Beginners and Beyond

Penguins' February Weight Loss Challenge (Read 69 times)


    I just kept the 10000 and use it to keep track of how I'm doing during the day, for example at work, before I've had a chance to run.  On RDs I still struggle to hit that mark.  I read some review of somebody who takes it off for their runs and just uses it to track their non-running steps.  That won't work for me if I'm trying to follow their food plan though.


    The one thing I find motivating is trying to get to that next even group of 5000 steps.  even though my overall total might be mostly determined by my running, it's motivation to move a bit more around the house in the evening if I'm close to another milestone.


    Return To Racing

      Does the Fitbit measure distance say on an indoor track?



        It measures in steps, so it would give you an approximate distance.  I think it undercounts, though.




          Brilliant, I know you are in the middle of marathon training, so this probably isn't something to start now, but I find weight training really helps keep my weight in check.


          Yes, I know I need to add some resistance training for weight loss, and this isn't the right time to jump all-in!  But I did just join a gym and am starting to add in some classes (yoga and light weights); probably will do  just 2 or 3 a week until the marathon is over.


            It measures in steps, so it would give you an approximate distance.  I think it undercounts, though.


            I've noticed the same with my Garmin 15, which has a daily step counter.  When I walk around, there are about 2200+ steps per mile, but running there are fewer than 2000 steps per mile.  I didn't realize my stride was that long.


              I was trying to get work done at my desk with an open bag of trail mix. I should know better.


                Would anyone have a problem with me posting what I eat here? I'm thinking this might help me and you all can yell at me if I eat too much.


                  Mitch, go for it!

                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    Would anyone have a problem with me posting what I eat here? I'm thinking this might help me and you all can yell at me if I eat too much.


                    Post away. It will be the cyber version of me yelling across the hall when my co-worker opens the candy jar--I'm supposed to if I hear it open more than once per day. 


                      I don't need someone else to tell me I'm eating too much -- I know I am.  OTOH, because of the challenge, I haven't bought any beer or eaten the cookies in the cupboard or the leftover Christmas candy.  So even if I'm not losing much, at least I'm not gaining.



                        If so, then I want to complain that I had an ice cream sandwich tonight........... woke up from a nap with a serious sweet tooth. Now I feel awful lol.

                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                          I have done extremely well with not eating cookies and a bunch of sweets. Can't remember the last time i had ice cream.

                          Today i was a couch potato. Breakfast was 2 eggs and a piece on 100% wheat toast. Lunch was a smoothie with 1/2 a banana, 1/2 cup tropical fruit mix, handful of baby spinach, some protein powder, 5 almonds, 3/4 cup OJ. Supper was 6 oz salmon, mixed veggies and 1/2 cup brown rice. 6-8 cups of coffee with creamer throughout the day.

                          I feel that today was good.

                          Jack K.

                          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                            Hog, after that race, you deserve a day of being a couch potato and that smoothie sounds great.

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              I have done extremely well with not eating cookies and a bunch of sweets. Can't remember the last time i had ice cream.

                              Today i was a couch potato. Breakfast was 2 eggs and a piece on 100% wheat toast. Lunch was a smoothie with 1/2 a banana, 1/2 cup tropical fruit mix, handful of baby spinach, some protein powder, 5 almonds, 3/4 cup OJ. Supper was 6 oz salmon, mixed veggies and 1/2 cup brown rice. 6-8 cups of coffee with creamer throughout the day.

                              I feel that today was good.


                              What type of creamer are you using? And do you measure it?



                                What type of creamer are you using? And do you measure it?


                                no I don't measure, but need to start. It's any of the flavored types, one of my favorites is the Italian Sweet Creme.