mad To Run

                            Hey everyone!


                            It's been a crazy few days for me.  Let's go back to Friday first, I got rearended on my way home from work on my last day in my old job, crazy.  I'm ok, the car is mostly ok, creased the bumper a lil and cracked the pain, but it took the hit really well, I faired better than the E250 van that hit me.  Messed up his bumper bad and pushed it all the way back onto the tire, crazy.  His insurance is paying for everything, so that's good.  I was a lil sore the next day, but not too bad, I went to the doc immediately after the accident tho, just to get checked out to be safe, everything was good.  So then the next day, I moved down to SC.  I'm staying at my brother's while I get the new house ready (cleaning/painting/etc.).  I was dreading the hills here, but turns out, I really like them!  It really keeps the run interesting, power up a hill, fly down the backside, it's great.  Plus it's in the 70s and sunny, so I'm getting an early start on my tan. Smile


                            Hope ya'll have a great day!


                            Wow, Dave, you've been quite busy!  Sorry about your car, but glad you did not get hurt and your vehicle did not suffer much.


                            Where are you in SC?  My cousin is in Myrtle Beach.  One day I am going to get out that way to visit her, so maybe we can get in an FE.  Also, the Cooper River Bridge Run has always been on my "Races To Do Dream List".

                            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt



                              I've ran during lightning storms (not severe ones), downpours, sleet, hail, blizzard like weather, etc.. but the lightning runs were before Dorian, I try to avoid them now.... though I've found myself racing home chased by plenty.

                              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

                              Hip Redux

                                I found a photo of LRB in his manpris from this weekend's race. 

