Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies # 205 (Read 25 times)


    I would suggest you change your passwords on all accounts that were (are) linked to your Garmin account (RA, Strava, Stryd, others) as the magic we like so much means that Garmin has our passwords. We gave them willingly.


    It works the other way around.  On RA, Strava, etc, you put your Garmin account info in those apps to link the accounts.  I don't have anything IN Garmin that includes passwords to anywhere else.


      As for changing your other passwords, it depends. If your full name is in Garmin, Strava, RA, ..., with your real date of birth, and all kinds of info (credit card number and so on), and they can use that to cross reference your bank account and you're using the same password, yes it is a very possible hack. If Garmin is hacked I'd prefer if the hackers have the least info available on me.


      I don't use my real DOB on anything on the internet, not even the Book of Face, which can be odd getting birthday wishes two weeks in advance. oops



        So you have a unique password for each of your 9000 different accounts?


        Literally. lol


        I have common passwords for like accounts with slight variations in each, I think most people do. The financial ones tend to be the most complicated although my main email account kept getting hacked so I changed it to a verse from a Snoop Dogg song and included special characters in place of some of the letters. I never had another problem with it.



          I changed it to a verse from a Snoop Dogg song and included special characters in place of some of the letters. 


          LOL most of his lyrics need that.



            so I was wondering if I should send a message to RRP's gf and tell her that I have no interest in stealing her man. I just want help getting thru hard training and she is welcome to join us on a bike.


            If posed in a manner where no response from her means no, it might be worth a try. It would help to know if she has a problem with you, him or if she the problem. If it's her, done and done.


               LOL most of his lyrics need that.


              It's true.


                I haven't bothered with manually uploading my run yet, but I can't believe that the Docket Rocket seems so helpless with it. Exactly who are you and what have you done with the chick that knows everything??



                  If posed in a manner where no response from her means no, it might be worth a try. It would help to know if she has a problem with you, him or if she the problem. If it's her, done and done.

                  Yeah I am 99% sure the problem is her insecurities


                    so I was wondering if I should send a message to RRP's gf and tell her that I have no interest in stealing her man. I just want help getting thru hard training and she is welcome to join us on a bike.


                    ? I doubt it will help though...


                    I wouldn't say the part about not wanting her man.  Just invite her along to run or ride.  If she says she doesn't run or ride, invite her for coffee after as a standing invite.  Usually just inviting someone squashes the jealousy.  Maybe she just felt excluded and used you as an excuse.  If she's included, but chooses not to join, that's her problem.


                    But honestly, from what you've said, they won't last long, especially if she's dictating who he can have as friends.


                      On the subject of ransomware, I was hit it with something like it a few years back on my NetBook. Basically, every file on my computer was encrypted and I could not open them without contacting the jackass from arabia. My dude at the computer shop said to not even bother trying to save the files because they'd likely put a sleeper virus in them, so I lost damn near everything. The good thing was (if there was such a thing) that I had some of the files stored on other devices, media or websites, which is why it wasn't a total loss. Bitches.



                        If posed in a manner where no response from her means no, it might be worth a try. It would help to know if she has a problem with you, him or if she the problem. If it's her, done and done.

                        I would be reluctant to contact the GF directly, I would let the RP handle it. It’s really more between the two of them, I wouldn’t want to get in the middle of it.



                          My last company had a major systems attack. It was believed to be from a former IT employee, who had recently departed on less than amicable terms. Those are the people who can really fuck with you.



                            Yeah I am 99% sure the problem is her insecurities


                            That's a tough road to hoe. I've dealt with those situations and really, they just wish you would go far, far away and never come back. And each time you do come back it's like rage to the third degree all over again.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              I haven't bothered with manually uploading my run yet, but I can't believe that the Docket Rocket seems so helpless with it. Exactly who are you and what have you done with the chick that knows everything??


                              LOL, especially since I do it every day with the TomTom (upload fit files). I'll worry when I get to use the Garmin in 2 months, because we will still have Garmin down then.


                              I had an awesome workout. 9 with 2 @ 9:40, 2 @ 9:22, 2 @ 9:40 without a break in between.



                              Former Bad Ass

                                Not only did IN issue a mask order starting Monday, it's a crime (misdemeanor) to not wear one. My County Sheriff won't enforce it but my city likely will.
