Beginners and Beyond


Baby, It's Cold Outside SaturDAILIES (Read 47 times)


    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      So what am I doing? Layering up to try to get in 18 miles, which will include the first 5-miler of our YMCA's Winter Running Series. I'm planning to run my first hour near home so I can stop in to adjust layers as needed, then run to the Y (2 miles away) plus some extra to try to get at least 10 miles in before the 8 a.m. race start. A couple easy miles after the race should then get me to my total for the day. DS will be doing the kids' Rudolph Dash, also.

      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


        Bitterly cold?  Um, ya!


        It is 17 with a wind chill of 8 here, so  guess I should feel lucky!


        I went out and tried on several different pairs of gloves yesterday, but I did not buy any.  I bought some hand warmers and will try those instead.


        As for today's run itself, it is some type of timed interval thingy at 5k pace.  But it will be awhile before that, right now it is time for me and my coffee mug to cuddle up.

        Hip Redux

          Up and at 'em, folks!


          Ready to head out for my 5k in Boston.  Mr. Oski and I use this as an excuse to try new brunch places.  Big grin


            7* here this morning. I think I'll do what Rick is doing and enjoy the coffe a bit until I start to bundle up.

            First Race

            Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

            Second Race

            Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



            delicate flower

              Up and at 'em, folks!


              Ready to head out for my 5k in Boston.  Mr. Oski and I use this as an excuse to try new brunch places.  Big grin


              Good luck!  I expect sub-19 out of Mr. O.



              'Morning folks!  Shopping day with MBC.  Finishing up the holiday shopping and doing some grocery shopping.  I'm hoping to get out for a run later too...short and easy with my 5K tomorrow.  We were supposed to get some big storm laat night but it was a total DUD.


              Enjoy your Saturdailies!



                Welp, it's 20 with a wind chill of 11.  That is as good as it's gonna get, I'm off!

                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  Hi Dailies.


                  I am going out for my last run, a few easy miles with some strides. Right now it is 34 out there and I am acting like a baby. I will suck it up and do it because it will also be 34 at the start of the marathon. Now I am debating on whether I should wear tights or not. Probably not.



                     I expect sub-19 out of Mr. O.



                    Yeah? I'm going for sub-18 today! Wait - you're talking about the temperature, right? Because it is still 17 (windchill of 8) - not sure why so balmy on the East Side for LRB. But I will go out shortly anyway, because it doesn't look like it will be getting too much better.


                    Stay warm people! Or go for a run. Can't do both.




                      RD for me today. It is cold outside.


                      Maybe some miles tomorrow, either on the TM or outside if it warms up above 0.

                      - Andrew


                      Run to live; live to run

                        Today is a RD. I'm so trying to be good. So I am taking today off as the hip continues to get better


                        not cold here. It will be in the 70s. Tomorrow upper 50s but at least not the snow snd ice like everywhere else.


                        We we put the tree up this am. So all done. I did the outside last weekend and wrapped everything. Smiled stuff already too. So, now we are done.




                          14 degrees with a windchill of 1 degrees, and sunny - 4-6 inches of snow so I won't be going anywhere until my Tahoe can move. Today is just our 1 mile run for the streak so it doesn't matter when I get that in. Today's high MIGHT reach 26 degrees.

                          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                            Track workout done!


                            2 mins hard
                            1 min recovery
                            1 min hard
                            30 sec recovery
                            30 sec hard
                            1 min 15 sec recovery
                            repeat three times


                            I was looking to run the intervals at around 6:18, but was unable to dial it in since I was running by feel not my watch.  It was a tough but solid workout.  The intervals totaled 1.6 miles at an overall pace of 6:27.  Including warmup, recoveries and cool down I ran 7 miles total.


                            It was cold and windy but I was dressed for it.  I cannot turn down the chance to run outside right now because I know once the snow hits, my weekday runs are pretty much going to be on the treadmill.  And you know what I think about that stupid thing, ZZZZ's.


                            I originally intended to run that set 5 times, but decided not to push things and cut it short at 3.  It was a tough but good workout, I am a happy boy!


                              So what am I doing? Layering up to try to get in 18 miles, which will include the first 5-miler of our YMCA's Winter Running Series. I'm planning to run my first hour near home so I can stop in to adjust layers as needed, then run to the Y (2 miles away) plus some extra to try to get at least 10 miles in before the 8 a.m. race start. A couple easy miles after the race should then get me to my total for the day. DS will be doing the kids' Rudolph Dash, also.


                              Believe it or not, I was able to dress in a way that was completely comfortable nearly the entire time - it just took my toes a couple miles first thing to warm up. 2 layers on bottom, 3 on top, plus three head/neck coverings, and mittens with hand warmers in them. The whole run was a bit sluggish - only picked it up to about 8:55 average pace for the race portion. But since a lot of people must have wimped out due to the cold, my 43:24 (Garmin says course is only 4.9 miles) was good for second in the 40-49 AG. I was very surprised.


                              Now I need to get ready to take DS for a haircut and then shopping for the family we adopted for Christmas. I think he will like picking out things for the little girl, plus we'll get some kind of fun food gift to go along with gas cards and helping pay a utility bill for the adults.

                              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

                                Wow. It was one of those days that I just didn't want to stop. Went out to do 6 but ended with 8.45!! Longest run for me since starting last year. I wasn't breaking any speed records but man it felt good.


                                now to see if I can fix a leaking washing machine.

                                First Race

                                Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

                                Second Race

                                Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08

