Beginners and Beyond

Fridailies - Kickass! (Read 39 times)


    Dave had his avatar before mine, so it's my fault. But if you like the comment, it's probably Dave's. If you scratch your head and think WTF??? it's probably me.


    Former Bad Ass

      Geez, Dave, you are me.  I love iced coffee, but have yet to try a cold brew that was anything other than a horrid, bitter waste of beans.  I gotta have my morning cup (it's a 16 oz cup), then usually one in the afternoon.  Nothing after 3, or I can't sleep.  I've become an old person.  I used to be able to handle my caffeine, I could toss back a triple and immediately sleep for 14 hours on any available surface.  That may have been because I was a teenager though, they have that sleep superpower.


      For the love of Pete, Dave and Cy, stop having avitars that look so similar, it's confusing.  Seriously, red is not the only fast color.  Kaythanks.  (I say this with the expectation that you will change nothing, and I should STFU and get some glasses for my blindness.  Again, old.)


      8 this morning.  Per usual, my weather is opposite the rest of the country (except Whiskers, but 90 miles isn't exactly a different part of the country).  55 and 93% humidity, however it's 88 now.  I rooted around the dog box a couple days ago and found my late dog's gentle leader, resized that sucker, and now I have a much better behaved dog.  Like night and day.  RWMD, look into this, you won't be sorry.  We had a lovely run, my arms don't hurt, no yelling, yanking, or threats were necessary.  I did order him a new one of his own, they come with a padded nose loop now, and in colors.  I don't wear red, but he does.  Because he's fast AF. 


      Have a spectacular weekend friends!


      SAYS WHO? Wink



        For the love of Pete, Dave and Cy, stop having avitars that look so similar, it's confusing. 


        Oh yeah? Well how about this?

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          5 miles at lol pace. Recovery plus record heat is a wonderful combo.

            Crap talk has subtly changed into coffee talk without anyone noticing.


            I noticed.



             LMAO...I'm sitting here catching up and noticing the same thing

            PRs:----- 5k: 17:48 (2019)   5M: 29:36 (2020)    HM: 1:24:37 (2017) Scheduled: ???


              Came home from work with zero energy. My mt dew high could only get me so far before the inevitable crash. Got dressed to run before sitting down on the couch, which was key. Headed out for 3-4 miles easy. It was 85 degrees and full sun with an dry desert wind. Great. Actually felt ok and ended up doing what I was supposed to: 6 miles with 30s pickups at 5k.


              DS is no longer pukey so hopefully a good night of sleep for everyone.


                You guys almost outdid yourselves.  Almost.  Smooth move from shit to coffee, too.


                I like cold brew, at least the kind I make but I mix it with cashew milk and some sugarfree flavorings.  Chocolate mint is my favorite.  But only in the summer.   It may be sacrilege but I started diluting my regular coffee this last winter and I'm now drinking 1 part regular beans and 3 parts decaf.  Cut to half of each during January, and then down to 1/4 with no problems.   But then I drink many cups of that.