Beginners and Beyond

Sunday, February 14 (Read 41 times)


    D2, I thought ice in SC only existed in drinks!


      I just checked and it was -35F to -38F windchill this morning during my run 


      Thankfully, the temps are going to go up this week. My house had a hard time keeping warm this morning, ffs.


      MTA: I checked in my log for the lowest temps I've ever run in (I record the actual temp, not the windchill in the winter or humidity factor in the summer) and was surprised to see that yesterday and today are my two cold temp PRs. I,m surprised because last winter we broke many records for cold. I guess I was waiting to run in the afternoon, or something.

      Now this is a PR I hope I'll never beat.



        Haha, I'm watching the Seahawks vs the Rams from earlier in the season! Well, I guess technically I'm not watching it, it's on the tube.


        Wow, you're a true fan. I do watch old fights (boxing, mma) but never old games, for some reason.


          21 miler in the books. I was really dreading this; I have not run 20+ since probably Sept 2014. And my last two 18's have been kind of rough. But it went better than expected. Average pace of 8:43, which I'm good with. Felt pretty ragged ~13-17, but somehow found a second wind and finished with 8:19, 8:02, 8:14, 7:39.


          68.8 for the week.



            21 miler in the books. I was really dreading this; I have not run 20+ since probably Sept 2014. And my last two 18's have been kind of rough. But it went better than expected. Average pace of 8:43, which I'm good with. Felt pretty ragged ~13-17, but somehow found a second wind and finished with 8:19, 8:02, 8:14, 7:39.


            68.8 for the week.



              Does it look cold out?


                Does it look cold out?


                It does! Plus, there's nothing to block the wind.


                  21 miler in the books. I was really dreading this; I have not run 20+ since probably Sept 2014. And my last two 18's have been kind of rough. But it went better than expected. Average pace of 8:43, which I'm good with. Felt pretty ragged ~13-17, but somehow found a second wind and finished with 8:19, 8:02, 8:14, 7:39.


                  68.8 for the week.


                  Great run with a strong finish, Dave. I've only run that much once, and it was not in training.


                    Does it look cold out?


                    That looks like Siberia, or some far away frigid land!



                      Wow, you're a true fan. I do watch old fights (boxing, mma) but never old games, for some reason.


                      The NFL Network is my de facto television station. It's on even when I'm not watching anything, as was the case today. It and Weatherscan gets the most hits on my TV, followed by the the Travel Network, which I watch because of Food Paradise, Bizarre Foods, and Man v. Food. The latter of which isn't on anymore, since he had a meltdown on Twitter, hmph.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        It does look cold as fuck.



                        delicate flower


                          That looks like Siberia, or some far away frigid land!


                          I was thinking the same thing.  Was that on a glacier or something?


                          DavePDiddy, nice job on that 20 miler!!





                            Luckily, you'll be running during the actual event. Smile


                            That's the part I dread.

                            Runner with a riding problem.

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              Onemile, that looks really cold. Was there that one guy in shorts? Seems like there is always one regardless of how cold it is....


                                21:06 for my 5k.  I finally beat the girl who always finishes in front of me and ran a 19:58 at the last one but I still finished 3rd AG and 5th OA because a couple new ladies showed up.


                                But you finished ahead of the girl who was ahead of you in the standings.  Congrats on a cold, cold run!  Gold star for you!