Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES (Read 30 times)


    Quote from still bluesky on 2/8/2017 at 3:15 PM:




    3 X mile at 10K race pace with ONE MINUTE recovery between.  


    I hate super short recoveries like that!  And the ones you have to run at a moderate pace. Hudson seems to like both.



      I like that Addie gave you actual paces to hit.  Shows she is really into your training and understands where you are.

      That only happens after a good length of time.


      I am liking it. She said she is going to start doing that more and more and to let her know if it becomes too stressful. But actually I prefer having paces to aim for


      Former Bad Ass

        I walked 4 miles earlier 3mm faster than Monday. Improvement!

