Beginners and Beyond

The DAILIES; TGI...What? (Read 52 times)


Go figure

    Since 11, I have eaten a wrap from Wawa, partial bag of chips, apple slices with pb, two small slices of thin frozen pizza, and a Popsicle. The Popsicle was actually the lowest calorie treat at only 35 calories.


    The post-nicotine hoovering continues....


    edit* oh an couple of those pretzel crisps


    That really doesn't sound so bad...what'd you leave out from before 11am?

    Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


    Go figure


      I skipped the fireworks and drank water for my last four or five beverages last night knowing I had to get up this morning for my six miler before work (yes I have to work today, thumbs down). I figured right when I was tucking the kiddos in (took the baby niece home to put her to bed) that this must be what it feels like to be a runner.


      Did 6 easy this morning. The humidity was horrendous and I was ready to bonk out at four miles, but I HAD to get back to my sisters house to let my BIL go to work before 6:50, so instead of bonking, I sped up to get it over with.


      Everyone enjoy running and workouts today! Hope y'all had a fabulous 4th!


      That's actually a cool trick...when you start to feel crummy, push a little harder and a lot of times you can get past it.  Attempting it does seem to lead to a rather unpleasant exchange between the body and the brain though.

      Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


      Former Bad Ass



        PS, you always have something interesting to say, silly.


        Hernia Hill?


        Hello everyone -- I've been MIA from the Dailies for awhile.   Just haven't seemed to find the time to get to the computer and, if I do, I only just read the Dailies, then decide I've got nothing very interesting to say.  Been working the yard like crazy.  Potatoes got harvested today, there are onions drying in rows in my living room and 2 week old chicks living under a heat lamp in my basement.   Those little guys are starting getting big and are pecking everything in sight.


        Tomorrow, I'm taking off from the farm work and going to run the Hernia Hill Half.  It's a crazy hilly course, so I"m going to take it easy and treat it as a fun training run.  At least the heat wave finally broke and so I'm looking at race temps from 70 to 80, not 85 to 95.


        Dr. Cornsitter


          That's actually a cool trick...when you start to feel crummy, push a little harder and a lot of times you can get past it.  Attempting it does seem to lead to a rather unpleasant exchange between the body and the brain though.


          I literally started counting my footfalls to keep my mind from tellin me to slow down and give up. I decided that's the OCD runner in me taking charge.

          Quote from BeachRunner3234 on 6/25/2013 at 8:20 PM:

          So I'm currently sitting with a bag of frozen corn in my ass.


          Go figure

            Hey, whatever it takes...even better if you do the counting out loud - entertains the neighbors.

            Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


              Hey, whatever it takes...even better if you do the counting out loud - entertains the neighbors.


              I walked in a bathroom once and heard someone counting down in a stall.  Uh yeah, you better believe I was out of there well before zero!


              Go figure


                I walked in a bathroom once and heard someone counting down in a stall.  Uh yeah, you better believe I was out of there well before zero!

                Haha, hilarious!  That makes me think of those crazy trough urinals in old stadiums...I usually have to do some mental math to make it happen in those situations.

                Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                  Haha, hilarious!  That makes me think of those crazy trough urinals in old stadiums...I usually have to do some mental math to make it happen in those situations.


                  We had the troth's in old Tiger Stadium, and at Belle Isle there were the tall urinals where you basically aimed at the floor lol!

                  Hip Redux

                    OK, the dailies took an odd turn again tonight, I see. lol  I have nothing to add in the area of pee troughs, thankfully.


                    I totally carbo-loaded tonight (GF brownie after dinner, followed by a mango smoothie.  Yum!).   Racing in the AM is a good excuse for dessert. Big grin



                    Go figure

                      OK, the dailies took an odd turn again tonight, I see. lol  I have nothing to add in the area of pee troughs, thankfully.


                      I totally carbo-loaded tonight (GF brownie after dinner, followed by a mango smoothie.  Yum!).   Racing in the AM is a good excuse for dessert. Big grin


                      I'm afraid I'm becoming a common thread in the thread's evening turn lol.


                      I opted to run 20 miles tomorrow instead of racing a 5k - I really should have carb loaded but didn't.  It's more of an event than a race though, so I'm not concerned.  My ride does leave at 5am though Evil  Time for bed!

                      Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

                      Hip Redux


                        I'm afraid I'm becoming a common thread in the thread's evening turn lol.


                        I opted to run 20 miles tomorrow instead of racing a 5k - I really should have carb loaded but didn't.  It's more of an event than a race though, so I'm not concerned.  My ride does leave at 5am though Evil  Time for bed!


                        I wasn't going to say anything, but yeah, it's pretty much you.


                        Big grin


                        Have fun on the 20 miler!   I ate enough carbs for both of us, don't worry.



                           I opted to run 20 miles tomorrow instead of racing a 5k 




                          O, you're doing a lot of racing lately.  Got bit by the bug did ya?

                            Hi dailes:


                            Rick - TGI.. super Thursday?  12 consecutive days at work and an 80 mile week capped by a HM, no wonder I've been dragging.


                            April - coffee and LR, that's a good day


                            SIAR - nice job on being motivated this AM.  There are whole articles online about how men should fill in a bank of urinals so as to be spaced out as far as possible.  Should be common sense, but that's not always common.


                            Robert - do you get to vote anyone off the island?


                            Bruce - hopefully it wasn't too crazy


                            D - enjoy the rest


                            Baboon - nice workout


                            DaveP - who needs 3 gatorades?  Coffee before, Powerade during, beer after.


                            Nam - have a good trip


                            RSX - enjoy the vacay


                            Beach - So You're A Runner? Wink


                            B+ - good 8 to you


                            Oski - good luck with the race and the whiny dogs


                            Marjorie - nice


                            lilac - crappy day, have a better one tomorrow


                            Scotty - gonna read that soon


                            Kristin - enjoy the rest


                            Zel - woot shopping


                            Ric-G - soccer?


                            Baboon - just tell them that they need a cold one, maybe they'll hurry up


                            Ron - pesky pillows


                            Hobbit - trails, nice


                            OOTB - good luck


                            8 easy.  One day left before angels play trumpets and I get a day  off.  To cut the lawn, and do a LR.  Big grin


                               8 easy.  One day left before angels play trumpets and I get a day  off.  To cut the lawn, and do a LR.  Big grin


                              Me too ... to the 8, not the lawn mowing. 8:40 pace.

                              Will run for scenery.

                                (Now that nobody's awake...)


                                Went out for 3 easy.  Made it halfway.  Walked back.



                                Stupid feet!

                                Stupid elbow!