Beginners and Beyond


Little chilly out there Sundailies (Read 38 times)



    With your shorter training cycle, your body's need to break down just before your goal race ended up happening a couple weeks later instead. Smile


    Ah. That makes sense. I successfully fooled myself.



      I moved my LR to today due to a few reasons. So 18 with 12 at MP(ish)


        I moved my LR to today due to a few reasons. So 18 with 12 at MP(ish)


        You're making it hard for me to feel sorry for myself for my workouts here.


          I moved my LR to today due to a few reasons. So 18 with 12 at MP(ish)


          Man, how I would not have had the stomach for one of those. Great workout. You're preparing well. I'm not one for time predictions, but I see a good race in your future.


            5K:  20:45.  Freakin ouch.  . 8/159 OA.  Whatever!


            Wind? Hills? Heavy legs? Not recovered?



              With your shorter training cycle, your body's need to break down just before your goal race ended up happening a couple weeks later instead. Smile




                Man, how I would not have had the stomach for one of those. Great workout. You're preparing well. I'm not one for time predictions, but I see a good race in your future.


                Actually I really had a hard time psyching myself up for both of my workouts this week and was tempted to just quit. But I just have 4 weeks til taper I guess...


                delicate flower


                  That sounds pretty good! AG?


                  Nonetheless - I realize that's pretty pokey by Baboon standards. Did you feel like it was marathon hangover, or just lack of speed training, or ??

                  I was thinking about a 5k today but just could not imagine doing anything fast. I've done nothing but run easy since the marathon, and the easy has been really, really slow. I might try one next weekend. Although I felt a weird pain in my foot during today's run, so IDK WTF that's all about.


                  Awards only went to the top three in each gender, so no AG placements.  Well, since one female beat me, at the very least I was 3 AG!  Big grin


                  As far as my time goes, that's just where I am right now.  I have not done anything close to 5K-type speed work in six months.  I felt fine today.  My legs felt good, nothing hurts, and the effort was there.  I'm just not trained to run a fast 5K.  I'm actually ok with my race.  I was about a minute slower than I was hoping, which isn't terrible.  I'm not worried...I'll get that speed back.  I did get 3.2 miles and I heard a few other people griping about getting 3.25 miles, so there is that.  I figure 3.2 miles at 6:32 pace was a good workout and a step in the right direction (I modified my log entry to show 3.1 miles).  I did like getting the top 10 finish.


                  BTW, McMillan says 3:22:39 marathon = 20:45 5K.


                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    Looks like my Sunday afternoons will be freed up. Not sure why I am wasting my time watch the Ravens find ways to lose games.


                    Nice race Baboon. Smaller event? I find those tend to just do the top 3 overall.


                    Former Bad Ass


                      I actually enjoyed wearing my capri pants this morning, mainly because the last 2 weeks or so I've felt some chaffing on my inner thighs so it was nice to not have to worry about that. And luckily I stayed comfortably cool throughout the whole run, had the sun already been up I probably would've worn my shorts but 45 degrees with no sun feels quite a bit colder than 45 degrees and sunny 


                      LOL, I would wear shorts for that weather.  Capris are like for the 30s for me.  Your cold-resistant might vary.



                      Former Bad Ass

                        Nice job, Baboon and bluerun!



                        delicate flower


                          Nice race Baboon. Smaller event? I find those tend to just do the top 3 overall.


                          About as "small local race" as it gets.  I'd have won the race if I PR'd.




                            I ran 15 miles today and bonked hard the last mile. But this time I had taken 2 GU during the run so at least I didn't bonk earlier as has been usual recently. And then I got to thinking that GU is expensive especially here in Canada. So I googled some homemade versions. I am going to try it for next week and will let you know my verdict.

                            It was a decent run although I definitely overdressed.


                            *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                             **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                              Hey Coach Jenny - please provide some suggested race-week workouts, in case I do decide to do a 5k next weekend. I figure I should try something speedwise.



                              Former Bad Ass

                                I had planned a long LR today, and ended up with 9.  I think I am getting sick because I have no energy (that or another asthma bout).  Meh, LOL.

