Beginners and Beyond

That Extra Mile ThursDAILIES (Read 43 times)


    My legs and glutes are so sore and tired. I don't know how those of you who do, run double digit mileage runs during the week.


    Clearly, I am not in your league.


    My legs are beat too.


      Apparently, a glass pane shattered on a sky walk above a cliff in China, which is exactly why you will not catch my chicken ass on anything like that!


      I got laughed at in Vegas once because *I* laughed at the thought of riding them two rides atop the Stratosphere. Seriously dude, FTS. I could barely even look down let alone walk near the edge of the glass viewing area they had. And there was no way in hell I was going outside up there. Zero.


      You can laugh at me all you want, here I'll help you; LOL



        My legs are beat too.


        I caught mine trying to sneak out of the house while I was sleeping last night. I was like oh no you don't!



          My legs are beat too.


          You run too fast as well.




            You run too fast as well.


            Too fast = faster than you? 


            I think I run my easy runs slower (relatively) than most people.



              That one Pirates guy definitely kicked that cooler's ass. Smile


              I'd actually pay (5 bucks maybe) to see a couple of these baseball guys get into a cage match (4 horsemen, woo ; road warrior style, Wink  and fight. The loser has to say uncle into a microphone. I really wonder what it would look like. They seem like they are so anxious to fight. Let them have at it...ok that's my rant.

              marathon pr - 3:16


                I'm not in that league either. I don't like double digit runs during the week. been building with nines over the last few weeks and that's close enough.


                Did 7 this morning and very glad it's done as the friggin heat is back and it should be mid 90's over the next few days. Have a good day everyone!


                My legs and glutes are so sore and tired. I don't know how those of you who do, run double digit mileage runs during the week.


                Clearly, I am not in your league.

                marathon pr - 3:16


                  Conversation that just took place at work:


                  Woman:  "Phil, that bread you brought in yesterday was great!"

                  Me:  "I am glad you liked it."

                  Woman:  "Did you get that at the grocery store or a bakery?"

                  Me:  "I made it.  (ffs)"

                  Woman:  "Wow, I'm impressed!"

                  Me:  "The bread machine did all the work.  I just dumped the ingredients in."


                  That's the end of the story? Did you sleep with her?


                    Ran 6. Easy. Forgot my watch again  Ran with the phone. What's up with that?



                      That's the end of the story? Did you sleep with her?





                        My legs are beat too.


                        It's very cool that my marathon is over and done with when you guys are deep into training. You guys are working on destroying yourselves while I'm working on making myself whole again Smile


                          4 frisky miles.


                            Did 7 this morning and very glad it's done as the friggin heat is back and it should be mid 90's over the next few days. 



                            That's crazy. Thankfully we're pretty much done with summer temps.  :ducks from D:



                              It's very cool that my marathon is over and done with when you guys are deep into training. You guys are working on destroying yourselves while I'm working on making myself whole again Smile


                              Less than a month to go and then I am DONE.



                                That's the end of the story? Did you sleep with her?

                                Haha!  Is a joke about rising dough appropriate?