Beginners and Beyond


Fantasticate Friday Penguins (Read 25 times)

Bin Running

    Mitch, congrats on the promo and the ke-ching!


    Tomas, really giving that tri a serious thought huh?


    1.5M recovery with 4mm heel drop kinvara.

    2015 Races

    2XU HM - 29 Mar


      Academy comes to mind, Tomas


      Scotty, Tomorrow is my wife's birthday , so yes its a special day for us too.


      Return To Racing

        3 mile solo walk on the bike path.  Very quiet.  Everyone must be downtown for the Blackhawks parade.



          Scotty, enjoy your rest day and I hope all the testing goes well.  Can they treat gall stones or will they have to remove the gall bladder?

          Damaris, phillie, kristin, zelanie jack and jerry, enjoy your rest daysCool

          Jerry, how is the hip?  How much longer are you planning to rest?

          Mitch, congrats on the promotion! 10k is nice.  Got your pm.  Im not registering for anything until I can go 6 months without hurting which will likely never happen.

          T-rod, congrats to you.  I actually liked the groovy checkered sport coat.  Big grin


          After 4 rest days I ran today.  I took zelanie's and hopesmoms advice....  I ran 1 mile BAREFOOT (in thin socks actually) then I put on my shoes and ran another 1.5 miles and ran it 1 min/mile faster(zel's advice)  Which was tough with the sun beating down and dewpoint of 75. Blah.


          Running barefoot didnt feel any differrent to me then how I run with shoes though so I dont think my issues are my form.  Barefoot I am a midfoot striker and in shoes I am too. Maybe my form breaks down after I fatigue though and I only ran 2.5 miles, didnt want to push it.


          My ITB is still tight and knee still hurts a little,  rolled and icing now.  I think Im gonna try barefoot and minimal for awhile and see what happens.  I dont want to run my longer runs barefoot though so thinking of buying some minimal shoes for those.  I dont know anything about minimal shoes.  Any suggestions?  Should I try those 5 finger shoes or just some nike frees?


          Running barefoot was actually kinda fun and felt easy to run faster.  I even ran some of my barefoot run at 8-9 mm.  Thats really fast for me, Im usually in the 11s.





          Skirt Runner

            Zelanie- you are just supposed to take your resting heart rate by feeling your pulse for a minute every day.

            PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


            I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


              Kristin, I start my RW plan next week.


              Zel -- yes, the recovery index part of the RW plan is partly based on resting HR before you get out of bed.  All you really need is a clock with a second hand and the ability to find your pulse.  Joking  I happen to have a HR monitor app on my iPhone (it uses the flash and camera lens).  I keep the phone on my nightstand.


              Skirt Runner

                Traci has the LRS or a PT recommended minimalist shoes for the ITB? Because both the LRS and PT said the opposite for me, I need a really supportive shoe to keep it at bay. The PT actually wants me to get orthotics too. But it is because of my specific body mechanics so maybe you are different.

                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                  Morning darling penguins!


                  Scotty-- There's a Paul Bunyan Day?  Who woulda thunk?  I wonder if we're supposed to just be big today?  Happy Bunyan and other anniversary day!  Enjoy your race free-take it easy weekend!  What a cute lil 2-headed turtle picture.   Hope she has a long, healthy life there at the zoo.


                  kristin-- I just figured out that we're supposed to rest on Paul Bunyan Day!  That must be why so few are running.


                  T-rod--- fun, fun, fun!  I keep thinking of purchasing a used bike myself.  Will be great cross training.  I sure hope you like it, let us know.


                  zelanie-- With all this work, you're going to flunk summer vacation.


                  Mitch--$10k pay raise with this promotion?  Wowsers, good for you!  Congratulations!  Ty for the pic compliments.  It really was fun Smile


                  Jack--- it won't be 105* in Santa Barbara will it?  I didn't even realize it would get that hot there. I hope it's pleasant enough to have fun and get out some.  Lake Havasu is crazy hot.  Your DD needs to be careful in heat like that.


                  TraciLynn-- glad your barefoot run went well.  I sure hope it helps in the long run.  Please keep us informed how this barefoot experience goes.  I've never been brave enough to try it, and am curious how it progresses from the beginning.  Just please,please be careful!


                  I went down to the hotel TM and did an easy 2.5 miles.  Hope everyone has a super, terrific Friday!


                  "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                  Barking Mad To Run

                    Happy rest day for all those taking one today!


                    Congrats on the job, Mitch, and Happy B-Day to your wife tomorrow!


                    Safe trip to MD, Kristin!  When do we get to 'meet' this boyfriend of yours?  He has to get Penguin Approval, you know.  Wink


                    Hope your hip is feeling better, Jerry.


                    Happy bike riding, Tomas! With your promotion, if you don't like the bike, you can' turn it into a chariot and have your students pull you along on it... Wink


                    Good luck to you and your daughters, Jack, with the busy weekend!

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                    Barking Mad To Run

                      3 mile solo walk on the bike path.  Very quiet.  Everyone must be downtown for the Blackhawks parade.


                      There is a parade of Blackhawks?  How do you get the birds to stay in line for a parade?  Wink

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      Barking Mad To Run

                        Gee, Bin, how can you run if your heel is dropping off your shoes? 


                        Traci, this is the initial follow-up, so don't know what the doc will recommend yet.  Hopefully no surgery stuff, yuk...  Sorry your ITB is still bothering you.  Hope you don't ultimately end up having to have surgery yourself!  - -


                        Congrats on your miles, Cherie.  Bet the TM was cooler than being outside today!

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                          Traci has the LRS or a PT recommended minimalist shoes for the ITB? Because both the LRS and PT said the opposite for me, I need a really supportive shoe to keep it at bay. The PT actually wants me to get orthotics too. But it is because of my specific body mechanics so maybe you are different.


                          Ive been in a high support shoe since Ive started running and Ive had my $500 custom orthotics for 3 months now.  This latest ITBS flare up is number 4 for me. Ive had shin splints too.   Supportive shoes arent working for me so I feel like what do I have to lose at this point?  I dont know what else to do. Sad





                            Afternoon all!


                            Scotty- Hope the initial appointment goes well! Tomorrow we should be having our first actual 100 day too.


                            Docket, Phillie, Kristin, Jerry, enjoy your rest days Smile


                            Tomas- Have fun on your bike ride!


                            Zelanie- Glad you are sticking to your rest day plan! I cheat with the heart rate thing, I have a PulseOx finger thingie.


                            Mitch- Congratulations on the promotion!


                            Jack- Do you ever get a genuine rest day? Have fun with your busy weekend, and good luck to DD!


                            Bin- Nice recovery run!


                            Traci- I'm sorry you are having such issues with the ITB. You really are a trooper for sticking at running and trying to get to the bottom of it! I'll vote for the Nike's, only because the Vibrams are weird to me Smile I don't have much to offer, but I got shin splints after running in support shoes. Literally, the pain started the first run. People suggested on the forum that I try neutral shoes, despite my overpronation. It took a long time for the shin splints to heal, but it's now 90% better. I've since read that it's (most of the time) better to let your foot do it's natural thing. If you are still having awful problems despite the hundreds of dollars on inserts, maybe going back to basics is worth a try. My current shoes are neutral, but I like them heavily padded because I'm so big.


                            Cherie- How do you find running on the treadmill? It seems like a lot of people who run most of their miles outside, the treadmill can be pretty boring.


                            AFM, I have 14.7 miles so far and my goal is 20. Two runs to go so I'm trying to decide how to split it. Can you tell I like to overthink things to the nth degree? I'm a little bit bummed out by my lack of outdoor running, but purely treadmill miles is better than no miles at all, I hope. It's late June in Louisiana, and I have the heat tolerance of a shucked oyster. I'm thinking about treating myself to a handheld, for the times I do get outside. My running route is 1.2 miles to the highway, 1.2 miles back home (repeating if necessary) and I think having cold water will help keep the dizzies at bay.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Maybe support is the wrong shoe for you.  Go back to the LRS and get fitted anew.  You never know!



                              Ive been in a high support shoe since Ive started running and Ive had my $500 custom orthotics for 3 months now.  This latest ITBS flare up is number 4 for me. Ive had shin splints too.   Supportive shoes arent working for me so I feel like what do I have to lose at this point?  I dont know what else to do. Sad



                              Former Bad Ass

                                Congrats on the promotion, Mitch.


                                I just got back from Court.  Can this day be over already?

