Beginners and Beyond


TuesDAILIES (Read 33 times)


Super B****

    8 on the AlterG...

    1mi w/u
    6x800m @10K-HMP, 400m recovery;
    3x400m @5K, 400m recovery
    1mi c/d

    My Achilles is PISSED, so I made an appointment with my PT. It being marathon season, the next available slot isn't until late next week, so I hope I actually end up canceling it because my body fixed itself. I don't have time for this nonsense.

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


      Of course, since I have registered for a race, shit (minor shit) happens.

      • My ankle is still an unsure thing.
      • Trying to find race shoes I ran with new Kinvaras on Sunday, and I've had DOMS in my legs ever since.
      • The woman has started walking to work, so I'm stuck bringing my lunch in my back pack on top of my shower stuff and my work clothes. This morning I got a sting in the middle of my back on my run, and it hurt everytime I took a breath. It still hurts a bit.


      I'll be all right on race morning, but there is always something in the 1/3 weeks before a race. And I'm not going to race the Kinvaras. I'll use my swiss knife shoes, the Salming Distance. They're middle of the road shoes, but safe.



        Went to the gym this morning, then ran 3 easy miles.

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


          Hammy still sore. Again, it settled down after the first mile or so, but kept it really slow the whole run. Guess I’ll just keep running through it as long as it stays like this; there’s no injury that more running won’t fix, right? But will probably just keep it slow for a while and forgo the workout this week.



            I ran 8.


            I'm at that point in training where there are only 6 Q sessions left before the big day. 


            delicate flower

              hi lol


              2200 yard swim before work.  I've swam three times in the past month and it feels like it!  I'm all about the RUN now, and I will do more of that after work today.



                I ran 8.


                I'm at that point in training where there are only 6 Q sessions left before the big day. 


                Anticipation? Excitement? Fear? All those answers and much more?

                  Slept in till 6:48am....😴
                  Day two of starting anew.... my little easy day 2.4 bowl hills with left and right crown.

                  Knock on wood a bit more with dirt tomorrow.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    I have 7, had court this morning and back in miami for my goodbye lunch. I also have court this afternoon which I forgot to tell the scheduler of the lunch 🤦‍♀️



                      Ran 5.2 hilly miles. I feel better than the weekend but still not great. Almost like low level fever (even though thermometer says I'm fine), with fatigue and some weird hot/cold episodes. Congestion is basically gone though. Dr Google says it could be many things, from Lyme's disease to mono. Probably just a virus that needs to run it's course. I'll probably skip workouts for awhile and just focus on easy miles.


                      My football season ended yesterday. Wishing Big Ben a speedy recovery.

                      From the Internet.

                        12 easy and it was glorious. Tuesday is easily my most pleasant run day - long enough to really enjoy it, no workout component to stress me out.

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          Whiskers, I found out today there has been a brutal cold or other virus circulating at work. Lucky me, I caught it. Same issues, it's been about a week.  I feel better,  but still not right. Someone on my mileage game team in the midwest had a similar illness, so guess its coast to coast.


                            Evidently we have pneumonia circulating in our parts. Whiskers and HC, take care of yourselves!


                            Daffy, I think you asked yesterday what exercises my PT has me doing. She has me doing a couple different things:


                            For firing up the glutes/hips:

                            -Hip bridges (both with both legs, and also single legs, focusing on engaging the core (belly button drawn in), and hips aligned))

                            -Wall runners (both hands on wall, right knee bent and closer to the wall, with left leg extended back...then drive up left leg into a knee drive, focusing on using glutes to drive up knee...then hold, and repeat)

                            -leg flossing (the exercise LRB posted for Wolvmar)



                            For strengthening hips/glutes 2 sets of 15-20 for all:

                            -weighted squats (again, focusing on form and using glutes to drive up)

                            -using big ball, laying down, but having heels on the ball, and using glutes & hamstrings do a bridge (straight leg, not bent)

                            -rear lunge, with a knee drive, focusing on form (knees over pinky toes, belly in, etc.)

                            -planks & side planks

                            -ladder, lateral band walks (band around ankles, mini squat position, then step 1 step to the left, 1 step to the right, then 2 steps to the left, 2 steps to the right, all the way up to 8).


                            The goal is to do the strengthening exercises 2x/wk, and the "firing up" exercises most days (aka 4-5 days per week).

                            she also said to make sure to keep a log, and monitor how hammy is feeling all the time. It needs to stay at a pain level of 4 or below, and it's okay for it to get to a 4, b/c you do want to adequately stress the tendon. Just not too much. I will also say that, for me at least, getting an adjustment from my chiropractor (for my hips) played a HUGE role in how my hammies are feeling. My pelvis was off and was pulling on my hamstrings, causing more pain & discomfort.


                            I ran 7.4 miles. Legs didn't feel great for the run, but what do you do? It's also 2nd summer. Or something. Humid and warm, ew.


                            UM 45 Ohio 23

                              Rode the stationary bike for 50 minutes. Decided to give my hammy thing a rest and I needed something that would get my heart rate up. Actually enjoyed it the break from feeling like garbage while running.


                              While on the bike, watched ESPN 30 by 30 Dennis Rodman - pretty interesting, especially for Detroit Pistons fans who remember him when he first came into the league. Quite a personality change over his career!


                              On the hammy thing and slower running...I looked at my Garmin Connect app and compared recent runs to runs in early August, pre-hammy thing. Cadence is roughly the same but estimated stride length has decreased from about 1.2-ish meters to 1.13-ish meters. Nothing earth shattering here - it's pretty intuitive given the injury - but it confirms why I feel like I'm running at a reasonable pace but going much slower. Really need to get this thing behind me so I can move forward (all puns intended)!


                              Hope everyone has a good day!




                                On the hammy thing and slower running...I looked at my Garmin Connect app and compared recent runs to runs in early August, pre-hammy thing. Cadence is roughly the same but estimated stride length has decreased from about 1.2-ish meters to 1.13-ish meters. Nothing earth shattering here - it's pretty intuitive given the injury - but it confirms why I feel like I'm running at a reasonable pace but going much slower. Really need to get this thing behind me so I can move forward (all puns intended)!



                                This makes sense, pretty sure I’m doing the same thing the last couple days.

                                Although I have not really felt like garbage (after the initial warmup) - just feel like I need to be going slow.

