Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES: Old dogs New tricks (Read 35 times)


Are we there, yet?



    Sorry you did not get into London, wcrunner2.



    It's onemile and Damaris that didn't get in.  I was only commenting on the odds of getting in.  I actually don't like huge mega races like the London, Chicago, and New York marathons.  In the incredibly minuscule chance of me ever running a qualifying time for Boston again, I wouldn't run it.  It's too big and too different from the early days when I did run there.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






       I actually don't like huge mega races like the London, Chicago, and New York marathons.  In the incredibly minuscule chance of me ever running a qualifying time for Boston again, I wouldn't run it.  It's too big and too different from the early days when I did run there.


      To each his/her own on race size preferences. I generally have a more memorable experience at the bigger races, but appreciate the logistics of smaller ones. With the 24 hour races and trail ultras you've been running, not much risk of 40,000 runners showing up.




        To each his/her own on race size preferences. I generally have a more memorable experience at the bigger races, but appreciate the logistics of smaller ones. With the 24 hour races and trail ultras you've been running, not much risk of 40,000 runners showing up.


        Granted I’ve only ran two fulls, but I always said I preferred Milwaukee Lakefront over Chicago because Chicago was so big. Of course now I’m thinking of registering for Chicago again  go figure



          Granted I’ve only ran two fulls, but I always said I preferred Milwaukee Lakefront over Chicago because Chicago was so big. Of course now I’m thinking of registering for Chicago again  go figure


          you should run Indy Monumental (in between size)


          Go figure


            you should run Indy Monumental (in between size)


            Actually considering that this year myself...not because I'm in any condition to run a time, but because my g/f has the best base and most consistent training she's ever had, and I"m convinced she'd set an easy PR. She doesn't really like to race much though, so the convincing process is no small undertaking.


            Scotty...keep on plugging away at it! I can't imagine trying to come back from something as significant as what you had done. My little knee induced plenty of fear in me...if it had been my heart, I likely would have just walked away.

            Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



              you should run Indy Monumental (in between size)


              Love Monumental as an event. It has the big city feel with small town logistics.


                Hi!!!  I have a couple of weeks of dailies to catch up on.


                Since I already had lousy training this year and threw all the goals out the window months ago, we went ahead and booked our long dreamed about and discussed but never acted upon trip to Italy.  It was everything I hoped it would be and more!  We checked a lot off the bucket list and even saw the Bears play (sad ending) in London, which was tons of fun.  I took running clothes with big plans for sunrise runs through Rome, but we booked lots of early tours that derailed that plan.  The tours were awesome though and we did walk everywhere, so I'm calling it cross training.


                We got home last night and I'm back at work today.  So far I feel pretty good and even got 4.79 run/walk miles along the lakefront during lunch today.  It was 70 and sunny, absolutely perfect.


                Former Bad Ass

                  I'll be here for Monumental. Smile




                    Love Monumental as an event. It has the big city feel with small town logistics.


                    This one is on my list!  I've heard lots of good things about this race.


                      Oh my word I just realized I posted on the Tuesdailies, thinking it was today. . I now need to catch up with the Wednesdailies. 


                        Okay i'm copying and pasting, and will catch up later.


                        Howdy, folks! I'm back from my conference and mini vacay, and did not run at all the whole time I was gone. I was worried I'd have forgotten how to run. And also I was concerned that with the amount of sheer gluttony, if I tried to run, I'd roll around like a beach ball, lol. Luckily, neither happened today and I ran 7.2 miles. This time away from the car break-in site (bastards).


                        I've missed a ton! So Baboon is running a marathon soonish? Docket is busted up and in the hospital, but intends to run Chicago this weekend (is KC running Chi-town, too? Anyone else??),  Blue & Dave are running HMs this weekend, FC is running a 5k this weekend, NYC is looming in the not so distant distance (I'm looking at you, LRB!), FS also has Indy coming up (is it the same weekend as NYC? and Dockiet is also running IMM?) and I'm sure I'm forgetting people. I'm just covering up through November, btw. I know Whiskers is running CIM (anyone else??) and Baboon is running Space Coast, right?


                        i'm glad you all are racing so I don't have to. Big grin




                          I've missed a ton!


                          Sounds like you are about as caught up as anyone.



                          Are we there, yet?


                            To each his/her own on race size preferences. I generally have a more memorable experience at the bigger races, but appreciate the logistics of smaller ones. With the 24 hour races and trail ultras you've been running, not much risk of 40,000 runners showing up.


                            With some of them, 400 would be too many.  It's the crowding and congestion that never seem to disappear that I dislike most.

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                              Daffy, what's a Scooby Doo roller coaster?  I'm guessing a very up-and-down hilly course?  Nice run


                              When my sons were young I use to take  them to Kings Dominion amusement park, and their kiddie section is call Scooby Doo Land.... I loved that little roller coast๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜›


                              running lots of little bumps I call scooby doo roller coaster.  Ain’t no way I could do Cyclone Roller Coaster


                                As much as I hate work, I often end up hating training classes even more, if that's possible.


