Beginners and Beyond


Stormy Penguin's Thursdaily (Read 23 times)


Return To Racing

    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges." It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)



    Return To Racing

      Good Morning !!!

      LR for us this afternoon, between the lightning bolts.


      Have a dry day.



      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  Pilates and a flight to Paris today, woohoo!


        I work half a day, boo.


          Stormy clouds here in Kansas. Just made it back from 5 just in time for a downpour when I got to my driveway. Felt nice, actually.


          DR - Bon Voyage! One of these days I hope to see Paris, my dream destination.


          Have a great Thursday everyone. Meeting some gal pals I used to work tonight.



          2015 Goals:

          Sub 30 5K

          Sub 60 10K


            We are expecting storms tonight and tomorrow as well.


            Jerry, Salt Lake is around the corner. Have Goals to share with us?  (Running goals, not beer drinking goals)


            Damaris! Have a great trip!


            Kathleen, your race is coming up too! Are you ready? Thanks for taking over the weight loss thread.


            on day 5 of no running. I've been doing my core work and I'm going to my first Pilates class today.  I may try some running intervals tonight between storms.

            My youngest, Ella (age4) REALLY wants to run with me so I will probably take her for a mile.  She is super excited and picked out shorts and a shirt and wants to wear a headband and asked me to put her hair in a ponytail.  Out of my 4 kids she shows the most potential for being a runner. She is fast too, she came in 2nd in the kids turkey trot.





            Barking Mad To Run

              Happy Thursday!  Got in 3.3 miles after work yesterday doing one of my YMCA routes.  Supposed to storm around here this afternoon, so I got up at 5 am., headed to the university gym and got a nice 3.2 miles in around the campus.  Of course, NOW I'm sleepy so my co-worker might catch me power-napping on occasion at my desk, lol.


              April 9th is Appomattox Day




              It is also:


              National Cherish An Antique Day (no, no, NOT your spouse if you've been married a long time.. )

              Image result for penguin antique        Image result for penguin antique         Image result for penguin antique



              National Alcohol Screening Day - an outreach, education, and screening initiative that raises awareness about harmful and dependent drinking





              Winston Churchill Day






              Former POW Recognition Day

                     Image result for Penguin salute


              Name Yourself Day (What name did you always want to be called?)

                     Image result for Penguin name








              Food: Chinese Almond Cookie Day



              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

              Singer who runs a smidge

                Morning, Penguins!!  It's my Thriday, since my folks are en route to our house even as I type!  They stay in a hotel rather than at our house (they don't like cats), and they always bring food, so it's usually a low-key, fun time when they visit.  They're bringing the pickup, so hopefully I can convince DH to take our dead couch to the dump (he hates letting go of things).  I mean, we've had this couch since 2000, and the cushions have holes and there are springs poking out the back.  It's dead, honey.  Let it go.  Anyway, we must of course also buy a new couch, so with luck we can take care of that this weekend too.  Woo-hoo!

                Jerryb -- good luck dodging the lightning!!

                Docket -- safe flight, and have a good time!!

                Kathleen -- Woo-hoo for just getting done before the rain!!

                traci -- Too cool about Ella!!  Hope y'all have fun!!

                When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                  Hey Penguins!


                  After a long hiatus I am waddling back to the igloo.  Due to an 18 month old with a personal vendetta against sleep my running has been at an all-time low.  Previously I was trying to get my runs in on my lunch break, but I have been so swamped with work lately.  Lately I have been realizing that I need to take a lunch break more often instead of just taking a head down attitude with all my projects, so my goal is to squeeze in a run today.


                  jerryb - enjoy the long run!

                  damaris - have fun in Paris!

                  kathleen - glad you enjoyed the five miles in the rain!

                  traci- that is excited about ella wanting to run with you.  hope she enjoys it!

                  Singer who runs a smidge

                    Lew, we've missed you!!!  Welcome back to the igloo!

                    When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                    Return To Racing

                      Traci, only goal is to finish not DFL in my new AG.  We will run with the 2:20 Pace Team.


                      What, no InknBurn for DD?


                      Thanks for volunteering, Kathleen.



                        anyone else find it ironic that National Alcohol Screening Day is two days after National Beer Day?


                          Morning penguins,


                          Had rumblings here overnight but not much rain, and a few sprinkle on my run this morning.


                          Ran 4 this morning. I tried out my new Wave Universes. I wanted to see what they were like before I tried to race in them. Definitely a different feel, 2.8 oz and 2.1 drop. Have to see how my legs feel later.


                          Racing starts today at work so I'll be on a Wed-Sun week until mid July.


                          Have a great trip D.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Hey Penguins!


                            After a long hiatus I am waddling back to the igloo.  Due to an 18 month old with a personal vendetta against sleep my running has been at an all-time low.  Previously I was trying to get my runs in on my lunch break, but I have been so swamped with work lately.  Lately I have been realizing that I need to take a lunch break more often instead of just taking a head down attitude with all my projects, so my goal is to squeeze in a run today.


                            jerryb - enjoy the long run!

                            damaris - have fun in Paris!

                            kathleen - glad you enjoyed the five miles in the rain!

                            traci- that is excited about ella wanting to run with you.  hope she enjoys it!


                            Jeff!  Hiya!



                              Jeff - welcome back.  I hope you got a run in today.


                              Jerry - I hope your long run went well.


                              DR - Have fun in Paris.


                              Kathleen - good timing, getting home just as it broke.  Though maybe finishing 5 minutes earlier would have been better?


                              Traci - so nice that your daughter enjoys running.  None of DH's kids is a hiker, which was a bit disappointing, but his grandson is a Boy Scout so is learning to hike and camp.  We have some hope for him.


                              Scotty - good job on the early run.


                              HM - we need a new couch too, but I'm the one holding on to the old one because I still like it more than anything I've seen advertised.  Good luck with your parents.


                              PAD - have you been running in minimal drop shoes before?  Mine are 8.5 I think, I'm not sure how I'd do in that low a drop. I hope this racing season is good.  For a minute I forgot what you do, and I was picturing an office where everybody goes out running races every few days.


                              We have thunderstorms in the forecast too, but so far it's just gray and cold.  I'll try to do my five before the rain arrives.


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                Supposed to storm here too, Jerry and Kathleen, but so far just a mix of sunshine and dark clouds and no rain yet. The temp is getting higher though, shooting up into the upper 80s around here today.  Also very humid around here, so maybe everything is building up for a good drenching after work.  Stay safe out there, Jerry!  Glad you beat your rain, Kathleen!


                                Safe travel, Damaris.  Hope the Paris luggage folks are not on strike when you land. 


                                Sorry about the no running, Traci.  Good luck with the pilates!  Happy running with your daughter!  Maybe one day we will see her on the front of the Wheaties box after she wins a few olympic gold medals. 


                                Welcome back Lew!


                                PAD, keep the rain up your way!


                                Happy 5, Ginny, and good luck getting the miles in before the rain.  No more snow now?


                                BTW, today is also National Walking Day.   So get out there and walk like a penguin! 



                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
