Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES: Back to Business (Read 37 times)



    I didn't think anyone's job could suck more than mine, but Baboon seems to be a worthy competitor. I've sacrificed lots of weekends and even some holidays, but I don't think I've ever been asked to cancel a vacation.


    Cancelling a vacation is definitely up there in the suckage scale


      Although I have felt like I couldn't take the time off for vacations. I never use up the time I have.



        I'm just not important enough to have to cancel a vacation. That "honor" goes to the higher ups at my job. In fact, one had to send his wife and family to Europe without him one year and catch a flight later that week. Um, two words for that; hell and no. Of course it comes with the job when you're a manager but for me, it all goes back to one thing, I'm just not important enough for some shit like that.


        Go figure

          That 3+ lap track option looks awesome!


          We have a 9 lap indoor track that's available, but I've always preferred to be a member of the "more miles than degrees" club. Of course, if my health continues on its current trajectory, a little more indoor running may be prudent.

          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            I haven't checked it out, but there is a rec center with indoor soccer fields that has a few 1 mile loops. It's free. I really need to go over there


            Super B****

              My (outdoor) track is five laps to a mile. It's annoying. Pretty much the only reason to go there is because it's flat and there's no (vehicular) traffic. And it's close.


              In unrelated news, the HM I'm planning to do on Sunday (for which I have yet to register) apparently only does first place awards... for overall and AG. The nerve?!

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog


              Super B****


                Blue, have you always been exhausted? Or is this something new?



                I've always been tired, but this level of exhaustion is unusual. Particularly in that generally, my tiredness could be explained by a lack of sleep, but when I'm this tired, I sleep like the dead so it's not even really "sleeping," more like "passing out," and not at all restful anyway. This happened a year or two ago and I went to see my doctor, who, after all my blood work came back normal, gave me the very unhelpful advice that I should get an extra hour of sleep a night. Thanksss, why didn't I think of that??

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog


                Are we there, yet?


                  It goes around a 400m speed skating oval - the inside lane is 443m


                  Is that Pettit Arena?  If so, that's where the 6 Days in the Dome race is held.  Zach Bitter set a 100 mile record there of 11:19:13 back in August (6:48 per mile average) and other crazy ultra runners were running anywhere from 100 to 500+ miles on that track over the 6 day period.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                    My (outdoor) track is five laps to a mile. It's annoying. Pretty much the only reason to go there is because it's flat and there's no (vehicular) traffic. And it's close.


                    In unrelated news, the HM I'm planning to do on Sunday (for which I have yet to register) apparently only does first place awards... for overall and AG. The nerve?!


                    The title of today's thread seems appropriate. #handleyobidness


                    Super B****


                      The title of today's thread seems appropriate. #handleyobidness


                      I will if I make it through my run tomorrow in one piece

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog



                        What is the surface like? Is it painted cement, or does it have a rubberized surface? Looks incredible!


                        It's a very thin layer of rubber over cement.



                          Is that Pettit Arena?  If so, that's where the 6 Days in the Dome race is held.  Zach Bitter set a 100 mile record there of 11:19:13 back in August (6:48 per mile average) and other crazy ultra runners were running anywhere from 100 to 500+ miles on that track over the 6 day period.


                          yes indeed. Although no one uses the word Arena. Pettit National Ice Center


                          Former Bad Ass

                            My (outdoor) track is five laps to a mile. It's annoying. Pretty much the only reason to go there is because it's flat and there's no (vehicular) traffic. And it's close.


                            In unrelated news, the HM I'm planning to do on Sunday (for which I have yet to register) apparently only does first place awards... for overall and AG. The nerve?!


                            That means you'll have to win it, right?



                            Super B****


                              That means you'll have to win it, right?


                              Last year's female first place finisher ran 1:23, so no. (Second place ran 1:36...)

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog



                                In unrelated news, the HM I'm planning to do on Sunday (for which I have yet to register) apparently only does first place awards... for overall and AG. The nerve?!


                                That's what my last HM did. And of course I finished 2nd AG. Their excuse was that they were actually running 4 races (5k, 10k, HM, M), so that was too many awards. Um, but you're getting the revenue from 4 races? Anyway my 10k on Sunday I believe gives no AG awards of any kind. (Not sure about OA winner, obv not something I need to be concerned with.) I ran it last year and there were >1000 people in the 5k, so you'd think they could spring for something.
