Beginners and Beyond


Lost Cause SunDAILIES? (Read 35 times)


    I'm heading out to the sticks to run hills (where the emphasis is on lost) so we'll soon see. lol




        Went to see a free outdoor concert with the woman yesterday. We stood in place with no wiggle room for two hours, on asphalt, then walked back home (about 2.5 miles). The walking part was the easy part.  Show was good, though.


        Having breakfast and coffee. Will run later.


        delicate flower

          Good morning I tell whut!  I slept like a champion last night.  Typing this post is difficult because I currently have a cat crawling all over me.


          I've got a 30 mile bike ride to do in a bit, then I've got a full day of nothing to do and it will be glorious.




            Yesterday had a lot of activities, my long run, 2.5 hours at Burdette Park (our best water park around) with Dorian in the small children part where it's 1-1' 6" deep so he was able to walk, run and goof off with his floaties on and figure them out........ which meant I was constantly chasing him around either on my feet or crab walking or as we call it "gator walking/swimming". I am so anxious with him around water, but we had fun and passed out as soon as we got home, I didn't realize how sore my arms and shoulders were until I woke up.

            Then we had my mom's surprise 60th birthday party (she turns 60 on June 16th), didn't get home until around 8 pm.

            Had my niece over to spend the night since Dorian is just in love with her, she's 10 years old. So we stayed up and watched Zootopia, I didn't go to sleep until like 11 PM.

            I've got 7 miles to run............ tonight.

            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



              Good morning!


              I wilted through 8.2 miles on the hottest morning of the year, so far.  I lost 6 lbs and the motivation to do much of anything the rest of the day.


              I hope everyone (especially DR) has a great day!

              Runner with a riding problem.


                Well I'll be damned, I actually did it. With no help from the Hansons' who were nowhere to be found. Bitches.






                  It may not look like much, but mile 8 to 9 was ruff and stuff. lol


                    Ran for 90 minutes. Actually thought about yesterday's posts and extended my run a bit to make it to 90 minutes. I ran 12 miles pretty much on the nose as a side effect of the 90 minutes. Today was a Hansons long run day, which means to run at a pace faster than normal easy, but slower than MP. 7:30 average pace it was. Best part: I'm a couple of weeks into MRT and don't feel tired at all. 57 miles for the week.


                      Nice run, LRB.


                      Pleasant Ridge, I hope YOU have a great day too Smile


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Morning.  I have 12 on the TM later.  Now off to watch a movie.


                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          5.8. Hot and humid. At least I didn't have sunscreen run into my eyes until I got home.

                          Mr MattM

                            7 this morning... warm and humid.  More later.

                            be curious; not judgmental


                              8 miles, 45 for the week. My fastest average pace for a week, ever. But only 5 days, due to my URD on Thursday. So maybe less noteworthy.



                                8 miles, 45 for the week. My fastest average pace for a week, ever. But only 5 days, due to my URD on Thursday. So maybe less noteworthy.


                                Maybe (less noteworthy). I'm no expert. That is what I'm trying to achieve this cycle, though. Not necessarily to have faster weekly averages , but focus more on solid paces on workout days, and less on total mileage. This past week, this resulted in a pretty fast average pace.
