Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #215 (Read 27 times)

    Wakie wakie

      3 flat, mostly slightly elevated

      78° at 6:20 AM WTF 😐

      work today/Sunday is very normal...

      Off tomorrow/Monday is very Abby normal! hopefully 8, two loops of Accotink tomorrow



      Are we there, yet?




        Ain't it the truth


        Sorry for just a link. Could figure out how to post a video.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





          I ran 8 yesterday then hurried off to a surprise birthday party at 1:00 and was only able to skim the dailies (the term DB is self explanatory and requires no explanation but the one given certainly fits).


          For the second time in 5 days my watch did not record the distance of the run so I ended running a little bit past where I know 4 miles to be then turned around and just used the total time to log the run.


          In a continuation of the for-shit runs I'd been having all week, I had planned on running 10 but had a blood sugar issue at mile 2.5 ish and just felt like absolute garbage for most of the stupid thing so I settled on 8. It was really disappointing in that regard. It would be nice to have a nice jog for a change.


          Anyway, I've restored the factory defaults on my watch this morning and will see how that goes when I head out there in a bit.


          PS, 1:00 pm is way to flipping early to be having a damn party on a Saturday ffs. It should be no earlier than 2:00 in my opinion.


            LRB, was the 1pm party for a kid?


            My dd's party is starting at 11am this morning, but 1) she's a kid, and 2) they are playing D&D, and evidently that requires a whole shitton of time, and also, 3) we have tubing on the lake planned, along with a few other things too. Incidentally, today is the only day it won't reach even 75* . It'll be a high of 70* and windy. They're going to freeze. FFS. Oh well. Kids are crazy and resilient. I bet they'll still have a blast.


            I took the last 2 days off all activities, and today I'll walk for an hour. I've been downgraded to running for only 20 min at a time this week, b/c my achilles is an asshole.


            Onemile, wow, DBRP really is a DB. 


            Former Bad Ass

              Very true for women as well, lol.


              I have 7 tonight.



                Ran the mountain this morning, very easy. Got passed by two guys I know on the way up. Normally I would have stuck to them for the rest of the way, but I stayed disciplined and kept at an easy effort. Finished with 10 x 10s HS.  Altogether 19K, so that's a bit less than 12 miles.


                88 miles for the week


                Former Bad Ass

                  HCK, the Atlantic City Marathon just canceled. They notified a friend of mine by email. Meanwhile, their FB page just posted a picture saying #runac. 



                    I ran 8 yesterday then hurried off to a surprise birthday party at 1:00 and was only able to skim the dailies (the term DB is self explanatory and requires no explanation but the one given certainly fits).


                    For the second time in 5 days my watch did not record the distance of the run so I ended running a little bit past where I know 4 miles to be then turned around and just used the total time to log the run.


                    In a continuation of the for-shit runs I'd been having all week, I had planned on running 10 but had a blood sugar issue at mile 2.5 ish and just felt like absolute garbage for most of the stupid thing so I settled on 8. It was really disappointing in that regard. It would be nice to have a nice jog for a change.


                    Anyway, I've restored the factory defaults on my watch this morning and will see how that goes when I head out there in a bit.


                    PS, 1:00 pm is way to flipping early to be having a damn party on a Saturday ffs. It should be no earlier than 2:00 in my opinion.

                    Try deleting some old activities. I read that is supposed to fix it


                      I ran 10 with the Sunday funday group. Maybe a few more this evening if I can scrounge up the motivation


                        Ran the mountain this morning, very easy. Got passed by two guys I know on the way up. Normally I would have stuck to them for the rest of the way, but I stayed disciplined and kept at an easy effort. Finished with 10 x 10s HS.  Altogether 19K, so that's a bit less than 12 miles.


                        88 miles for the week

                        Nice miles!


                          7.5 miles, last day In Eugene. I usually run along the river, which has a very nice paved path. Today I ran on Pre’s Trail, which is a wind-y wood chip runners/walkers-only path through a large park. It’s sort of a series of loops that I couldn’t quite follow correctly but whatever. The soft surface was kind of nice although my shoes and lower legs are now covered by a thin layer of bark dust. 

                          62 miles for the week. 

                          Headed over to see MIL briefly, probably just for lunch, on the way home. Well actually it’s completely out of the way, but OK.





                              7 miles. Went from cool/foggy to hot/sunny over the course of 1 mile, blech


                              I think kids birthday parties are a thing of the past. Although to be fair, DS is 7 and has only ever had 1 party.


                              Ran 5 miles on sand yesterday and my hips and butt are all wtf today.

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                5.7 miles. It was cloudy when I got up. As I was finishing up getting ready, the sun came streaming through the bathroom skylights. Glad I altered my route, some jackass kids pepper spray a pedestrian at an intersection I run through quite frequently.


                                Docket, I figured the AC cancellations were coming. With the list of states that are supposed to 2 week quarantine, I just don't see how you can hold an event. But maybe, just maybe, update social media. They've been posting throw back pics for a week or two, while saying an annoucement is coming. Baltimore did something similar, posted a description of each mile of the course daiily, then oops, we can't hold the event.


                                DavePNW, sounds like a nice run. Have you met the cat?
