Beginners and Beyond


ThursDAILIES (Read 31 times)


    I made myself a kind of coaching gig. "Kinda" because I'm not a coach. I just organized a group run for co-workers, some of which do NOT run, made them do a couple of leg swings and skips, and then I was whistling every minute. So I told them the idea was to cumulate minutes running, so they could organize it however they wanted, but in the end the number of minutes run was what counted. The 1-1 (jog-walk) was popular. Some did less, some did more. Told them to start a log (paper, Excel, online), suggested they log some more running minutes in the week, and I'll see them next Thursday at lunch Smile


    How did you find people willing to participate?  It would be a giant "Hell No!" from mine


      I made myself a kind of coaching gig. "Kinda" because I'm not a coach. I just organized a group run for co-workers, some of which do NOT run, made them do a couple of leg swings and skips, and then I was whistling every minute. So I told them the idea was to cumulate minutes running, so they could organize it however they wanted, but in the end the number of minutes run was what counted. The 1-1 (jog-walk) was popular. Some did less, some did more. Told them to start a log (paper, Excel, online), suggested they log some more running minutes in the week, and I'll see them next Thursday at lunch Smile


      This is pretty awesome.


      My dad who lives in Florida, sometime after he turned 80, decided to start giving swim lessons. It was typically older folks who had just never learned to swim. His fee was $0 per lesson. He got so much joy out of doing it, and his students were so appreciative.



      Former Bad Ass

        Nice, Cy.




          How did you find people willing to participate?  It would be a giant "Hell No!" from mine


          I have a small handful of coworkers (MTA: 3) who run already, and everyone else thinks I'm insane.





            I hope she comes home soon! Good sign that someone spotted her yesterday. Did you call the local vets/shelters/animal control offices yet? They can keep an eye out and call you if someone brings her in.


            Yeah, I've given them posters with my number. And I'll be checking in at those places tomorrow.

            It does give me hope though, I mean there's no guarantee that the kid saw HER, but there isn't too many calico or tortoiseshell cats in my area. I should know, I run it.

            I just hope she isn't headed away from us but instead trying to head our way. That's what worries me, is she hanging around in that area scared and confused or was she resting before she headed North.

            And these damn storms need to stop! They're ruining my posters!!! 😠

            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)




              Our local Nextdoor app is a constant stream of lost and found cats/dogs. Do you have something like that where you live?


              I'm gonna look into it right now

              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                How did you find people willing to participate?  It would be a giant "Hell No!" from mine


                I already organize a race twice a year. It's one lap around the park (about 1.7 miles) and I sometimes get up to 15 participants.

                So I already have a running email group I use for the race. So I offered to do that, and said it was for absolute beginners to about intermediate runners. So the word got around and I had 10 people today, I think. Might have been nine or eleven, but around there. One had already run a marathon. So I told him that it was going to be structured for absolute beginners, but he stayed. He did the skips, and ran a steady 25 minutes jog, ignoring the whistles. Which is fine by me, too.



                  This is pretty awesome.


                  My dad who lives in Florida, sometime after he turned 80, decided to start giving swim lessons. It was typically older folks who had just never learned to swim. His fee was $0 per lesson. He got so much joy out of doing it, and his students were so appreciative.


                  Absolutely! That is also what I charge. I will help them the best I can, and I'm just happy when they tell me what they managed to do with some self satisfaction.


                    Took me a while to figure out how I would structure a session that would work for both absolute beginners and intermediate runners. Thankfully, I have a lot of time to think when I'm run commuting, so I came up withe the one whistle every minute, and do what you want with it. I give them suggestions on how to turn that into an intervals session next Thursday, for the more intermediate runners.


                    I want to touch one topic per week without talking more than 5 minutes. Today was general as I had to explain leg swings, all the skips, and the one minutes, total of 25. To count the cumulative minutes. Speed was not important. And so on. Took me more than 5 minutes.

                    But next week, topic will be to run "light" to help with injury prevention, and a few pointers on how to do so.

                    I'll really enjoy doing this.



                      It makes logical sense. But my recent race strategy is to set my watch display to only view the lap pace, and try to hold on to that the best I can. I generally have no idea what my time is till I see the finish line clock.


                      This is what I do too. Years ago I read a race report that said, "Run the mile you're in." and that stuck with me. I don't try to make up for too fast or too slow miles, I just aim to run the current mile at the pace I want. I don't lap my watch at mile markers, so it means I have no idea what my final time will actually be. Boston is the only race that read really long for me, fortunately. All of my others were 26.2 or 26.3.


                      I ran 10.2 on the TM this afternoon.


                      Freesoul - since you spotted 13 cats when you went looking where Mittens was last seen, someone local may be feeding them. If you can find out who is feeding them, you might get some recent news on your cat.


                        Took me a while to figure out how I would structure a session that would work for both absolute beginners and intermediate runners. Thankfully, I have a lot of time to think when I'm run commuting, so I came up withe the one whistle every minute, and do what you want with it. I give them suggestions on how to turn that into an intervals session next Thursday, for the more intermediate runners.


                        I want to touch one topic per week without talking more than 5 minutes. Today was general as I had to explain leg swings, all the skips, and the one minutes, total of 25. To count the cumulative minutes. Speed was not important. And so on. Took me more than 5 minutes.

                        But next week, topic will be to run "light" to help with injury prevention, and a few pointers on how to do so.

                        I'll really enjoy doing this.


                        Great work!!


                        I do something similar with my 6 yo. Instead of only run/walk, we also do "intervals' that can include: butt kicks, high knees, skipping, super Mario jumps, running sideways or backwards, hopping, etc. Anything to keep things interesting. He loves listening to my watch countdown and beep for the next set. I also break up the running parts into slow, medium and cheetah.


                        Former Bad Ass

                          I had a really nice 7.  As usual, I didn't want to run so I procrastinated until 5pm but it was a very nice and smooth run.




                            This is what I do too. Years ago I read a race report that said, "Run the mile you're in." and that stuck with me. I don't try to make up for too fast or too slow miles, I just aim to run the current mile at the pace I want. I don't lap my watch at mile markers, so it means I have no idea what my final time will actually be. 




                            The other thing is that when there are 3 lines displayed, the numbers are smaller and harder for me to read at race pace. I actually show the lap pace & lap distance. For shorter races - I usually know what mile I’m in, just want to know how far into it. Same display I use during speed work, for all the same reasons.



                            Super B****


                              This is what I do too. Years ago I read a race report that said, "Run the mile you're in." and that stuck with me. I don't try to make up for too fast or too slow miles, I just aim to run the current mile at the pace I want. I don't lap my watch at mile markers, so it means I have no idea what my final time will actually be. Boston is the only race that read really long for me, fortunately. All of my others were 26.2 or 26.3.


                              I ran 10.2 on the TM this afternoon.


                              Freesoul - since you spotted 13 cats when you went looking where Mittens was last seen, someone local may be feeding them. If you can find out who is feeding them, you might get some recent news on your cat.


                              This is what I do, but I still like to know what’s coming up next... a bit of a control freak that way, I guess.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                              UM 45 Ohio 23

                                did 50 minutes on stationary bike this morning.  Upper hammy tendonitis not as bad yesterday so wanted to baby it today. Standing  lot at desk yesterday and today seems to help, plus not running this am.  Hoping it will be fine by Sat 8am! Probably try a couple easy miles tomorrow and see how that goes.


                                The Boston course runs sounds really cool. I may need to find an excuse to go to Boston for a winter weekend and run one of those.  This assumes that I get in!


                                LRB - any chance you're going to register at the last minute and run Crim?
