Beginners and Beyond

Saturday-Slacker Dailies (Read 38 times)



    Wow it's 7:28 AM and still no dailies?

    Good luck to Dave and others who are racing this morning, don't freeze too much 

    I've got the Get Dirty Fall Trail Race at 9 AM, I decided to stick with the 15k distance rather than upping it to the 13.1 distance. 14wfie says It is (supposedly) going to be 32 degrees with a feels like 27, sunny with no wind so that is good. While says a bit differently.... 30 degrees with a feels like 26 but no wind so either way it's good.

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


    Former Bad Ass

      Morning.  Either an SRD or a short run, depending on whether I want to or not, ha.


      Good luck, Dave!  Tracking you!



        : rubs eyes : why the hostilities?




        Track workout on tap in a bit and in other news winter sucks...


        ...oh right, IT'S STILL FALL!


          Thanks for starting the Dailies FS -- and good luck on your trail race.


          Good morning Docket, LRB!


          Good luck D2 today!  Can't wait to hear how it goes.


          6.5 very easy miles today and then my last 20 miler tomorrow morning.  I can't believed I'm almost through this plan.

          Life is good.


          Former Bad Ass

            I only received the text that he started and nothing else.  I was supposed to get a HM, 20, and finish update.  I don't think he is still not at the HM point, so I guess the tracking sucks.



              Dave was probably flying over that HM mat, so it thought he was a jet and not a runner.


              Yesterday it didn't rain, but it was 32 when I went out to run, and 28 when I got back.  I am not winter-adjusted, but I was warm enough with my cold gear, mittens, and hand warmers.   I had on enough clothes for like 4 LRBs!  I ended up with 9 total- 6 on my own and then I took the dogs out for 3 more afterwards.


              Today I have my first sports massage, and a RD after.  Which means the pace bunny will catch me tomorrow before my run!


                I only received the text that he started and nothing else.  I was supposed to get a HM, 20, and finish update.  I don't think he is still not at the HM point, so I guess the tracking sucks.


                I could never get him at all, so you beat me with even that.


                Hi Blue!  You have done a great job this cycle!


                'Sup Z, we miss you.  Stop being so busy at work!


                  Good luck (or hope you had a good one) D2 and FS.


                  Group run didn't pan out last night but heading out to a different group this AM. Prob get in 6-7 miles.


                  It's 34 degrees FFS.


                    I only received the text that he started and nothing else.  I was supposed to get a HM, 20, and finish update.  I don't think he is still not at the HM point, so I guess the tracking sucks.


                    Somebody has to find out what's going on, the suspense is killing me!


                    MTA: maybe they use the same tracking software as Detroit?



                      You would think that Dave would have the courtesy of texting one of us about his progress, while he's running his 6::00 miles...


                      I am dressed for running. I'm scared.

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        Track workout on tap in a bit...


                        3 easy + 1 at tempo pace + 4 x 1000 meters at VO2 max pace (basically 5k pace) done!


                        The sustained cross-winds made this an extremely tough workout as there was really no way to get away from it. The second VO2 interval totally sucked as a I ran it counter-clockwise to see if that would help, nope!


                        As it is, it's funny how you can go from self-doubt and questioning your abilities in the middle of an ass kicker of a workout, to pumping your fist and smiling widely while jogging home after realizing you killed it.


                        I love our sport! 


                          MTA: maybe they use the same tracking software as Detroit?


                          At least Detroit gave you one or two splits (out of five ), they were just wrong.  lol


                            Hey everyone!


                            Apparently there was something wrong with the tracking system, everyone was complaining.


                            Didn't get my sub-3, poo monster got me.  But even with two pit stops, I still hit my B goal and ran a ten minute PR and open BQ'd with a 3:04:04 (on my watch, official time should be close to that).  I'll do a full RR later, heading home now.


                            My running blog

                            Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                              WTG, Dave! Outstanding!!



                                That is an incredible time considering you stopped twice!


                                NOW GO EAT SOME CHEESE!