Beginners and Beyond


Pre-family overload Wednesday penguins (Read 23 times)

Jack K.

uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

    Jack, are you coming over here next?


    If you have one of those cakes ready I will be there.


    SF: Smile


    Penguin Power!

      Jack - I'm on team 1


      Got my streak run in today during the pouring rain - just one mile.  It was tough because I didn't have my brace.  I've been enjoying seeing my family, but I'm excited to go home tomorrow.

      Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


      Return To Racing

        Hi Pens.


        I'm on Team 1 for 2015. Anyone else?


        I'm going out for a few easy miles, we'll see. Then it's shower and nap time.


        Oh, remember the bathroom fan I mentioned? It has now turned into a new shower door, new paint, new lighting fixtures, new crown moulding, and of course, the fan. Sigh...


        Merry Christmas.


        While your at it, Jack, you might as well put in a new toilet (heated seat, of course).


          Just found out I'm on Team 2. Time to make more e-friends.



          2015 Goals:

          Sub 30 5K

          Sub 60 10K
