Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #188 (Read 29 times)



    I'd be cancelling everything. The neighbor behind us (across giant transmission power lines) owns some sort of tree or landscaping business. The is a big ass wood pile along with a splitter that is used all the time. I shudder to think what rodents & slithery things are living among all this wood.


    Our neighbor, the one with the fire pit, likes to use an ax to chop wood at around 10:00 PM for some reason. Not as loud as anything gas-powered, but still bizarre and annoying. When we first started hearing it, it took a while to figure out what it was. I mentioned this to the neighbor on the other side, and she said "oh I'm from Canada, I recognize the sound of wood chopping right away".




      Our neighbor, the one with the fire pit, likes to use an ax to chop wood at around 10:00 PM for some reason. Not as loud as anything gas-powered, but still bizarre and annoying. When we first started hearing it, it took a while to figure out what it was. I mentioned this to the neighbor on the other side, and she said "oh I'm from Canada, I recognize the sound of wood chopping right away".


      The cat was mostly unfazed by fireworks but this wood chipper has him super pissed off.


      Thankfully, there is no reason to chop wood here... the neighbors are just having a few trees removed. Our yards are measured in sq ft not acreage so not too many trees.

      Half Crazy K 2.0


        Our neighbor, the one with the fire pit, likes to use an ax to chop wood at around 10:00 PM for some reason. Not as loud as anything gas-powered, but still bizarre and annoying. When we first started hearing it, it took a while to figure out what it was. I mentioned this to the neighbor on the other side, and she said "oh I'm from Canada, I recognize the sound of wood chopping right away".


        Wood to go in the firepit at night?



          Wood to go in the firepit at night?


          Yep. Another guy in the neighborhood had a sizable tree removed; the tree service cut it in pieces and was going to haul it all away. Then fire pit guy says “no, I’ll take it!”  GREAT. 

          Our lots are definitely in sq ft, but we do have some big horking trees.


          Half Crazy K 2.0


            Yep. Another guy in the neighborhood had a sizable tree removed; the tree service cut it in pieces and was going to haul it all away. Then fire pit guy says “no, I’ll take it!”  GREAT. 

            Our lots are definitely in sq ft, but we do have some big horking trees.


            One of the last really nice days here, some neighbors were trimming a lot of branches from their trees. They decided it all needed to go in the fire pit that afternoon into evening, so had to close the windows.


            And fun fact, their firepit is almost directly over the natural gas line for the neighborhood.


               "oh I'm from Canada, I recognize the sound of wood chopping right away".


              This is how we look when we dress up to go to Church. Notice how the hair is nicely combed. 
              Disclaimer, this is a city boy (see how the path is nice and free from branches and logs). Some of our country cousins don't have access to a washing machine and their clothes sometimes have grease spots from the chain saws and the ski doos.




                go ahead and rub it in!


                OK. I’m currently having lunch out on the patio. With a friend. 




                  OK. I’m currently having lunch out on the patio. With a friend. 


                  My friend says hullo


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Awww, cute babies.



                      A couple of times while camping we've had a neighbor who chopped up their wood, one segment at a time, all night. They would chop for 5 minutes, burn the wood, then 20 minutes later chop another log, then burn that, then 20 minutes later, another log. Just as we'd almost get to sleep, the chopping started over.


                      Cy - I love the pipe in one hand, axe in the other. Both need two hands to use.



                        Cy - I love the pipe in one hand, axe in the other. Both need two hands to use.


                        When going to church, they are both just for show 


                        But great observation, hahaha.



                          we do have some big horking trees.


                          Just for reference. I could not quite get the full height of the trees in the frame. Standard fence height for scale. Granted these are all on the other side of the fence, but still. 



                            And....restaurants are shut down again. Plus everything else indoors.



                              Just for reference. I could not quite get the full height of the trees in the frame. Standard fence height for scale. Granted these are all on the other side of the fence, but still. 


                              Only palm trees get that big here.


                                Cyborg just went over 2000 miles for the year. But did he have any idea?


