Beginners and Beyond


Driving Miss DAILIES (Read 37 times)

No more marathons



    On a side note, went to this "taste of wisconsin" food festival last night. Pierogis, fried oysters, beef brisket, and mexican style corn in a cup is probably not the dinner of champions 

    Ya think?

    Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

    Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

    He's a leaker!


    Super B****

      12.5 -- I found the swans I was looking for a few weeks back (I got lost then, what a shocker), and ended with ice cream.  Wins all around.


      Except for the part where I nearly missed it all because the lovely grid wire modular shelving in which I keep all my running clothes came crashing down today.  AGAIN.  I need to do something about this but my closet terrifies me.

      chasing the impossible


      because i never shut up ... i blog




        Who are you? Because clearly, you are not bluerun.


          I raced the Cudahy Classic 10 miler this morning and ran a total of 13 miles with w.u/c.d. The running club that runs it also runs the marathon I'm running in October. Official time was 1:17:29, which is a PR from the last 10 miler I did (a year ago). I was hoping for faster given my HM time in May, and it wasn't humid but it still felt too warm to me (71ish) It was two loops of a 5 mile course. (they had a 5 mile race too) It was a really nice course, shaded and mostly on paved trails in a park with a few residential roads overlooking Lake Michigan for parts of it, but the few spots in the full sun sucked. I started out okay, but around mile 4-5 my quads tightened up like crazy and felt like lead (hence the 8:00 mile). It seriously felt like I had just finished 8 1000m repeats after a leg day  I've never had that happen in a race and not sure if it's just from upping my mileage and LRs for marathon training and running a longer race in the middle of training. I've never ran anything over a 10K without somewhat of a taper...and this is my highest mileage month and longest LRs the past couple weeks.


          As DaveP would say, racing is serious bizness. Mile 6 notwithstanding, your splits look really good. That tenth of a mile added an extra 44 seconds to your time. Were there others who came up with that?


          Super B****


            Who are you? Because clearly, you are not bluerun.


            Well, okay, it was 12.55, if we want to be nitpicky.  I'm fine with anything that ends in a 0 or a 5, so this is perfectly okay.

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog


              12.5 -- I found the swans I was looking for a few weeks back (I got lost then, what a shocker), and ended with ice cream.  Wins all around.



              At a nice comfortable 8:40 pace, i.e. faster than my 10 mile PR pace.

              And my ice cream was yesterday. DS and I went to one of the weekly outdoor markets, which was having a special ice cream day - full of local ice cream vendors. I had a waffle cone with 2 scoops, one of something called Cookie Explosion (vanilla ice cream packed full of various types of cookie dough and cookie chunks), and the other called Dark Side (chocolate ice cream, chocolate ganache, chocolate cookie chunks). Heaven.


              52 miles for the week




                Well, okay, it was 12.55, if we want to be nitpicky.  I'm fine with anything that ends in a 0 or a 5, so this is perfectly okay.


                Figures...mine was actually 12.54. And also unusual for me to end in anything other than .0 or .1. But this was to get me to the next whole number for the week. Which is stupid.



                  Well, okay, it was 12.55, if we want to be nitpicky.  I'm fine with anything that ends in a 0 or a 5, so this is perfectly okay.


                  I MEANT THAT IT WASN'T 13.1




                    I cracked 40 MPW (albeit just barely) for the first time since April. And that the miles were relatively brisk makes me happy.


                    I'm not going to get too carried away though because the last time I felt this good, the bench came calling. #realitycheck


                    Woo hoo!



                      Figures...mine was actually 12.54. And also unusual for me to end in anything other than .0 or .1. But this was to get me to the next whole number for the week. Which is stupid.




                      Super B****


                        Figures...mine was actually 12.54. And also unusual for me to end in anything other than .0 or .1. But this was to get me to the next whole number for the week. Which is stupid.


                        You need to work it out so that you can accomplish both of these!!  (My PT once asked me if I also try to finish on a round number for time spent running.  I'd never STOP running I tried to get both of those to match up.)

                        chasing the impossible


                        because i never shut up ... i blog


                        Super B****


                          I MEANT THAT IT WASN'T 13.1


                          But I already completed the Strava Half Marathon Challenge for July!

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog




                            I want that.


                            I'll be near the Fountain Walk later today, is there any of it to be had over there?


                              But I already completed the Strava Half Marathon Challenge for July!


                              Well there it is. Thank you!



                                You need to work it out so that you can accomplish both of these!!  (My PT once asked me if I also try to finish on a round number for time spent running.  I'd never STOP running I tried to get both of those to match up.)


                                Since usually each of my runs ends in .0 or .1, the total is pretty close to even. But I had too many .1s this week.

                                Fortunately I don't worry about the time.


