Beginners and Beyond


Time for Tuesdailies (Read 30 times)






      Or even one. The thing with most of us normal humans* who only run 1-2 of these fucking things a year, is that you run a bad marathon and you have lots of time to stew about it, and no opportunity to redeem yourself for another 6 months. And you think oh well, I guess this is just how I race now.



      *not actually correct; normal humans do not run any of these fucking things.


      Lol. Well said, and excellent point.


      D, you’ve got your hands full this fall. 😳


      LRB, lol.


      Go figure

        Cyberic...thanks for the heads up on the other Salming shoes. I’d be more than willing to give them a try based on this model, even though it isn’t one I’d really recommend.


        RoS...I think her vitals are actually really good. She has this fancy concierge doctor and gets regular work ups through that. She is on blood thinners from a clot long ago, so sometimes I wonder if that doesn’t play a role in her running. These bodies are way too complicated lol

        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          6 miles and strength training.


          ROS, I find that I get way more sore & achy 1 week of the month, usually backs of my legs, from ankle to ass. I've been trying some supplement ideas in the book ROAR, not sure I've seen any major difference in the muscle stuff.


          Super B****


            blue, that makes sense. Yeah in the overall picture I can see why your doc isn’t focusing on your iron levels. Probably good to be proactive and stay on top of things with the cardiologist. When do you see her/him?




            The next available appointment wasn’t until September 11, so it’ll be after that! Clearly not such a critical emergency. 🤷🏻‍♀️

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog


            Super B****


              Or even one. The thing with most of us normal humans* who only run 1-2 of these fucking things a year, is that you run a bad marathon and you have lots of time to stew about it, and no opportunity to redeem yourself for another 6 months. And you think oh well, I guess this is just how I race now.



              *not actually correct; normal humans do not run any of these fucking things.


              This is why I prefer shorter distances. It’s nice to be able to turn around and try again a week later. (Though I did that for all of 2018 and all that got out of it was a lot of crappy 5K results.)

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog



                This is why I prefer shorter distances. It’s nice to be able to turn around and try again a week later. (Though I did that for all of 2018 and all that got out of it was a lot of crappy 5K results.)

                You've been in PR city lately! What are you doing that you think has made the difference (vs 2018)?


                Super B****

                  You've been in PR city lately! What are you doing that you think has made the difference (vs 2018)?


                  Hell if I know... I guess everyone has plateau years and then eventually breaks out of them? (I refuse to believe it’s due to the fact that I weigh less. That will not lead me anywhere good.) It’s not like I was running BAD races last year. They were just mediocre. Consistently so.

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog



                    This is why I prefer shorter distances. It’s nice to be able to turn around and try again a week later. (Though I did that for all of 2018 and all that got out of it was a lot of crappy 5K results.)


                    Well yeah, I like the shorter stuff too for the same reason. But the marathon is a high risk / high reward proposition, and has produced my most memorable running experiences.




                      Hell if I know... I guess everyone has plateau years and then eventually breaks out of them? 


                      Yep. I wish I knew how or why.



                      Are we there, yet?


                        Hell if I know... I guess everyone has plateau years and then eventually breaks out of them? (I refuse to believe it’s due to the fact that I weigh less. That will not lead me anywhere good.) It’s not like I was running BAD races last year. They were just mediocre. Consistently so.


                        I've certainly experienced that and so far have always bounced back.  2017 and most of 2018 were down years, but I'm crushing my races this year.



                        Well yeah, I like the shorter stuff too for the same reason. But the marathon is a high risk / high reward proposition, and has produced my most memorable running experiences.


                        I've found that eschewing the standard 16-18 week schedules and simply training  year round allows me to race as frequently as I want.  So far this year I've already run a 5K, 3 6-hour races, a 33K trail race, a 30M, a 50K, and  2 24-Hour races.  I set current AG PBs at 5K and 50K, as well as the 30M being a better race than the 50K PB.

                         2024 Races:

                              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                        Super B****


                          Well yeah, I like the shorter stuff too for the same reason. But the marathon is a high risk / high reward proposition, and has produced my most memorable running experiences.


                          Funny you day that, because whenever anyone asks me why I don’t like the marathon distance I say it’s just very high risk for little or no reward.

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                            On Salming shoes, people who like shoes that hug their feet would not like the Salming I have tried. They're roomy inside and their lacing system is different, and not as effective if foot hugging is what you're after. My guess is that would be the major reason why people would not like them.


                            MTA: I just had a look at the enRoute, and they have that different lacing system also, so you know what I'm talking about SIAR.



                              Funny you day that, because whenever anyone asks me why I don’t like the marathon distance I say it’s just very high risk for little or no reward.


                              For me -  on the rare occasion of running a really great race, it is much more rewarding than shorter distances. Your 3:19 marathon wasn’t an amazing feeling?



                              Super B****


                                For me -  on the rare occasion of running a really great race, it is much more rewarding than shorter distances. Your 3:19 marathon wasn’t an amazing feeling?


                                Sure it was, but I wouldn't say it felt any more amazing than finally breaking 6:00 in the mile or 20:00 in the 5K. I just felt a lot more beaten up afterwards.

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog
