Beginners and Beyond


Slacker Sundailies (Read 40 times)



    What a weirdo.




    I had a bit of a strange encounter on my run. Came up close to this guy running in cotton khaki shorts then he sped up. I didn't think anything of it. Came side-by-side with him again and he did it again. I thought, ok maybe he's timing his strides for when someone gets near. Third time I got side-by-side he did it again and I was pretty sure he didn't want anyone (or at least me to pass him) and this was getting pretty funny to me (but not funny enough for me to fuck with him). I decided to stop at the water fountain to give him some distance and hope not to get into a position to pass him again. Of course I caught up, 2 faster runners passed me, and I looked on with great interest to see what this guy's response would be. Yep, same thing. They got close, he sped up to keep pace/pass. The second time he wasn't able to keep up, and it was around that time that I was warmed up enough to bump up my pace (not to purposely pass him, it was just that point in the run where I was warmed up). I could hear a bit of a response from him, i.e., heavier breathing, heavy feet, but I guess he was too gassed from trying to keep up with those fast runners.


    I know this is a dumb story, but I've never had this happen to me so I just had to share.

    - Andrew


      B-Plus -- I find those types of runner annoying.   I had the same thing happen to me once.   I was steadily gaining on a woman ahead of me on a trail.  As soon as I went to pass her, she sped up.  I let it go for awhile, but eventually I needed to pass her again to maintain a decent pace.   This time I put a bit of juice into it, increasing my pace by a good 1 min/per mile and held my pace for a bit to get a cushion so we wouldn't be on top of one another.  A few seconds later she passed again, huffing and puffing like mad.  After she pulled ahead, she looked over her shoulder a couple of times to  make sure, I guess, that she was keeping her lead.   About a 1/2 mile later, she clearly ran out of gas and began walking.  As I closed to about 20 yards, she suddenly darted off the side of the trail rather than being passed.  

      Life is good.


        Hey, decided to do a 5k today! Total time 47:58, 15:45 average pace. Also known as a 3.1 mile walk around the neighborhood. But it's going in my log.



          I finished my race.  Total blowup.  A friend who I trained with was unconscious at mile 10.  No word yet, but hopefully she just needed fluids.


          Former Bad Ass

            We are back home.  But, it's 87F and I twisted my ankle so there will be no running today.  It's minor but I don't want to run on it and sacrifice next week's miles.  Not worth it.



              I finished my race.  Total blowup.  A friend who I trained with was unconscious at mile 10.  No word yet, but hopefully she just needed fluids.


              Wow, scary. Sorry to hear that.



              Former Bad Ass

                I finished my race.  Total blowup.  A friend who I trained with was unconscious at mile 10.  No word yet, but hopefully she just needed fluids.




                Hip Redux

                  'Morning!  Good luck, Kristin!


                  3.5 mile shakeout run with DW done.  Fixing to go for a bike ride in a bit with said DW, Oski, and a few others.  Then a group eat.


                  I'm tired.  And hungry.


                  Other than the pot holes and ridiculous wind, great ride. Smile


                  Hip Redux

                    I finished my race.  Total blowup.  A friend who I trained with was unconscious at mile 10.  No word yet, but hopefully she just needed fluids.


                    Whoa.  Sad



                      I just found out she's OK.  Heat stroke.  She doesn't remember the race at all, or even parts of this week.  But she is expected to be fine.


                        I just found out she's OK.  Heat stroke.  She doesn't remember the race at all, or even parts of this week.  But she is expected to be fine.


                        Wow, hopefully she recovers OK.

                        On the bright side, I think all of us have races we'd just prefer to forget.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          I just found out she's OK.  Heat stroke.  She doesn't remember the race at all, or even parts of this week.  But she is expected to be fine.






                            Wow, hopefully she recovers OK.

                            On the bright side, I think all of us have races we'd just prefer to forget.


                            Yeah, no kidding.  I'd be better off forgetting this one myself.


                              Very scary about the heat stroke and having memory loss.  Hope she makes a fully recovery.


                              Sorry about your race.  I'm guessing the weather was a little warmer than ideal.  After training in cold weather, that can really be tough racing conditions.

                              Life is good.


                              Skirt Runner

                                PR today 2:20:16!!! Minute and a half off my first HM 6 months ago!!

                                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to
