Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #5 (Read 36 times)


    LRB, I'm with you--I need some variation in my training runs...otherwise it seriously affects my desire to run. I used to live in an area where I had endless possibilities. Now, not so much. So much that I'm considering running on the TM again instead of heading out my front door (I seriously cannot believe I just typed that).


    Lori, welcome!


    Re: RPs and run groups, I haven't done much with either, but I do enjoy both. Especially when I find someone with a similar pace. Big grin


    I'm about to head out for (or downstairs to, depending) 5~ miles. Which, like Wolvmar & FS, should put me just above 30 miles for this week. Don't call it a comeback!! Big grin


      DId I get that right? Up early to drive up to PA again to move MIL. It's super windy, I need to tell DH that I want all low stuff in my truck. Someone more used to driving a truck can haul the mattress. Not sure If I will get a run in once we get back.


      Good luck with helping her to move. How have you been holding up throughout this all? I know you have put a significant amount of energy into helping her lately. And IMO you can count the moving as a workout, right?




        Hi. You ask that every year. 😂


        I do tend to disappear. Sorry  I don't think I'm ready for Grosse Iles but I am registered for Detroit half marathon. Also registered myself for Monumental full.  I might regret that decision. Bahahaha


        *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

         **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



          Everyone is different but if I didn't drive to run I would bash my face in with boredom running the same variation of routes from my front door. Running is monotonous in and of itself, so I need something different from time to time to break that up. Not to mention that running trails is an entirely different stimulus, so it's mentally refreshing...or can be.


          I must enjoy punishing myself because I have always run solo, with no music, on roughly the same routes every day. When I’m in the routine and running is going well, none of that bothers me; when the running sucks, there’s no amount of spicing it up that makes it suck less.


          However I’m thinking about trying to make group runs a regular thing. Just to do something social. I’ve generally had fun whenever I’ve done it. There’s a very large, very active, very friendly group here that has scheduled runs every day (some days twice). There are enough who show up at each run to be able to hook up with people in your pace range. Several months ago I started running with them occasionally on Friday mornings, but that stopped being convenient since it was 6AM near where I used to work. And in fact they are mainly based close to where I worked which is not close to where I live. I might drive to a run but not going to fight weekday traffic for it. So the best bet in my current situation is Saturday mornings. It’s a 30 min drive with no traffic for a 7AM run. If it works out I may just my LR from Sunday to Saturday, since those are the best runs to have company on. We’ll see.



            Mornin’! After struggling so much yesterday, I decided my lungs need another rest day before I try to run again. So, it’s a quiet day at home.  My BIL is staying with us, so that was a good excuse to cook a big breakfast and now we’re watching football. It’s a good lazy winter weekend afternoon.

            Half Crazy K 2.0


              Good luck with helping her to move. How have you been holding up throughout this all? I know you have put a significant amount of energy into helping her lately. And IMO you can count the moving as a workout, right?

              I am utterrly exhausted & haven't slept well in a few weeks. DH and I are furious with BIL, his helping has been minimal through everything. Who goes on vacation 2 days after their dad dies? But we're done & home, so guess that's good. DH will likely drive up mid week to help out with whatever needs to be done.


                I ran 12. 68 miles this week including a rest day


                Super B****

                  Everyone is different but if I didn't drive to run I would bash my face in with boredom running the same variation of routes from my front door. Running is monotonous in and of itself, so I need something different from time to time to break that up. Not to mention that running trails is an entirely different stimulus, so it's mentally refreshing...or can be.


                  I kind of agree but I feel stupid driving somewhere for a training run... which is probably why I do so many races. And while I might not like the variation of routes it gives me, I do like the convenience of starting and ending at my front door!

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog


                  Super B****


                    I must enjoy punishing myself because I have always run solo, with no music, on roughly the same routes every day. When I’m in the routine and running is going well, none of that bothers me; when the running sucks, there’s no amount of spicing it up that makes it suck less.


                    However I’m thinking about trying to make group runs a regular thing. Just to do something social. I’ve generally had fun whenever I’ve done it. There’s a very large, very active, very friendly group here that has scheduled runs every day (some days twice). There are enough who show up at each run to be able to hook up with people in your pace range. Several months ago I started running with them occasionally on Friday mornings, but that stopped being convenient since it was 6AM near where I used to work. And in fact they are mainly based close to where I worked which is not close to where I live. I might drive to a run but not going to fight weekday traffic for it. So the best bet in my current situation is Saturday mornings. It’s a 30 min drive with no traffic for a 7AM run. If it works out I may just my LR from Sunday to Saturday, since those are the best runs to have company on. We’ll see.


                    I went through a phase of trying to do this, and then I realized that I ended up running myself anyway, so I just stopped.

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog


                      4.2 miles plus 30 min strength training. I ended up buying Beachbody on demand since it was only $99 for 12 months. DS tried doing some of the moves and the cat almost took a weight to the teeth a few times, so a nice family activity,  lol


                      In my experience, RPs are way better than running groups. But I am slower and never seem to find someone in a group that is near my pace. I only drive to run one weekend day, except occasionally I run after work near the gym before meeting my trainer.



                        I went through a phase of trying to do this, and then I realized that I ended up running myself anyway, so I just stopped.




                        UM 45 Ohio 23


                          Although harder to find, a RP  beats a running group for my personality. I have tried group runs but don't like them.


                          Like you, I have this "not wanting to drive somewhere to run, time, etc..." I wouldn't say I'm anti-social, but a large group of runners on sidewalks, crossing streets, etc is just not my thing.


                          Onemile does take her car to run with RPs. I don't, but the downside is that I run alone more often than her.


                          Running with others definitely makes running long miles more enjoyable.


                          agree on a RP versus groups (although I'm not really qualified to opine...). I'm not really anti-social, but I have barely enough time in the mornings and the evenings are really tough for running as work gets in the way.  So, early morning solo usually works best for me.  I have run a few times with a guy in the neighborhood but our paces are far apart so makes it somewhat difficult. In August, I ran with my brother a couple of times at an out of town wedding and that was really nice. Definitely helped the miles go more quickly.


                          UM 45 Ohio 23

                            Can I post here again? I used to years ago

                            6 miles today.  Crisp and nice run.


                            welcome and Happy 2020!


                            UM 45 Ohio 23


                              If you want to check it out let me know and I'll run it with you. One loop at easy pace would be a great for overall strength and would most likely be all your lungs could handle at this point in your comeback. lol


                              Thanks! I will do that and let you know. Really appreciate the advice and support in the short time I've been posting on the board!


                              UM 45 Ohio 23

                                if I didn't drive to run I would bash my face in with boredom running the same variation of routes from my front door.


                                this is definitely an issue, especially in the winter when some nearby routes aren't runnable due to snow/ice...