Beginners and Beyond


TuesDAILIES: Question of The Day (Read 39 times)


    How is it that on a 3 mile out and back, 6 total (parts of which were run north, west, south and east), I ran directly into the wind for 90% of it?


    It's because Winter's an ass hole, that's how. 


    Are we there, yet?

      Like this?


       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Winter is a huge asshole. Forecast for today, mix of shit changing to snow (5-8 inches). Tonight, more snow, 3-5 inches. Wednesday day 5-8 MORE inches. Wednesday night, one more inch for shits and giggles. So potentially celebrating spring with more snow than we've had all year. Guess my runs will be on the treadmill.


        delicate flower

          Happy First Day of Spring!  We are getting a foot of snow tomorrow lmao FTS.  But enough about me, I swam 2500 yards before work.  And due to said snow arriving tomorrow, I will be doing tomorrow's short tempo run after work today.


          How is it that on a 3 mile out and back, 6 total (parts of which were run north, west, south and east), I ran directly into the wind for 90% of it?


          Welcome to running, noob.  That is how these things go.  No runner has ever benefited from a tailwind.  Ever.




            Good morning!


            I rode 25 miles on a foggy, warm morning.  It appears I may get a snow run in the morning.


            Have a great day!

            Runner with a riding problem.


            Waltons ThreadLord

              How is it that on a 3 mile out and back, 6 total (parts of which were run north, west, south and east), I ran directly into the wind for 90% of it?


              The same way a relatively flat stretch of road can feel like it's uphill no matter which direction you're running it?


              I once thought I was going slightly uphill until I noticed the runoff water in the gutter was moving in the same direction I was. 

              5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
              10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

              Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



                No run this morning because Eastern time zone & catching a flight home. Hopefully later. I land in time to stop at work for a 1/2 day before going home, but FTS. More important to get my run in.



                  No run this morning because Eastern time zone & catching a flight home. Hopefully later. I land in time to stop at work for a 1/2 day before going home, but FTS. More important to get my run in.




                  Super B****

                    8 AlterG miles, and I think I should just stay on there now because there are 26 days until Boston and I'm terrified.

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Twister winds, LRB!  We have those all the time and sometimes I end up running towards a headwind on an out and back, grrr.


                      I have Pilates and 8 with 5 X 800m.  I assume they will be on the TM since we hit 89F yesterday and 90F at least today.



                        Happy First Day of Spring!  We are getting a foot of snow tomorrow lmao FTS.  But enough about me, I swam 2500 yards before work.  And due to said snow arriving tomorrow, I will be doing tomorrow's short tempo run after work today.



                        Welcome to running, noob.  That is how these things go.  No runner has ever benefited from a tailwind.  Ever.


                        My hands have taken a beating the past week. It's been awful.


                        When is it going to stop snowing out there?


                          Tailwinds are just my normal running speed right?


                          I've been plugging away doing the normal stuff... bike Sunday, lifting and bike Monday, lifting and stairs today. I am worried a little about the fact that I've replaced the elliptical in my life with stairs which means I only really run at all once a week, but it seems to work so...


                            The same way a relatively flat stretch of road can feel like it's uphill no matter which direction you're running it?


                            I was in my third year of running before I realized that this was a thing. 


                              Just left a place where a guy was smoking some type of cigar that stunk (stank? lol). I can still smell that awful thing in my jacket. 👎 👎


                                The majority of the "wind" that I get in the morning is from traffic. To avoid being assaulted in a dark alley, I run along a decently major road (3 lanes each direction plus turning lanes). Even at 530am it is nothing but cars. This is the only situation that I've found where there is a huge wind difference between going east and west (ie against or with traffic). I plan the workout portion of my runs accordingly. Also, the guy that drives the street sweeper is an a-hole.


                                7 total this morning with 2 x 1200 at 10k then 4 x 200 at 5K minus 20s. My goal 5K is on Sunday and I better PR the crap out of it.
