Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies # 205 (Read 25 times)



    How do you judge your Mona? General feel? By the paces reached? By the pace of the floats dropping too much? By the total distance? Just wondering.


    yes.  the effort was there but the paces were slower than they should be - both for the 'on' and the 'float'.  oh well. I don't really need to be fast right now. gonna focus on consistent 70+ mile weeks and try to clean up my diet.

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      6 miles with 7 x almost-600. It was 74 with a 73 dewpoint, so it felt like I was breathing through a wet mask.



        It sounds like they are experiencing quite the shitfuck:


        We are currently experiencing an outage that affects Garmin Connect, and as a result, the Garmin Connect website and mobile app are down at this time. This outage also affects our call centers, and we are currently unable to receive any calls, emails or online chats. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and apologize for this inconvenience.




          Daffy - that's a project! At least you have a chain saw. I'd be out there with my axe and hand saw...


          Ran 2 this morning. Just didn't feel like running and legs were feeling dead again along with the niggling pain in the left hip/groin. Decided not to push at all. Did some leg strength and upper body stuff instead.


          I use a sawzall with an extended blade. It pretty much saws all.


            I ran 7.


            My butt cheeks were no worse for the wear from the scooter workout last night, looks like it's time to extend the distance. #bunsofsteel



              Hi all. Still just lurking but couldn't help but notice and want to comment on yesterday's thread. Not sure why Detroit hasn't yet cancelled. Here in Windsor we're still in stage 2, we can't even hold our local 5k which has maybe 300-500 people and the border remains closed indefinitely. I am registered for the hm though. Did so the day registration opened. Keeping registration still open is just wrong IMO.


              *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

               **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                Re: Garmin, it looks like it's been down for the better part of 10 hours now.  I uploaded my morning run using the charging cable, which doesn't help with GarminConnect, but it works for RA and Strava.


                Don’t you just load it into GarminConnect on your computer, then it transfers to RA & Strava the same as if you synced it with GC on your phone? I’m not sure I’ve ever loaded via cable with this watch.


                Anyway, I ran 7 sluggish miles, but if it doesn’t get logged it doesn’t count, so this ends my running streak at 199 days.



                delicate flower


                  Don’t you just load it into GarminConnect on your computer, then it transfers to RA & Strava the same as if you synced it with GC on your phone? I’m not sure I’ve ever loaded via cable with this watch.


                  Anyway, I ran 7 sluggish miles, but if it doesn’t get logged it doesn’t count, so this ends my running streak at 199 days.


                  I did not even try to load the file to GC.  I just ASSumed the website would be down too.


                  Edit:  Yep, website's down too.




                    I did not even try to load the file to GC.  I just ASSumed the website would be down too.


                    Edit:  Yep, website's down too.


                    Well that makes sense. 




                      How do you judge your Mona? General feel? By the paces reached? By the pace of the floats dropping too much? By the total distance? Just wondering.


                      By all these things. Total distance is just an easy way to measure in one number how you’ve hit the paces on both reps and recoveries.



                      Super B****

                        I got an email with Return to Campus guidelines today. FTS, I don't want to go back. 

                        chasing the impossible


                        because i never shut up ... i blog


                        UM 45 Ohio 23

                          Hi all. Still just lurking but couldn't help but notice and want to comment on yesterday's thread. Not sure why Detroit hasn't yet cancelled. Here in Windsor we're still in stage 2, we can't even hold our local 5k which has maybe 300-500 people and the border remains closed indefinitely. I am registered for the hm though. Did so the day registration opened. Keeping registration still open is just wrong IMO.


                          Really odd they haven't cancelled yet but maybe they are just hoping, hoping, hoping...or Detroit (and Windsor) are just tougher than the rest!


                          Hope all is well in Windsor. I have an Aunt and Uncle there who I would like to visit but no dice for now.



                            By all these things. Total distance is just an easy way to measure in one number how you’ve hit the paces on both reps and recoveries.


                            I can make the argument that it is not exact. If you "flatten" the difference between the "on" and the "floats", that should yield a longer overall distance, but not necessarily a better workout.




                              Really odd they haven't cancelled yet but maybe they are just hoping, hoping, hoping...or Detroit (and Windsor) are just tougher than the rest!


                              Hope all is well in Windsor. I have an Aunt and Uncle there who I would like to visit but no dice for now.

                              Windsor itself is ok now that they have the LTHC outbreaks and health care workers working in Michigan under control. It's the surrounding counties that we're lumped in with that are having trouble. Migrant worker outbreaks. Just disgusting how the greenhouse and other farms are treating them which has allowed the outbreaks and community spread.

                              Hope your aunt and uncle are well. Do you know which neighbourhood they're in? I'm near the large mall.


                              Anyway. 5k walk today and 1.5 mile run done


                              *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                               **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                                Thanks for all the altered training plan advice on Monday!  I decided to still follow the plan so I have structure, but dial back the reps on the speed work and of course cut the long runs back where needed.


                                So today was that 12-16x 400m repeat workout that I initially posted about the other day.  My plan was to do 10x today.  However, during my warm up, I saw two of my former coworkers/current competitors out for a walk and I stopped to chat.  I didn't realize how long we talked, but when I started running again I was suddenly very short on time.  So I ended up doing 4x 400/200 at 5k pace and 3x 200/200 strides.  They went very well, I definitely could have done more if I didn't need to get home and start working.  4 miles total, about 3 less than I had planned.


                                Without any races on the horizon, I'm glad I did something a little faster today, even if it wasn't as much as I wanted, but I'm not gonna stress over cutting it so short like I would during a real training cycle.