Beginners and Beyond


Crossroads Marathon Race Report where Venomized FINALLY breaks his marathon PR (Read 110 times)


Seven Deadly Shins

    congrats, man

      Congrats on the PR!





        Grear pr on what sounds like a difficult course. Glad you were able to pull it out at the end too


          Congrats Doug! I hope to one day meet and run with you.


            Congratulations on your PR!  I wonder if at some point having the previous experience and running base can help even if the training cycle itself isn't ideal.


            Go figure

              Thanks for sharing your report.  We deserve to still be proud about our own running accomplishments and those of others on the forum.  Sounds like it was a fairly tough course with some difficult conditions.  Getting a PR there with less than ideal training is quite the run!  That's awesome that you found someone to run the whole race with.  Sometimes it can be annoying, and other times it's just right...clearly this was the latter.  Great job, and good luck with the training for Indy.

              Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


              Barking Mad To Run

                Congrats on your race and the PR!

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  Congrats on the PR.
