Beginners and Beyond


WetnesDAILY for Penguins (Read 28 times)


    Cherie - at least your legs should be rested for your HM this weekend.  I'm glad you're enjoying your trip so far.  Nice picture.


    Jerry - hope the rain won't keep you off the lake. Happy fishing.


    Tomas - nice way to get in a few miles.  Are you training for a tri with swim one day, bike the next?


    Scotty - seems awfully early for packet pickup for a race more than a week away.  Have fun.  When do you see the doctor?


    Awood- I'm sorry about the bad dog encounters.  As the owner of a big dog who will chase anything that moves, I've learned it's best to stop and walk if I'm anywhere near a dog.  Ours is never off leash, but he does try to get at bikes and runners.  Prey drive is strong in some dogs.


    Kristin - sounds like fun.  I'm glad you're getting into the wizardry.


    Bin - hope the air clears tomorrow.


    HopesMom - enjoy music camp.  Is it local, or will you be staying there?


    We're hitting the road in a bit.  Figure we'll drive while it's hot, then set up camp after it cools off this evening.  Tomorrow we lop and saw as we clear 2 1/2 miles of trail.  It's much harder than running, so even though the distance isn't far, it's good cross training.


    Skirt Runner

      I wish my plan came with a wizard and wizardry!

      PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


      I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to



        Tomas - nice way to get in a few miles.  Are you training for a tri with swim one day, bike the next?



        We're hitting the road in a bit.  Figure we'll drive while it's hot, then set up camp after it cools off this evening.  Tomorrow we lop and saw as we clear 2 1/2 miles of trail.  It's much harder than running, so even though the distance isn't far, it's good cross training.

        There is a tri that I am eyeing. I need a bike and need more confidence in the water. The swim is only like 400 yards, but I have never done that without being in a pool that I know I can touch bottom.


        I also need to figure out my son's football schedule. I don't want to miss his stuff so I can race.


        Clearing trails sounds like hard work. Have fun.

        ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

        “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”



        Singer who runs a smidge



          HopesMom - enjoy music camp.  Is it local, or will you be staying there?




          It's at Wake Forest University, which is about a 4-hour drive for me.  However, it's also my alma mater, so I thoroughly enjoy having music camp there!  GO DEACS!!!


          And in other news, I just discovered a gaping hole in the thigh of my jeans.  I'm not really comfortable flashing skin, so I may be going shopping during my "lunch break".  There's a mall out toward my quarteting tonight, so I'm wondering if it would just be easier to leave at like 3:30 and shop and head directly to quartet.  Hmm ...

          When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


            Morning, penguins!  My 5 miles went well last night.  My knee is enough better that my biggest issue was cardio- I have definitely lost fitness and that last mile was more work than it should have been.  Hopefully it comes back faster this time around!  I plan to run 3 today, then one more at the PT.


            Where are Jimmy and Gustav??? ConfusedConfusedConfused


            Jerry- Still thinking good thoughts for the hip.  Glad all that climbing around on the roof didn't irritate it!


            Tomas- Do you get some time off in the summer?


            Scotty- Glad you're feeling better, and have fun at packet pickup!  I wonder how many of the people who come through have already been featured in one of your RRs!


            Awood- You guys have some seriously lame dog owners in your area.  Glad P3 is OK!


            D- Hope you get some asthma relief soon.


            Bin- Take it easy over there!


            kristin- I'm glad the RW plan is going well for you!  I have been looking at those, too, since they do have a similar philosophy to Pfitz.  But I don't even know when I'll be racing next, and it might not be a matter of putting together a training plan so much as just building as much of a base as I can at this point.


            HsM- Have fun at music camp!  And I vote for leave early to go shopping!


            Cherie- Awesome FE and photo!  Sounds like a ton of fun!


            Ginny- Wow, that sounds like super hard work!  Good luck!


              Cherie - at least your legs should be rested for your HM this weekend.  I'm glad you're enjoying your trip so far.  Nice picture.


              We're hitting the road in a bit.  Figure we'll drive while it's hot, then set up camp after it cools off this evening.  Tomorrow we lop and saw as we clear 2 1/2 miles of trail.  It's much harder than running, so even though the distance isn't far, it's good cross training.


              Thanks, Ginny!  Where are y'all headed?   It seems you're always on a trip.  Are you actually having to clear the trail?


              Zelanie--- Sad  I'm not surprised you've lost some fitness.  You really were doing a lot when your knee went out.  At least you haven't been totally unactive this whole time.  It will come back.  That's one thing I've learned in the past 5 years, that you do sometimes lose fitness then you get it back, and then you lose some and do it again.  After a while, you just start accepting that.


              "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                My ITB still hurts today.  i can feel it when I roll (ouch) and also walking down stairs.  I have been to PT for ITB 4 times now.  PT works great at healing it but if I dont get to the root cause its just a waste of time.  Not to mention $$$. My insurance is not the best and last time I did therapy I got billed 2 months later for $575 and I cant afford that.  i do Myrtls almost every single day which are supposed to be ITB prevention.  I do 60 clam shells  and 90 leg raises every morning before I even get out of bed.  Thats what is so frustrating is I probably spend more time doing strength training than I do running, so whats the point?


                My ortho told me I had several biomechanic issues and he wasnt sure if he could address them all.  I have very high arches and varus ankles(ankle deformity) and I over pronate badly.  He thinks my peroneal tendon issues are the Most important so he tried to address that with my custom orthotics.  i know hopesmom suggested minimal/barefoot running but my doc told me not to even THINK about running without my orthotics so it just scares me to try that, but i might anyway.


                And Zelanie is right that going a slow pace is worse for ITB.  i always have more pain when I run slow.  ive just been trying to run slower because Its been so hot lately.  I think Im gonna try to speed it up a little so I can open my stride a little more.


                So bummed about it though.  i will have to find something else to do but running is fun and I like it Sad





                  What a cute picture Cherie!




                    Zelanie- 8 days. Off. I work more this summer than anyone else. Sad


                    But a pay raise will be nice.

                    ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”



                    Singer who runs a smidge



                      My ortho told me I had several biomechanic issues and he wasnt sure if he could address them all.  I have very high arches and varus ankles(ankle deformity) and I over pronate badly.  He thinks my peroneal tendon issues are the Most important so he tried to address that with my custom orthotics.  i know hopesmom suggested minimal/barefoot running but my doc told me not to even THINK about running without my orthotics so it just scares me to try that, but i might anyway.


                      I would probably be hesitant to take a random internet poster's advice over a doctor's as well.  Can you get a second opinion from a doctor who's knowledgeable about barefoot running?  With your issues, it might not be a good suggestion for you at all.  But if your current doc isn't ok with the idea of barefoot running in general, he will be dead-set against it for you.

                      When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                      Jack K.

                      uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                        Hi Pens...


                        Jerry: Going to the victory parade?

                        T-rod: Yeah, naps are definitely a good thing.

                        Scotty: I'm glad you are better. Are you running in the race on the 4th?

                        Awood: I don't know how you can run in that muck. That just sounds awful. Well done to you. You have had some bad luck with dogs, lately. I, too, hate those stupid flexi leashes.

                        Docket: Go for the hubby run!

                        Bin: Wow, I had no idea the air was that bad over there!

                        Kristin: It's good you are doing a variety of runs, it helps with keeping it fun.

                        HsM: Camp!! Where are you going to hide the booze?

                        She Can: that looks like a lot of fun. Beer and running usually go well together! Smile

                        Ginny: Where are you guys going?

                        Zel: Jeesh, you and your knee! Today it's good again but will it be bad tomorrow? That is some roller-coaster ride you've been on.

                        Traci: Man, that really stinks. Are you going to try those barefoot shoes?


                        As for me, I did a 7 mile tempo run this morning at a 7:46 pace. The first and last miles were easy pace but on the middle five I really pushed it. Now, I am tired! To make things worse, it is going to be over 100 here this weekend so our runs will have to be done early, like before the sun comes up. Eh, there are worse things in life, I reckon.  Have fun today.


                          Cherie - we are responsible for a small section of a long trail that goes from one side of the state to the other (south to north).  Once or twice a year we go out and trim branches, saplings, etc.  from the footway.  Every 3 years or so we paint blazes on the trees.  Any logs on the trail get cut and cleared away, though someone else usually takes care of the big trees that fall.  It's a nice section of trail, with a creek on one side and a couple of waterfalls when there is more rain.  Before we got a dog, we used to go out on group trail maintenance trips, but now we just do our little section.  Trail work is really satisfying, but can sometimes be hard work.  I'm hoping the blueberries and raspberries will be ripe now.  That makes up for having to cut them back.


                            Hi everybody.  I'm checking in to see how everyone's doing.


                            I'm not liking what I'm reading about the injured / rehabbing folks.  Sending good thoughts your way.


                            When my alarm went off early this morning so I could run, I just couldn't get out of bed.  So I'll be hitting the treadmill at the gym on my way home.  Maybe I'll try to run a little faster than I've been able to lately outside in the heat and humidity.

                            From the Internet.

                              Afternoon, colony!


                              Gah. So on Monday I got a bill from a collection agency for a medical center I've never been to, I've spent the morning on the phone tracking down what this bill is for and why this is my first notice. Turns out it was from some bloodwork I had done in December and I owe them as part of my insurance deductible - the entire $300 of which was collected by the physical therapy center I went to. They were apparently NOT supposed to collect the deductible up front and they've just been sitting on nearly $100 of my money for months with no intention of telling me until I called to ask about it Evil RUDE. They're sending me a check "in the next two weeks" and I can pay the other folks in the meantime no problem, but my goodness that was annoying. A little transparency in the medical billing/insurance field would be nice.


                              DH has been on a retreat with his new lab group since Monday and comes home tomorrow evening. One day left of being a single parent and I'm exhausted! I do all the cooking and laundry anyway, but being the sole target of all my preschooler's energy/attention on top of that stuff is draining! I have a new appreciation for actual single parents.


                              Hoping to hit the gym at some point this afternoon, I need a bit of stress relief, and I think we're going to have sandwiches and ice cream for dinner tonight. I'm not feeling like I'll have enough gas left in the tank to stand around cooking by the time we get home after preschool/work, gym, swim lessons, and grocery shopping!


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                Sorry about the dogs, Awood, that sucks.   I'd be mad at the people walking the dog, they need to take responsibility for the training and control of their dog.  When I had a dog and did my running with it, I had one of those flex-leashes too.  When I heard saw someone coming toward me or heard someone behind me, I put it into the 'lock' position after shortening it.  I seriously doubt my beagle would have bitten anyone - she loved everybody, even our cats, lol - but even a friendly dog can get startled and scared and bite in reaction.  So better safe than sorry, I kept a firm grip on her when near others.   I don't get people that think it's YOUR fault if you get bitten by their dog.  Unless you've been blatantly teasing or abusing  the dog, of course.  But if not, the flippin' owner needs to take responsibility.


                                Jerry, those irresponsible dog owners ARE poop bags. Joking


                                Sorry about the bad asthma, Damaris.  Hope conditions get better.


                                Same for Bin.  What's up with all the fires?  I mean, how long do they usually stay burning?  You're going to need to run with an oxygen mask pretty soon.


                                Congrats on your run, Kristin.  What's 'wizard running plan'?  Is that some kind of online running plan?


                                Safe travel, HsM, and have fun at Music Camp!  Well, if the hole is in the inside leg part of your jean, then it would be out of eye thight, right? Wink


                                Nice photo, Cherie Great Legs. Big grin   An FE, a nice run, a good pub afterwards, that really was a good outing!   Good luck with your upcoming half!


                                Ginny, there are 4 local 4th of July races next week and Academy Sports is sponsoring most of them, so the packet-pickup is kind of 'staggered" for each of RDs at the Academy Sports stores.  For the one I'm volunteering for, there is packet pickup today and tomorrow and then there will be a last on on July 3rd.    The other events have a similar thing going on, with a couple packet pickups this week, and then one next week too. Probably just trying to keep things less crowded because, for example, the race I'm doing had over 2,000 participants last year.  The other events are pretty close to that too.  And ours is the only 4-mile race in town, the others are 5Ks.  It seems like lots of people like the '4 on the 4th' option.   Good luck with the lop-and-saw, that sounds like some tough cross-training!


                                Glad your knee is behaving, Zelanie.  I bet the cardio thing will come back in no time.   Yeah, it's funny, I am getting a little bit of local notoriety and recognizability in my running communing because of all my race reports.  At pickups and races people call out to me "Hello Scottydog" and I have no idea what their names are cuz I take so many photos of so many different folks.  Luckily, they are all  pretty understanding about me and my lousy memory, lol.  Runners are good folks.


                                Congrats on your tempo run, Jack!  Yes, I am running the event on the 4th.  And on the 3rd, at 7:30 PM, I am doing the "3 before 4 Firecracker 5K."


                                Good luck with the later run, Margo.  Maybe try a run in the evening, around 8 PM or so.  Kinda late I know, but still light enough to run but lots different when the sun is down.  I went out for a walk around my neighborhood at 8 pm. last night.  It was still in the 90s, but the sun was nearly down, a very nice breeze blowing, and it actually felt pretty good out.


                                Traci, so sorry about the ITB issues and the cost you are paying for everything.  If you have a 'teaching hospital' in your area, and you are willing to be a 'living classroom", call them and see if they will see you.  You will be seen by an actual qualified medical person, but you agree to let their medical students 'sit in' for your diagnosis, treatment, etc.   This often results in great savings for you.  My sister did that a couple times in the past and she ended up paying about half of what the insurance company normally charged her.


                                Dang, Lauren, sounds like you need a few days of escape and rest and relaxation after your DH gets back!

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
