Beginners and Beyond


MonDAILIES from Times Square (Read 37 times)



    IQ is such a bad predictor! I'd much rather have a less brilliant, highly motivated/high performing individual than a brilliant but lazy one.


    Exactly. And my perception of the type of person to include it...well, isn't good.



      Unfortunately, mistakes are part of doing business. I'd escalate this to the necessary party, perhaps while singing Britanny Spears "oops I did it again."



      that's not how Britney spells her name.


      Former Bad Ass




        Candidate #1 put his IQ (yes, an actual #) on his CV. We have candidates from all over the world so I've seen some crazy stuff but this is my first for IQ.


        I know people with highish IQs that are still fucking stupid, so...



        Go figure



          that's not how Britney spells her name.

           I am quite content to have failed that test

          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn





            Candidate #1 put his IQ (yes, an actual #) on his CV. We have candidates from all over the world so I've seen some crazy stuff but this is my first for IQ.


            FFS. Is there anyone here who even knows what theirs is?


            MTA: now if someone includes their race PRs, that's useful info. Actually I've had candidates who listed one of their hobbies as running, and I didn't necessarily bring it up in the interview, but I certainly looked them up on Athlinks.



              Doing a bunch of interviews at work over the next 2 weeks. For those of you that do this, what's your favorite interview question(s)?


              I'm guessing they made the interview short list because they have the experience you need in the right scientific areas.  So I'd focus on questions that will show you their personality and build rapport, so you can see how they'd fit into your team.


              I hate the question about strengths and weaknesses, I don't think anybody ever answers it honestly.


              My favorite question I've been asked (for same role, just at a competitor) is what do I want to do different than what I was doing before, what's important to me to have the freedom to do in the new role that I can't do now.  to be fair, this was a company that came after me and they wanted a way in.  But I was honest with my answers and when the job offer came, it included the freedom to do all the things on my list.  If you can get an honest answer, you can learn a lot about what motivates someone and then see if that fits with your management style and team dynamics.



                FFS. Is there anyone here who even knows what theirs is?


                MTA: now if someone includes their race PRs, that's useful info. Actually I've had candidates who listed one of their hobbies as running, and I didn't necessarily bring it up in the interview, but I certainly looked them up on Athlinks.


                That's awesome!


                I know/knew my IQ, but have completely forgotten it. 



                  Curse you for making me do unneeded math. Yes, I did it in my head. I multiplied 147 by 70 because that's easier than doing 147x72. Then I added 2x147 (which in my head was just 300-6 because that's also easier). So 10290 +294 is 10584.


                  So do I have the job?


                  It would certainly get a plus mark on your app. 👍


                    I like to ask a totally unrealistic question like what is 72 x 147.


                    The number of Oreo cookies I’ll eat tonight


                       The number of Oreo cookies I’ll eat tonight


                      lol - You win the internet today. lmao



                        So I'd focus on questions that will show you their personality and build rapport, so you can see how they'd fit into your team.


                        I hate the question about strengths and weaknesses, I don't think anybody ever answers it honestly.




                        The strenghts and weaknesses questions, they're the worse.

                        That's actually not as bad as name your best quality and your (the opposite of quality).


                          I have 5 to do later. I hate interviewing people, I feel like anyone can say all the right things and then still be a bad employee. 

                          do flights to Boston ever get cheaper? Jeesh


                          Super B****

                            Basically did this all day. I am exhausted. (But it's better to be exhausted from this than from a day at work!)


                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              6 on the treadmill and strength training.


                              Runshortii, yep, I've had that experience where people give great answers to the behavioral interviewing questions and then the performance doesn't match.





                                The number of Oreo cookies I’ll eat tonight


                                lol. This is the best response ever. 😂
