Beginners and Beyond

Frosted ThursDAILIES, they're magically delicious! (Read 32 times)


    This is maybe a touchy subject, but I look around and see how fat 95% of the population seems to be these days, and it reminds me why I need to keep running.


    I'd also argue that there are plenty of skinny folks who are not healthy/fit


      This is maybe a touchy subject, but I look around and see how fat 95% of the population seems to be these days, and it reminds me why I need to keep running.


      This might be touchy of my part also, but I noticed that a higher percentage of Americans are fat than Canadians. That is the couple of places I've traveled to. Not that there aren't any here, far from that. Just an observation based on very little info that the percentage was higher.


      And yes there are skinny people who aren't healthy. Not limited to, but notably some drug addicts, some heavy alcoholics become very skinny and weak.

      Half Crazy K 2.0

        5.4 miles. Last part to the pleasant sound of gunshots. Thursday night fun at the local shooting range near my house.


        Former Bad Ass

          This is maybe a touchy subject, but I look around and see how fat 95% of the population seems to be these days, and it reminds me why I need to keep running.

          Running does not make me lose weight (the contrary, the more I run, the more I get swollen), but then again, I don't weight 300lbs so there is that.


          I actually lose weight when I stop running, so maybe I should just take a year off and be back to a size 0...  But then I would be very angry at the world.


          Switched to 6 (tomorrow's run) because it was raining and only 74 dewpoint so we headed outside and ran/walked together.  I think my last run with my hubby was 4 months ago.



          Former Bad Ass


            This might be touchy of my part also, but I noticed that a higher percentage of Americans are fat than Canadians. That is the couple of places I've traveled to. Not that there aren't any here, far from that. Just an observation based on very little info that the percentage was higher.


            And yes there are skinny people who aren't healthy. Not limited to, but notably some drug addicts, some heavy alcoholics become very skinny and weak.


            I bet your food is not full of the shit that is used here.


            I notice every time I go to Europe how fresh and real the food tastes.



              8 miles.


              0 sodas.


              Are we there, yet?

                5.7 very easy recovery miles


                Getting to sleep tonight is problematic, but I really wanted coffee with my peach crostata.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                  This might be touchy of my part also, but I noticed that a higher percentage of Americans are fat than Canadians.


                  Higher than anywhere pretty much.




                    I bet your food is not full of the shit that is used here.


                    I notice every time I go to Europe how fresh and real the food tastes.

                    Right?! I cannot believe is is legal.



                      Higher than anywhere pretty much.

                      I was really surprised how many obese people there are in New Zealand.



                        This might be touchy of my part also, but I noticed that a higher percentage of Americans are fat than Canadians. That is the couple of places I've traveled to. Not that there aren't any here, far from that. Just an observation based on very little info that the percentage was higher.


                        Looks like US is at 36.2% obesity rate and Canada is 29.4%




                        #1 is America Somoa with 74.6% 



                          Looks like US is at 36.2% obesity rate and Canada is 29.4%


                          Fair enough. I thought the difference was higher than that. Probably that if I traveled in other parts of Canada I'd find the obesity percentage higher than here too.


                          Former Bad Ass


                            Looks like US is at 36.2% obesity rate and Canada is 29.4%




                            #1 is America Somoa with 74.6% 


                            Isn't that partly genetic?  Or cultural?



                            Former Bad Ass

                              Apropos of this thread or does FB know what we were talking about?

                              Lucky Charms Article


                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                7.5 miles with some short intervals.


                                Screen protector is now on the Garmin.