Beginners and Beyond


New World MonDAILIES (Read 49 times)

Jess runs for bacon


    He did great!  3:21 and a 1:20 PR.   He's having significant trouble with the stairs today though. Big grin


    Poor fella. Tell him I said congrats!!!


      on my long run yesterday I decided that I am not going to run the marathon in December, I am not ready for it. I really want to spend time on getting faster first. I away supposed to do 18 yesterday, and decided around 5 that I didn't want to do it. I was at peace with it.


      Peace is good!




        You have incredible restraint not posting a single detail about your race all this time.  Not me.  Shit, I once wrote a race report from the parking lot of the event!  lol  Have safe trip!


        O, you finally remembered your shoes, yay!


        How are you feeling Drew?


        Supp BBB, Jess, D2, and Jay Dilla!


        Thanks for asking Rick. I had a bit of pain in my knees yesterday but that's gone today, fortunately. My feet hurt through last night, but they're better today. Just a little stiff and a little sore. I guess not too bad considering. Man, I thought those 20 and 22 milers would get me ready for this thing. They got me about 75% ready. Smile


        Like B+ said, use this one like a training experience and build off of it.

        - Andrew


          Man, I thought those 20 and 22 milers would get me ready for this thing.


          They did, it just proves that marathoning is some serious shit!


            You were ready, Brrr, and did great.


            Back to a more normal running schedule for me -- going to head out for long-ish run in a bit.

            Life is good.



              Forced myself up this morning, didn't want to get up but I was out the door for my 5 miles before 5:30 and right back in bed afterwards. Big grin

              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                jay - take it easy

                D2 - do the double

                Bplus - congrats and safe travels

                oksi - congrats to mr. oski on the pr

                brrr - yup, this training is a process, you  did great

                baboon - have a good 10

                lilac - no need to rush up to marathon training

                lrb - good luck at PT and some concrete results

                D - glad psoas is better

                blue - back to normal is good

                free - nice discipline


                will do 4 later this evening while waiting around at soccer practice. congrats to anyone i missed who raced this weekend. will check the reports. some crazy baseball/football stuff this weekend too. good distraction from life....hope everyone has a great day.

                marathon pr - 3:16

                Just B.S.

                  Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!! Good day to start taper!


                  If you are one that dreads taper then I am the opposite!LOL More so this year than ever since

                  I haven't had a taper for a long time. I started training January 1st for my May 11th marathon and

                  did a 2 week taper for that, however swam almost every day during that time because I had tri's

                  to get ready for, as well as doing the tapering runs.

                  Hit the pool on January 5th and swam 3-4 and sometimes 5 times a week learning to swim.

                  Since May 11th marathon I have done 5 triathlons (several PR's), a 5k (PR) a 10k (PR) , 1 half marathon (sub 2)

                  and another marathon (Sept 29th) all without tapering.......I am SO ready for taper and a rest

                   (this getting old sucks Smile) finish this upcoming marathon and then as usual for me run without a schedule

                  for Nov/December. Then start it all again Jan 1st.

                  Did 12.8 miles yesterday and today is a SRD from running. Hubby and I heading our for 15 miles on the

                  bikes before putting the turkey in the oven.


                  BBL, have a great day!


                    SRD for me, but with kyukido tonight.

                    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                      Hi everyone, 8 w/ 6 @HMP for me today. Hope everyone has a great day!


                      delicate flower

                        10 easy miles done.  8:15 pace.  Very surprised at how good I felt today.  It's a damn near perfect day out there today.  54 degrees, sunny, light breeze, few bugs, and the leaves are changing.  God do I love this time of year.


                          Hi Dailies!


                          Bummer on the DNF Damaris, but sounds like it was for the best.  Looks like there are many more RRs I need to catch up on - busy weekend all around.


                          I wanted to expand on yesterday's 5k.  The weather was great - cool and just a bit overcast.  The location was a park and neighborhood right on the ocean, so wonderful scenery.  My goal race is in two weeks, so the plan for this one was to start at 30 minute pace and see how long I could hold on to it.  Then I could use those results to strategize for the goal race.


                          Well, I forgot to start my watch until a quarter mile or so in, and I didn't notice the time when I actually started, so I had no choice but to run on effort.  I remembered the 1 mile split was about 10:20, so adjusted to gun time, the first mile was about 9:30, right on target. I was too far gone to retain the two mile split, but I must have slowed a bit sometime during mile 2 and 3 because my final time was 30.53.4.  I am ecstatic with that result.


                          Two weeks until what's turned into a double header.  Goal race Saturday, near home, net elevation loss.  Sunday flat course a few hours away near my brother and a high school friend.  Either one could be the magic 29:59...


                            Happy thanksgiving Beth and the rest if our Canadian peeps.


                            Skirt Runner

                              Had off from work today. Had 4 year anniversary dinner with the BF last night in MD, slept in today, and managed a 2 mile recovery jog. Now heading back to NY after a great weekend. Will get a RR up when I get home tonight.

                              PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                              I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Doctor thinks psoas and hip flexor are just sore (more than usual) and therefore inflamed.  I am cleared to run letting pain light the way.  Test run will take care of the rest.  Wish me luck.

