Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #191 (Read 26 times)



    Huh, I thought you were a runner. 

    For me there is nothing that really compares in terms of being a year-round automatic daily consumption, but with such a short shelf life. The closest for me is avocados; they ripen fast and I hork them down when we have them, but I can go without. And there are long stretches when they aren’t really in season and we don’t get them. 


    I'm too picky about bananas--not too green or brown, small window of perfectness. We made banana bread probably every week in Mar/Apr.


    We had a friend who was dropping off avocados from her yard for awhile recently but it would be like 20 of the exact same ripeness! Impossible to get through that (I am allergic so I wasn't helping to consume).



      The "Peach Truck" from Tennessee showed up in Michigan with Georgia peaches this weekend so we are stocked with peaches. No bananas...


      Looking forward to some Michigan peaches later this summer. No Michigan bananas to be had


      Mmmm peaches are delicious



        I keep a giant bag of blueberries in the freezer to use in my oatmeal for when I am out of bananas


        I have these too, although mine is mixed berries.


          Ran 10 this morning. 71.8 degrees and 69.7 DP. Air had no room to soak up my sweat, so it just dripped and fell.


          Went for an improvised fartlek of alternating 500m at MP and 500m easy. Ended up doing 12 of them, so that's 6000m or a bit more than 3.5 miles at MP.


            71.8 degrees and 69.7


            very precise



              very precise


              I'm guessing that's what came out of the calculator when he converted from Celsius.




                I keep a giant bag of blueberries in the freezer to use in my oatmeal for when I am out of bananas


                This, but more for yogurt (also sometimes mixed berries). You can't beat fresh blueberries in season in general. But the cool thing about frozen berries in yogurt is I microwave them to the point where they're still a little bit frozen, then mix in the yogurt and it sort of freezes up making it kind of like a smoothie.


                MTA: I had an apple at banana time. This is bullshit. Now what am I supposed to do at apple time (3:00 PM)? An orange? Where does it end??


                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  banana bread is our outlet for past-their-prime bananas, but usually they don’t make it that far. For me, refrigerating when they start to get brown gives them a couple extra days.

                  Not googling this.


                  A dirty banana is a frozen mixed drink. You're missing out if you don't Google it.



                    This, but more for yogurt (also sometimes mixed berries). You can't beat fresh blueberries in season in general. But the cool thing about frozen berries in yogurt is I microwave them to the point where they're still a little bit frozen, then mix in the yogurt and it sort of freezes up making it kind of like a smoothie.


                    MTA: I had an apple at banana time. This is bullshit. Now what am I supposed to do at apple time (3:00 PM)? An orange? Where does it end??


                    lmao - This is golden! 🤣🤣


                    Super B****


                      This, but more for yogurt (also sometimes mixed berries). You can't beat fresh blueberries in season in general. But the cool thing about frozen berries in yogurt is I microwave them to the point where they're still a little bit frozen, then mix in the yogurt and it sort of freezes up making it kind of like a smoothie.


                      MTA: I had an apple at banana time. This is bullshit. Now what am I supposed to do at apple time (3:00 PM)? An orange? Where does it end??


                      It's summer. What is this nonsense with apples and bananas when there are so many better fruit choices?!

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog


                      Super B****

                        I downloaded an audiobook. It's long enough to get me both there and back (well, that's only true if traffic goes VERY much in my favor, which won't happen, but still).

                        chasing the impossible


                        because i never shut up ... i blog



                          It's summer. What is this nonsense with apples and bananas when there are so many better fruit choices?!


                          I love a good peach, nectarine, or plum, but they're not really eat-at-your-desk foods, they're more eat-over-the-sink. Oh and the Rainier Cherries right now are amazing, out here in Rainier country.



                          UM 45 Ohio 23


                            I love a good peach, nectarine, or plum, but they're not really eat-at-your-desk foods, they're more eat-over-the-sink. Oh and the Rainier Cherries right now are amazing, out here in Rainier country.


                            eating a peach at my desk right now!  Sliced...less mess


                            got some Rainier cherries at Costco and they are amazing!


                              We are also out of bananas, and now apples, too. I'm currently placing an order that includes the aforementioned deliciousness, alongside the rainier cherries (I've never had them).


                              I ran 3 today, and we got a break in the heat, thankfully. It's also been humid and hot af here. Blah.


                                rainier cherries (I've never had them).


