Beginners and Beyond


Monday Penguins Are Running It Old School! (Read 30 times)


    what do you grow in your garden? I tried a vegetable garden last year that was a bust.


    Running is more fun than walking Smile


    Don't feel bad, my green fingers are rotten too. I planted a vegetable garden this year, everything went well until we had crap loads of rain the last few weeks. My garden is swamp land, only thing I could grow out there is rice. My plants had no chance.


    I think I'm gonna take another rest day. I'm so stressed out today, I'm just going to mope. On top of that my 4 year old had a dentist appointment this morning, and has a cavity in one of her permanent teeth. I ASKED them to seal them 6 months a go, and they told me to wait until her next appointment. The girl has such trouble with her teeth due to bad enamel. Most of the back ones are capped, or waiting to be capped.


    I'll start waddling again tomorrow, promise Smile


      Awood - I hope all goes well in your wedding preparations.  My husband got injured while doing trail work a week before our wedding, so we had to send out an SOS to my brother to help with the heavy lifting part of the preparations.  The wedding pictures all show DH with his arm wrapped in heavy bandages.  Our backyard wedding ended up a living room wedding when the rain began five minutes before the ceremony started.  Oh well, we'd been warned.


      Jack - doing an all downhill race would be different, but you'll really need to practice doing hills like that or you'll trash your quads.  Tucson is lovely.  I was raised there and miss the desert a lot.  December is interesting, because it can be in the 80's or in the 50's.  I even remember a few snows, though it never lasted.


      Cherie - have fun with your brother.  There's nothing like having company to get you to places you don't usually visit, but like to.


      Scotty - talk about motivating videos ;-)  Actually, I think Gail just wanted to enjoy the gorgeous weather!


      Smaller By The Day

        Haha...I love the wedding stories!


        I managed to get a 4.5 mile run in this morning, and a 5 mile run tonight.  The 5 miles tonight were actually more like intervals.  I'd run half a mile at 9 mpm and then half a mile at 7 mpm.  That felt kinda good :-)  Then, I did some more cleaning around the house, ran P3 to get her wedding dress dewrinkled or whatever it is they're doing to it.  Then, I picked up my tuxedo.  I look pretty good in it.  I'm not going to lie.  Now, it's back to house cleaning.  Remember I just renovated the bathroom before I left for Pittsburgh, and then I went from Pittsburgh to Michigan.  This has been only my second day home.  I have works to do :-)


        Weight 100 pounds lost

        5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

        10K 48:59 April 2013

        HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

        MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


          I am so pissed off And sad. My shin splints are coming back AGAIN both legs. WTFFFFAngry ugh. Just wanna give up and go cry. I was really hoping these $400 orthotics I just bought would solve my issues. I guess I'm just not meant to run. Sad





            Tracilynn - I'm so sorry.  Had you started running again, or did the shin issue show up while walking?  Don't give up, but you may have to get back to a doctor or a PT to figure out how to get past the problem.


              Ginny, I am going to go through the roof if he tells me to "just rest it".  That's what I've been doing for a month.


              Traci- I am so sorry!  I like the PT idea or some other solution to get you healthier faster!



              Zelanie - I hope your doctor is able to help you.  Probably he'll tell you to just rest it, but it can be helpful to get a real diagnosis.

              Bin Running

                Awood, exciting times!! Hope you have a blast this weekend.. Start posting photo of the cake already!

                2015 Races

                2XU HM - 29 Mar


                Former Bad Ass

                  Boo. Hope they feel better soon.  Did you ever go to PT or doctor to find the root of the cause?  Maybe the shoes you're using are not the best for you?


                  I am so pissed off And sad. My shin splints are coming back AGAIN both legs. WTFFFFAngry ugh. Just wanna give up and go cry. I was really hoping these $400 orthotics I just bought would solve my issues. I guess I'm just not meant to run. Sad


                  Bin Running

                    Traci, had you tried calf strengthening exercise? Think Vermonize has some good ones posted.. Need to go find them if you haven't started..

                    2015 Races

                    2XU HM - 29 Mar
