Beginners and Beyond

WednesHumpDAILIES (Read 32 times)


Are we there, yet?


    So, where should I begin... 


    Dew point, it's all about the dew point.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





    Former Bad Ass


      Dew point, it's all about the dew point.


      That too, and something I just learned (which is worse), Bulb Wet or Wet Bulb Temperature or something like that.



        Dew point, it's all about the dew point.


        Not for long! #byebyemiami


        Former Bad Ass


          Not for long! #byebyemiami


          Have I told you about the Ngbaka? that I can't wait?


          PS, kudos if you know the movie reference (not that popular but entertaining movie nonetheless).




            Have I told you about the Ngbaka? that I can't wait?


            PS, kudos if you know the movie reference (not that popular but entertaining movie nonetheless).


            Nope, it went over my head.





              That's awesome. I'm not mad at 'cha. In fact, I'm glad somebody gets good sleep because it's not me...unless the sleep I get is good for me. 


              Right? The rest of the forum can sleep vicariously through KCR.



                Looked like maybe that could be a lot of turning for running hard, even though the curves are gentle? It'd at least be worth trying to cut it out and see what happened.


                It is. Huge crowds though (sometimes 60 people show up) running it weekly without issue I would assume. That's my awful luck rearing its ugly head yet again.  Oh well, I'm just glad the process of elimination worked and I got to the point where it was 90% healed so I was able to feel the tweak the moment it happened.


                I really enjoyed the group training aspect (or at least didn't mind it) and being a part of something but it looks like it's over for me. Wah.


                delicate flower

                  I ran 40 minutes with 5 x 5:00 on the treadmill, because it is thunderstorming.  My run wasn't a total asshole for a change!



                  Go figure

                    Presumably it’s a flawed indicator...however it should at least provide a decent comparison for each night of sleep, since I’m not wearing a different watch each time. Maybe I’ll sign up for a sleep study to get a true understanding at some point.


                    Run was good tonight. My little running buddy is all grown up now. He won the running club scholarship and is off to run in college next week, so I got in one last run with him. I did an okay job pretending his easy pace didn’t feel too hard for me.


                    I have no idea if you should trust Garmin or not.


                    D, this is your cue!

                    Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



                      Hard to say.  You can start at that pace and see how you feel (be honest about the effort though).  My energy has improved after the VitD but I sometimes feel like 11:30mm feels like 6mm and sometimes 10mm feels like 12 so it varies daily (for me).


                      When my husband had super low iron (10, I think?) it took him a few months to PR again (once his iron levels were good).


                      This is helpful, thx.




                      okay so I have some notes in my log.. On June 9, 2015, I got my ferritin test result of 16. This is when I was feeling like crap. Started taking iron supplements.  Retested on August 19th and it came back as 31.  Looking at my log I was running good workouts at that point (including long runs with MP miles). One month later I ran a half marathon PR by 2 minutes. (my goal marathon which went well wasn't til Nov).


                      ymmv of course. I do think you might be good enough now to have a good marathon but all you can really do is try.  And also a factor.. is your goal marathon pace realistic (outside of the iron issue)?  I would think being able to hit it in workouts is important - at least for most workouts. Not sure how to factor in the downhill course though.


                      This is helpful--thx!

                      If I were answering for myself (and had no coach), I would say no. However, I usually err on the conservative side, and I don't know that I would have tried for a 3:50 marathon last November for Indy, had coach not said to go for it. But this feels way more aggressive than that.



                      I agree with all of this. Also, I think in the marathon you'll know if the pace feels easy in the beginning or if you are working for it early on.  If it's the former, go for it. If it's the latter, dial back.


                      I think this is what I'll go with. I'll test it out, and then if it sucks, I'll back off.


                      Re: sleep: I used to be like KC and the former Baboon. But recently my sleep is all jacked up. I used to not be able to function w/o 8 hours of sleep (sometimes 7), but now I can't fall asleep at night (this is cutting off all caffeine by 10am, and I usually only have 1 cup) and I'm usually tired most of the day.  Boo.

                      When my ferritin got back within normal levels (above 15 IIRC) my paces got back to normal. I don't know whether you can hold your goal pace if you haven't been running it at all in training though. Have you been able to do any speedwork this cycle? Some coaches don't do much or any miles at MP, so it may not make a difference if you haven't run that pace specifically. I would think that trying to train for a marathon while dealing with low iron would give you some benefit since you're used to pushing yourself when it's hard.


                      He has done some LRs with GMP thrown in, and on the TM, on a decline (which is what the marathon will be), I can hold pace. A lot of training has been a bit faster than that, and I've done most of that outside and I cannot hold pace. So I have no idea. In terms of speedwork, I've only done some fartleks for speed. I am hoping a couple more weeks of supplements, plus training while my stores have been low (like you mentioned) will help.


                      Thanks for all your input, guys. It really helps.