Beginners and Beyond


Suh-weet! SaturDAILIES (Read 51 times)

YAYpril - B-Plus

    Zelanie, jump squats. Haha. 2 days later and my quads still burn.


      Yikes!  I think I'll start with some beginner exercises!

      Zelanie, jump squats. Haha. 2 days later and my quads still burn.


        Morning people!

        Congrats Ami!


        Started the day with a couple hours of yardwork, then took a "break" & did 10.1 miles at 8:50 pace. Felt great after some sluggishness earlier in the week (SRD - it does a body good). Original plan was 8 but decided to stretch it a bit; wanted to keep going & make it the LR, but need to save that for tomorrow...stick to the plan....

        Now back to our regularly scheduled yardwork. Joking


        And here's a man who knows how to carbo-load:




          Morning dailies. URD for me today. I'm trying to baby my foot a bit. I think I actually sprained the middle toe on my right foot. I read online that the symptoms will last 5 to 10 days. If it's not better in a week I will have to go in and get it checked out.

          - Andrew


          Run to live; live to run

            10.7. Did go over to the next neighborhood. Got some misty rain but not too bad.



            Run to live; live to run

              Dave that made me laugh.




                Quick flyby - looks like rain, rain, rain for the weekend, so any running will happen as the radar allows. DH and I have a busy social butterfly day. Meeting some friends for Iron Man 3 and food, then this evening we're going to catch a show DH's friend is playing. Should be a fun day.


                Have a great Saturday!


                  Sup guys.  5k done, with some extra jogging before and after.  Going for a nice bike ride later, and doing some yard work.  Peace.








                  rather be sprinting

                    flarunner--hey, 9 miles is a lot.  Nothing to 'blah' about.  Money in the bank, right?


                    Oski--whew, bacon before a long run?  Have fun with that. Wink


                    April, DOMS is a b*tch.  I feel you on that today, yerk.  It'll go away soon I bet, and hey, at least you know you worked hard!


                    MarjorieAnn--hey, not bad.  Managed to dodge the yard sales?


                    LRB, I coulda used some coffee myself this morning...


                    Baboon--15 minutes absolutely counts.  I get it, though.  Until you get up to your old minimum distance it can almost be easier to think of it as 'not real' because it requires a certain... humility?  Personally I didn't want to think about my runs until I got back to 4+ miles per. :P


                    Bruce--yay sleeping in!  I only made it until 6:20 this morning, bah.


                    Jack Klompus--have a good rest!


                    Hey AmiK, 1st AG in a 5k is NOTHING to sneeze at.  Just as good as a half marathon.  There will always be more of those, and you'll be healthy for them.


                    Zelanie--what quad exercises were you thinking? for your knees?  I'm a big fan of old-fashioned leg raises. (either on the ground with your other knee to your chest, or standing with your leg extended straight in front of you, lift it up 10 x for 3 sets).  I have to get my dad to do them to protect his bad knee.


                    Dave--glad the rest paid off. Cumulative fatigue is the WORST.   Nice 10.1.


                    Brr--sorry about your toe. Sad


                    Hobbitlegs--meep, I hope Iron Man 3 is better than 2.  That was such a disaster.  (Juvenile and lacking in the sincerity of the first one, I thought).  Hope the rain lets up, too!


                    Luke--read your RR, CONGRATS on a super speedy 5k!  Niiiice.




                    This morning I woke up and I was like ugh, I have to run today, and then I googled 'can I do sprints after leg day' but honestly, I did sprints yesterday too, and heavy weights, and.... yeah, couldn't even get myself to do it.  So I did 5 miles in the low 8:00s and called it a day.  Also did core (planks and such).  I hate being so sore and tired.  Wish I could sprint every day!  But I do need to get my mileage up, so I slogged through.

                    PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

                    Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb


                    Wickedly Average

                      Good Afternoon, Dailies!


                      I've come to the realization that Jacksonville, Florida may well be the new rain capital of the world. It's been raining since I've gotten here on Thursday afternoon.


                      Anyway, I snuck out between showers for a few easy miles. Started drizzling around mile 3. Started pouring around mile 3.5, almost stopped when I got back to the house after 5.25 miles. 9:09 overall pace, negative splits, and soaking wet shoes and cloths.


                      Still, a good run. The rain was refreshing actually.

                      Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                      5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

                      YAYpril - B-Plus

                        I set out for 2 miles. Really sore still (adductor muscles the most) but no pain - just DOMS. At around 1.3 an older gentleman came outside and we said hello, and he said "run an extra mile for me, would ya?" So I said "HA, sure, no problem." Then I thought hmm, I'm feeling a little better...


                        So I ran 3 instead.


                        Now pushups and crunches, then maybe a beer. It's a good day for one.


                          Happy Saturday!!  I'm about to go to my nephew's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.   Even though my leg is in a cast, I'm getting quite the workout - one leg hops on my "good leg" and upper body with the crutches.  Holy cow!!


                          Have a Pinksational day!!  Enjoy your weekend!!

                          But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.

                          Jess runs for bacon

                            Had a fantastic run this AM with the running group. My oft-RP was thrilled, she was able to run the full three no stops and no pain. Well, we stopped once, but I had to get a picture of the view. I was happy for her, she was over the moon. Then we ate pancakes Big grin


                              Man, I had never done tempo repeats in that manner but that was fuckin' hard.  Or, as my girl O to the Ski would say, them shits be tough yo!


                              And, as if it wasn't bad enough on its on, the last 3.5 minutes of the second set was spent running up a hill!  I was so gassed that halfway up it, I actually said out loud, "Come on man, hang in there".


                              Once it leveled off I still had about 30 seconds to go to complete the set, and of course there were a group of ladies walking by right then!  Normally I perk up when chicks are around but today, I stumbled and staggered right past, just a hot fuckin' mess lol!


                              Anyway, I am so glad that is ova.  The mental demons were having a field day with my ass all the while!


                              Steady state tempo repeats:


                              20 minutes at tempo pace w/ 4 minute recovery

                              15 minutes at tempo pace w/ 3 minute recovery

                              10 minutes at tempo pace w/ 2 minute recovery


                              I averaged a 7:08 pace for the 6.32 total miles, not bad at all.  In fact, in the words of Ice Cube; I gotta say it was a good day!

                              YAYpril - B-Plus

                                Holy moly, Rick. You are a beast!!
