Beginners and Beyond


Supah SUNDAILIES (Read 41 times)


Former Bad Ass


    Yeah, that's kinda how we do it. lol


    At least he found sidewalks. They are hard to come by down here.


    Half Crazy K 2.0

      4.3. Wasn't feeling it and got a late start because I had to take Mr. HCK to urgent care after he sliced his thumb. He wound up not needing stitches but got a tetanus shot. And I was pleasantly surprised that the total trip took an hour door to door and the waiting room was not filled with flu infected people.


      Did you get the treadmill incident on video Cy?


      I like the colors on the new shoes Zelanie.


      1500 people showed up to run in snow, Dave P? Wow. At my 5k last weekend, they were happy to get 400 and it was just cold.


        Michigan Dave, nice job on the 5K in lousy conditions!  Foot slippage is frustrating on a casual jog, so I can only imagine how much of a frustrating energy suck it'd be in a 5K marathon.  Any bling for 3rd AG, or just bragging rights at the local donut shop?



        OK, swag report.

        Tech beanie for registering. Pint glass & medal for all finishers. AG award is the weird football-shaped glass with football-shaped chocolates inside. Pint glass is nice, but the other one...




          Congrats, Dave!  I think the other glass would be good for a root beer float.  They had those football-shaped chocolates at work on Friday, and I have to say that a few of them got me.


          HalfCrazy, glad DH is OK.


          Cy- If you have time, see if you can get to Green Lake for a run.  I don't think it's that far out of downtown.

          Slymoon Runs

          race obsessed



            Can't imagine how many there would be in any kind of half-decent weather.


            Glancing through last years results vs. this years as well as some Athlinks is not a guarantee of anything.  Assuming some inconsistencies might be due to fitness or mid training racing or changes in training between races or even in the younger crowd simply muscle growth and development.


            However, I found a few runners that seemed to post some relatively consistent 5k times - for the most part this years 5k race was 30 sec to a shade over 1 min slower for those folks.


            If you want a *rough* estimate based on that at best case you lost only 30 seconds at worst you lost around 1 minute.  Giving you a ***estimated*** 22:45-22:15 time in better conditions.



            In any case - good job in putting it out there and performing in that crap.


            delicate flower


              OK, swag report.

              Tech beanie for registering. Pint glass & medal for all finishers. AG award is the weird football-shaped glass with football-shaped chocolates inside. Pint glass is nice, but the other one...




              Damn, that's some nice 5K swag.



                CyberEric - I get that same "sea legs" feeling after longer TM runs, though not as bad now than when I first started using the TM.


                14 miles on the stationary bike in 56:50, 2 miles walking on the indoor track, lifted for back, shoulders, chest & biceps.

                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                  15 miles at the indoor track done. 


                    15 miles at the indoor track done. 






                      Former Bad Ass

                        Nice swag!




                            The city is buzzing and all blue and green. Now I'm off to a "tailgate party" organized by Microsoft. hey, free food and free beer (well, 2 free beers) and watching the superbowl with geeks! What more can a man ask for!!!


                            I bet someone gave you extra beer tickets!


                            Former Bad Ass


                              Are you home?

                              I was on the plane when I wrote that. Now we are looking for some food because we only ate a burger a day.



                                My buddy was wearing a Tom Brady jersey and rooting for the Pats. Not so bad at Microsoft, since people come from all over for the conference, but then we went out for a beer in town, and he still had his Brady jersey on. We had a nice time Big grin But that is pretty much over: tomorrow I start working.


                                I don't have the TM incident on video, such a shame. That would have been a blast, even for me probably since I didn't injure myself.
