Beginners and Beyond


It’s the Fridailies, wake up people!! (Read 29 times)




    9.4 miles. There’s a running group I often run into on my route on Fridays. Actually decided to run with them today. Ran with a guy I’ve met a few times and is actually one of my AG racing nemeses. First time I met him was at a 5k, where he came up from behind, we were neck & neck for the last 100m, and he edged me at the finish. Anyway, it was a good run, and we had a nice chat.





        6; 3mi flat, 3mi modest hill repeats with road crown.
        I believe my middle ham is releasing, for the first 1.5 on flat the right leg was fluttering/spastic, like the muscles didn’t know how to run,  kinda like a baby bird trying to fly.  I had the same odd sensation in early June when the outside ham releasing.
        Yesterday afternoon the middle ham got really raw after having done 2 flat and 2 hills in the morning; stayed raw till 8pm.  So far middle ham not raw today but it’s only been four since I finished.


        UM 45 Ohio 23

          wow, slow posting morning!


          I did 10 uninspiring miles. Felt ok at times and really sluggish more often. Whole week has felt that way. Think I'm just behind on sleep and suffering a bit from the training blahs...probably need a race and/or easy week


          UM 45 Ohio 23


            9.4 miles. There’s a running group I often run into on my route on Fridays. Actually decided to run with them today. Ran with a guy I’ve met a few times and is actually one of my AG racing nemeses. First time I met him was at a 5k, where he came up from behind, we were neck & neck for the last 100m, and he edged me at the finish. Anyway, it was a good run, and we had a nice chat.


            9.4: sounds like your hammy(?) issue is getting better?

            From the Internet.

              10 miles with some "challenging hills" per coach's instructions for my second quality day of the week. The last hill almost made me cry, so I guess I found the right hills 


              Go figure

                Daffy...Good luck with the hamstring. I've battled that issue for some time. It's such an amazingly stubborn body part!


                Dave...Nice work making friends with the enemy Smile


                Rest day for me. My watch has declared me to be "overreaching", so it should approve of the decision.

                Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                delicate flower



                  Hello, friend.



                  I will attempt an easy run after work.  75 minute bike spin last night felt fine.  On the work front, I can see the finish line of this project from hell that I've spent two years on.  We just completed our fifth and final parallel cycle and are now prepping for go-live .  



                    I think I'm going to be friendless for my 20 miler tomorrow.   I have really gotten used to having RPs for those long runs!


                      Ran 11 easy on the mountain, since I have all Fridays off for the summer (thought I'd brag a little more about that Big grin )

                      Ran with a new partner. She had to take her car to come over, so I dunno if she'll be a regular RP, but we had a good time.


                        I think I'm going to be friendless for my 20 miler tomorrow.   I have really gotten used to having RPs for those long runs!


                        That sucks Sad



                          9.4: sounds like your hammy(?) issue is getting better?


                          So far so good....




                            Dave...Nice work making friends with the enemy Smile



                            I avoided the temptation to sweep the leg. He also plans to be at the 10k I am thinking about doing next weekend, but he will likely just use it as a training run rather than race all-out.




                              I avoided the temptation to sweep the leg. He also plans to be at the 10k I am thinking about doing next weekend, but he will likely just use it as a training run rather than race all-out.




                                RD here. And after 10 days straight of running (and getting up early), I enjoyed not doing that this morning.
