Beginners and Beyond

Respect the distance (Read 323 times)



    Yeah. That was a joke. Maybe you're taking this whole "explaining the internet" thing a little too seriously? ;-)


    Probably!  (perhaps it is my joke.)



    ((or not.  I could have "issues".))


    Say... if anyone has any extra ritalin to send my way, I'd be appreciative.  I can't handle The Pot because of The Smell.


    dog person

      Speaking of advice,  does anyone really get advice from a running forum? I always thin it's kind funny how some rise to level of running forum guru. Everything things been done a million times over. Run your long runs slow, some of the short ones fast, increase your millage gradually,  don't run when you're injured. It's just running for fucks sake,  google it, the answer is there, many,  many times over.




      dog person






        Are we there, yet?

          Speaking of advice,  does anyone really get advice from a running forum? I always thin it's kind funny how some rise to level of running forum guru. Everything things been done a million times over. Run your long runs slow, some of the short ones fast, increase your millage gradually,  don't run when you're injured. It's just running for fucks sake,  google it, the answer is there, many,  many times over.

          General advice is good for general guidance. When dealing with a specific situation for a specific person, it's not always obvious how to apply general advice. This is also why it sometimes makes sense to seek the advice of a coach instead of a running forum.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles




          Better I Leave

            **Hands Nam the grinder filled w/ some Bubba Kush** Here ya go Nam...Roll up some of this and pass it around. Smile


              Speaking of advice,  does anyone really get advice from a running forum? I always thin it's kind funny how some rise to level of running forum guru. Everything things been done a million times over. Run your long runs slow, some of the short ones fast, increase your millage gradually,  don't run when you're injured. It's just running for fucks sake,  google it, the answer is there, many,  many times over.


              Out in the main board, we've had discussions about intervals and the different ways to do them a few times... I have learned a ton from those threads.  For real and for true.  So... sure, sometimes.  Even if I could find something in google, I value the discussion.


              As for guru status, I dig "tell me about marathon X" questions.  Training questions, not so much.



                Your joke of posting the joint passer is funny, but could you run the damn thing through tinypic or munge the html so it isn't so damn big every single time?




                Keep that joke, though, it is really hilarious.  (I'm being sincere, for real)


                It's way funnier in the large format. You start scrolling down and the in focus joint smacks you in the nose.  Fortunately it's (likely) in your browser cash so you aren't re-downloading it every time.


                Mostly harmless

                  Speaking of advice,  does anyone really get advice from a running forum? I always thin it's kind funny how some rise to level of running forum guru. Everything things been done a million times over. Run your long runs slow, some of the short ones fast, increase your millage gradually,  don't run when you're injured. It's just running for fucks sake,  google it, the answer is there, many,  many times over.


                  I have received a lot of good advice from the forums here and on RWOL.  I still consider myself pretty much a noob and a lot of things that more experienced runners take for granted are still unknown to me.  I don't blindly accept everything I read of course. I try to apply a little common sense and reject anything that doesn't pass the sniff test.

                  "It doesn’t matter how often you do it or how much you accomplish, in general, not running is a lot easier than running." - Meb Keflezighi



                    It's way funnier in the large format. You start scrolling down and the in focus joint smacks you in the nose.  Fortunately it's (likely) in your browser cash so you aren't re-downloading it every time.


                    Heh.  Alright, fine fine.


                    It really IS a funny joke, so ok.  Big it is.



                    Squidward Bike Rider


                      Former Bad Ass

                        I have to agree with this.  Every time I come back here I feel like this.  LOL.




                        Go figure

                          I'm anxiously waiting for a response from the other alpha male around here. It should be good.


                          Oh and this thread is an abomination.



                          This is me, right?


                          Yep, been waiting out my perfect moment to join this thread. Me thinks I win.

                          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



                            Okay, it's taken me a couple of days of reading on and off, but I finally made it through this thread.  Can I get my medal now?


                            Scratch that-don't need the medal.  Whoever's bogarting that joint, just pass it down...


                            Connoisseur of Cookies

                              So a priest, a minister and a rabbi walk into a bar.  The bartender says, "So what is this?  Some kind of a joke?"



                              "C" is for cookie.  That's good enough for me.


                                Speaking of advice,  does anyone really get advice from a running forum? I always thin it's kind funny how some rise to level of running forum guru. Everything things been done a million times over. Run your long runs slow, some of the short ones fast, increase your millage gradually,  don't run when you're injured. It's just running for fucks sake,  google it, the answer is there, many,  many times over.


                                Wading into this thread against my better judgement...


                                The basic stuff is easy, sure-- 80% of running is 'run a lot, mostly easy, sometimes hard'.  But the devil is in the details.  'Run your long runs slow'-- Sure, but how slow?  1 minute slower than my 5K pace? 2 minutes? 3 minutes?  Daniels has an opinion.  McMillan has an opinion.  Hudson thinks that maybe they should start slow and end faster.  Canova thinks they should possibly feature quite a bit of Marathon-paced running.  Maffetone thinks that they should be whatever pace they need to be as long as your heart rate stays pretty darn slow.  (I am simplifying here, of course.)


                                Yes, 'slow' gets you 80 percent of the way there, but I do find it helpful to hear different opinions about that other 20%.  And yeah, even though I read the books, I do come to these forums (or the forum most of us here came from) for advice.  I don't ask for advice all that often, but I have gotten almost uniformly good advice every time I've asked for it.


                                One particularly helpful instance-- and I can't remember everyone who posted on this thread, but I believe that Brad(LovetheHalf), George (wcrunner) and MothAudio from the RWOL BF were on there-- I had run 3 HMs in the preceding 9 months-- a 2:01:54, a 2:03:XX, and a 2:01:35.  In the latest one I had trained quite hard to break 2 hours, but had come up short.  I was given some extremely helpful advice, including 2 particularly helpful things- 1, to examine my taper, and 2, to work on my mental toughness.  In the next 5 months I worked hard on my mental toughness, and when it came time for my next HM, I did practically the opposite thing during my taper than what I had done the previous time.  I ran under 1:54, setting a 7 minute PR and finally achieving what was a very important goal for me.


                                So, yes, some people do get advice from a running forum Smile


                                I am happy to say I have gotten some great advice from a variety of people here, and hope that the advice that I have given based on my own experiences isn't usually too far of base.