Beginners and Beyond


Tachymetry Tuesday Penguins! (Read 18 times)




    Bin-- that's an awesome time on your Half!  Congratulations.  Please don't let the sad news of the other runner's death stop you from being proud of your achievement.  I know it is sad, but that's a chance we all take in living.  I'm super happy for you though, that you did so well.  How are you feeling today?   Yay@ already signing up for a new race.


    Jimmy-- that's cold to us Arizona folks too.  Brrrrr!   Congratulations on such good fast miles!


    Scotty-- enjoy your "Friday" today, and don't think about Thursday!  We'll just pretend it doesn't exist!


    Docket-- we've had a super warm winter here this year also.  Thank goodness for us, that means nice, but not muggy like yours in Miami.  Hope you're doing good still.  Ready for a marathon yet?


    Awood-- good luck tonight.  Sounds like a tough training session.


    Jack-- hope your DD had a great BD yesterday.  Yay@ the LA marathon coming up.  How exciting.  I wish I were there to show you how slow running is done, but I guess I need to have faith in you .  Are you excited for it?  I hope you have fun, and do a Scotty dawg day and get us lots of pics!


    HsM-- enjoy your couch while you can!


    I had my birthday massage today, and it was freaking glorious!  I almost "Oooed" and "ahhhhed" outloud, and then I realized I'd freak out the girl, so I just relaxed and enjoyed.  I thought about trying to get a few miles in today, but logically I know I'm probably better off just skipping it or doing the bike in a bit.  Haven't decided yet.  Hope everyone is having a great day!


    "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


      PADRunner - enjoy the rest day


      Jimmy - nice job on the 10k.  Your speed is really improving.


      Scotty - enjoy the days off, as much as you can with a colonoscopy in the middle.  I keep saying no when the doctor asks if I want one, but one of these days I'll have to go.  DH's doctor told him he was somewhat anemic and they needed to do a colonoscopy to make sure he wasn't bleeding internally, so he finally broke down and had one, and then the doctor said, "No you're not anemic.  Sorry about that."  But at least he was clear, and won't have to do it again for a while.


      D - enjoy your bike ride.  At least it's cooler to ride than run.  You create a little breeze as you go.


      Bin - Three weeks until your trip to Hong Kong?  Is that your first vacation there?  Good luck on the 10k.


      Awood-  have fun with the intervals.


      Mitch - enjoy your rest day.  Do you alter your running schedule when you're on night shift, or do you try to keep to the plan regardless of your sleep patterns?


      Jack - so you decided to go for it after all.  Have fun.


      HopesMom - how much snow did you get?


      Z - happy birthday!


      AFM:  the sun is shining and it's up to about 30, so I may run outside after all.  Today is Fastnacht in Pennsylvania: by tradition, people made a kind of potato donut to get rid of the sugar and lard in the house before Lent.  Now around here, it just means really good donuts on sale at the Mennonite markets and churches.  I need to burn off some sugar.


        Jack - the way...I'm gonna jog a marathon this weekend.


        Yeah, me too.





        Smaller By The Day

          I ended up with a 2 mile warmup, followed by 7X800 intervals with 400 recovery and then just jogged it out for 10 miles even.  I may have thrown in some inclines at the end there for good measure.


          Weight 100 pounds lost

          5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

          10K 48:59 April 2013

          HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

          MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013

          Jack K.

          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI


            Yeah, me too.


            You could do it, you know.

            Amazonian Princess

              Happy Birthday, Zelanie! Love your fishy tune in the other thread!!!


              Belated Happy Birthday, She Can!


              Combination of you-only-THOUGHT-it-was-the-end-of-flu-season and management's endearing ready-fire-aim approach to workflows that I supervise has kept me busy at work, missing lunch breaks and staying late. Should only be temporary and I still made time to run a couple of times last week and did a 20 mile bike ride with family on Saturday. Weights and core with the trainer tonight.


              So, I'm trying to use the training log here on RA (got the Pace Bunny in my sights) but I'm pretty darn clueless. My Garmin helps me track distance and pace, but how do I know if it's an "Easy" run or not? What data are important for me to track? I only recently realized that I've been using pretty much the same level of effort with my workouts.  I try to go slower on the days when I want to build distance and faster toward the end to push back fatigue. Maybe because I run/walk I don't have many levels of intensity? I think I've been reading too much about training for a half and realized how little I know. Maybe it's time for a Dummies book?

              I can. I will. I am. 

              Bin Running

                Pad, hi

                Jimmy, I think you can do it too... Go kill that 10K..

                Scotty, hope it's a smooth process..

                Damaris, enjoy the biking..

                Awood, good job on that 6x800..

                Mitch, enjoy the RD

                Jack, jogging a marathon.. I like that.. Take lots of selfie..

                Hope, still snowing... wow!

                Cherie, feeling sore for 2 days but a short recovery run helps on next day. Thanks.. Didn't really see it (the sub 1:45) coming too..

                Ginny, yes.. 3 more weeks.. Not my first trip but my first time running there..Been there a few times and this trip is to Disneyland for the kids. Now that I have to run at -10deg from what I usually run in.. I have to start thinking abt the proper gears..

                Traci, so 3 penguins jogging a marathon this weekend.. it's a trend.

                Bacon, the RA log is very useful.. If it felt easy, then it is easy..

                2015 Races

                2XU HM - 29 Mar


                  Bacon - I divide my runs up into: 1) easy if it's a normal short run, 2) long if it's either the longest run I've done to date (coming back from injury) or, now that I'm running more, anything over 8 miles.  3) Trail run if it's on trails or dirt roads (usually much slower than my street pace),4) Fartlek if it's a complete mixture of speeds (I sometimes get bored on the TM and play with short faster bits and hills, more or less randomly. I do it occasionally on the street, but not as consistently as my treadmill runs.) 5) Tempo if two miles or more are at HM race pace.  And 6) intervals if it's structured interval training (something I rarely do).  The main purpose of separating them for me is to try to have some variety in the types of runs I do, but to keep the vast majority in the easy category. I really like the RA logs, and use them to track running, walking and biking miles.  I also use the log to keep track of shoe mileage and to compare my runs this year with runs I've done in the past on the same course or at the same distance.  I can look back and see where I ran 10 mile or 12 mile runs and how they went.  I also can keep track of the few races I've done.


                  Cherie - hurray for a post race massage.  After your last effort, I think you deserve a rest day.


                  My run today was a real mixture.  It was colder than I like (27) but sunny, so I headed outside.  I had a hard time when running into the wind, but not when my back was to it.  Because it was cold, I started out running much too fast.  My lunchtime donut did bad things to my stomach, so the first two miles were awful.  I was nauseous and my legs felt like lead. I wanted to turn around after the first mile, but that was the top of the hill, so I decided to keep going into the flat neighborhood beyond.  By the end of the second mile, I decided to keep going, but I was still struggling, so I thought I'd head home, take a break, and then do another mile on the TM. But by the end of the third mile, I was having a good run, so I headed into another neighborhood to add a loop.  By the time I got home, at 4 1/2 miles, I was sorry to end the run.  I felt pretty good about it, because I had started out so badly, and only willpower kept me going when I just wanted to go home and get warm.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Great morning, Pens.


                    I am running the LA Marathon this Sunday so I suppose I am tapering. All easy runs this week, maybe one with mile intervals. I plan on jogging the marathon and I'm not racing it.


                    enjoy the day


                    P.S. I hate posting from the phone.


                    Enjoy!  I did it last year and loved it.


                    I walked since hubby wanted to run at the park, and I did 4 miles with 1 X 0.40 and 3 X 0.50 running intervals.  Pretty good.

