Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES: Wind Cold & Snow - One of them has to go (Read 33 times)


    16 miles with the boys starting temperature of -6. It actually wasn't bad.


    Proud of you and the boys 


    delicate flower


      Same except no boys and 45 more degrees.


      Same here except 4 miles.  Unscheduled recovery run.  No way was I going to miss a chance to run in this heat.


      For the week:

      Swim - 6

      Bike - 74

      Run - 47

      13:45 training hours.  I'm going to be in Ironman shape before I start Ironman training.


      Half Crazy K 2.0


        I dunno, that's why I was surprised at the chart.

        And if your interpretation is correct, it would make for a weird run, as you'd keep slowing the pace down every 5 minutes. I understand what you explained, and it makes sense, but it goes against the "finish strong" philosophy, doesn't it?


        Maybe that's why he removed the chart. Too complicated for mere humans like us.

        I took the chart as you run a steady pace for X minutes.



          I dunno, that's why I was surprised at the chart.

          And if your interpretation is correct, it would make for a weird run, as you'd keep slowing the pace down every 5 minutes. I understand what you explained, and it makes sense, but it goes against the "finish strong" philosophy, doesn't it?


          Maybe that's why he removed the chart. Too complicated for mere humans like us.


          Well, I thought I understood it clearly.  The idea was to get the benefits of running at threshold without the damaging effects of lactic acid flooding the muscles that occurs when you run at threshold for longer than 20 minutes. Put another way, if threshold pace is a pace that most runners could run for an hour, what would be the point of running 26 seconds slower per mile for an hour. You would just run at your true threshold pace for that hour. But doing that would be akin to running a 15k at 10k pace, so you'd adjust the pace after 20 minutes, and every 5 minutes thereafter.  But apparently that is not correct, so forget everything I just typed. lol 

          From the Internet.

            5:54.11 mile indoors. Very pleased with that. Reasonably comfortable for the first 5 laps, coach is giving me the option to run another meet this month if I want to - could definitely take off a couple of seconds, maybe even dip below 5:50 if I have a really great day.


            My good foot started acting up this week (PF) but it was fine today. Taking tomorrow off then easing back in and making race decisions after that.



              Well, I thought I understood it clearly.  The idea was to get the benefits of running at threshold without the damaging effects of lactic acid flooding the muscles that occurs when you run at threshold for longer than 20 minutes. Put another way, if threshold pace is a pace that most runners could run for an hour, what would be the point of running 26 seconds slower per mile for an hour. You would just run at your true threshold pace for that hour. But doing that would be akin to running a 15k at 10k pace, so you'd adjust the pace after 20 minutes, and every 5 minutes thereafter.  But apparently that is not correct, so forget everything I just typed. lol 


              LOL, the first part was going well 


              I do get what you're saying, it's just that I've never seen a workout written down in which you keep dropping the pace. Not saying it is wrong, just that I would feel weird doing that. Like I'm finishing the workout sheepishly, and tired AF.



                LOL, the first part was going well 


                I do get what you're saying, it's just that I've never seen a workout written down in which you keep dropping the pace. Not saying it is wrong, just that I would feel weird doing that. Like I'm finishing the workout sheepishly, and tired AF.


                It would make more sense to do it in reverse and start a little slower and then speed up



                  Proud of you and the boys 

                   It was the coldest weather each of us had ever run in.


                  delicate flower

                    5:54.11 mile indoors. Very pleased with that. Reasonably comfortable for the first 5 laps, coach is giving me the option to run another meet this month if I want to - could definitely take off a couple of seconds, maybe even dip below 5:50 if I have a really great day.


                    My good foot started acting up this week (PF) but it was fine today. Taking tomorrow off then easing back in and making race decisions after that.


                    Nice!  Fact:  I have never clocked a sub-6:00 mile in any race, ever.  Got close a few times in the 6:00-6:02 range, but never broke that 6:00 barrier.




                      It would make more sense to do it in reverse and start a little slower and then speed up


                      What I would do to work the T right off the bat would be something like 15T, 15MP, 10T, 10MP, 5T, 5MP. That would be an hour total, and my guess is that it would be very hard. Maybe too hard.


                      MTA: MP+10 or MP+15 would probably be more doable



                        Same except no boys and 45 more degrees.

                        57 miles for the week.

                        Fast pace today. 

                        From the Internet.


                          Nice!  Fact:  I have never clocked a sub-6:00 mile in any race, ever.  Got close a few times in the 6:00-6:02 range, but never broke that 6:00 barrier.


                          COME RUN THE MASTERS MEET IN PROVIDENCE NEXT YEAR!! Super low pressure, small meet, but also plenty of people to chase!


                            5:54.11 mile indoors. Very pleased with that. Reasonably comfortable for the first 5 laps, coach is giving me the option to run another meet this month if I want to - could definitely take off a couple of seconds, maybe even dip below 5:50 if I have a really great day.


                            My good foot started acting up this week (PF) but it was fine today. Taking tomorrow off then easing back in and making race decisions after that.


                            Congrats. That's a nice milestone for the hobby jogger.



                              COME RUN THE MASTERS MEET IN PROVIDENCE NEXT YEAR!! Super low pressure, small meet, but also plenty of people to chase!


                              He's not gonna do that. He's gonna go sub-6:00 during a 5k.


                                 It was the coldest weather each of us had ever run in.


                                Brrf. At -6 F, what was the wind chill?
