Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES and kicking (Read 31 times)



    I am normally at Mile 8-10 at the Disney marathon by then. Lol


    I am going to be shocked in Indy with races at 9-10, right?


    The Monumental takes off at 8:00 am, as do most races in the midwest.


      I’m 5-10, so he seems pretty close.



      That's pretty damn cool. Neat you were able to get a photo with him. The thing that stands out to me is his frequent mentioning of pain. I suppose that, being a professional athlete, that's a huge part of it. I just had never thought of their lives being so much about that.


      I actually prefer flashy colored race shoes. I have the white Hokas (carbon x) and I wish they were neon something.


        I’m 5-10, so he seems pretty close.



        Great pic. I have one with two elites so there.


        Former Bad Ass


          The Monumental takes off at 8:00 am, as do most races in the midwest.


          I remember that. I find that a bit too late and was in the high 60s when I finished even if 35 when we started. Maybe I should get faster.



          Former Bad Ass


            That's pretty damn cool. Neat you were able to get a photo with him. The thing that stands out to me is his frequent mentioning of pain. I suppose that, being a professional athlete, that's a huge part of it. I just had never thought of their lives being so much about that.


            I actually prefer flashy colored race shoes. I have the white Hokas (carbon x) and I wish they were neon something.


            Or red. But the black will do. I love the Carbon X Running in them now for my HMP




              Great pic. I have one with two elites so there.


              I just posted one. 




                The Monumental takes off at 8:00 am, as do most races in the midwest.


                My HM on Sunday starts at 6:15 which is great! Catching the shuttle at 4am is not great.


                Super B****

                  You guys are a bunch of hilariously delusional jokers. 

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog


                  Super B****

                    Stoked that Hoka finally decided the Carbon X shoe didn't need to be white and ugly.  They just came out with the black.  I have been pondering this unmatchy shoe for Chicago so now I won't have to.  Now they will match WHICH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING.  I am bluerun would at least understand that. Wink


                    My Carbon Xs aren't white and ugly, they're grey and ugly! (And they may also have given me PF, but I haven't determined that yet.)

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog


                    Super B****


                      He's like an evolved Pokemon, geez


                      HA! I literally loled at that. It's so odd because his face looks exactly the same but it's like it was attached to someone else's body.

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog




                          My HM on Sunday starts at 6:15 which is great! Catching the shuttle at 4am is not great.


                          Detroit starts at 7:00 which is perfect for the back end. 6:15 where you are is probably the equivalent. That after 10:00 shit Boston pulls though is borderline criminal. I get it but still.


                          Former Bad Ass


                            My Carbon Xs aren't white and ugly, they're grey and ugly! (And they may also have given me PF, but I haven't determined that yet.)


                            They don’t come in grey or do you mean the one that has red at the bottom. That’s white Wink. Off grey or some shit.



                            Super B****


                              They don’t come in grey or do you mean the one that has red at the bottom. That’s white Wink. Off grey or some shit.


                              Yes, the one with the red heel. They are definitely not white.

                              I actually used to hate white shoes, and it bugged me that the Run Fast was white, but they work really well for me in the mile, so I can deal with it!

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog



                                This is a very cool post, thank you for taking the time to write it.


                                His peak weight is what really caught my attention. How in the hell he (they) thought getting lighter than that would be better is beyond me. At some point you have to just tip your cap to the Kenyans and work with what you have. Crazy.


                                IDK why, but I actually took some notes on my phone. I am such a dork.


                                He talked about the pressure to lose weight, under the assumption that lighter is always better, but it ends up in a downward spiral both physically and mentally.
