Beginners and Beyond


Sunny Sunday (Read 40 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    4 warming up to 11 degrees doesn't feel so bad when there is bright sun and no wind. I ran 8.


      Still cold today. Slippery also. Smooth hard packed snow. Not dangerous slippery, but slower slippery and works the stabilizer muscles.

      Ran 16.75 on tired legs. 90 miles for the week.


      Super B****

        Well, I chose a warm face with the sun glaring in my eyes since having my nose covered leads to fogged up sunglasses... and then I didn't have a warm face either because once you breathe through it a few times, anything over your face gets damp and cold.    But other than that, it was really okay.  I was more worried about the footing than the temperatures -- I wouldn't run on this in the dark, so it was nice to have the opportunity to get out there during daylight hours!  13.6, because I wanted 14 or two hours, whichever came first.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


          As I stared at the ceiling while lying in bed when I woke up this morning, yesterday's indulgence came back to me one glass of wine at a time, one piece of chocolate at a time, and one plate of food at a time. So I went from smiling in approval, to slightly cringing, to screaming OMFG. lol


          I lost my rama

            Nice job getting out there HC, Blue, Cy.  LRB, did you run while OMFGing this morning?


            8 this morning.  It's not often the East River freezes, because of the briny water from the sea, but it was cold enough this morning. When it's freeze-yo-whiskas cold, numbers don't matter anymore...




            3/17 - NYC Half

            4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

            6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

            8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


            Former Bad Ass

              I puked during my marathon from Mile 10 on so it wasq disappointing. Wanted to quit but at Disney you can still telephone it in so I did. 5:09. Not too bad, considering.



                Hey, lookee what I can get if I run 1000 miles in a year. I'm thinking I should go for it.




                  Bert-O you probably said before, but what is that city?


                  D, too bad it didn't go so good this time. You finished, right? The phoning in thing I don't understand.


                    Hey, lookee what I can get if I run 1000 miles in a year. I'm thinking I should go for it.



                    Hom much $?


                    Are we there, yet?

                      If you run Across the Years (ATY) again and again, they award jackets for every thousand miles. If you run the 6-day you might get your 1000 mile jacket in 3-4 years.



                      Hey, lookee what I can get if I run 1000 miles in a year. I'm thinking I should go for it.


                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles





                      I lost my rama

                        I puked during my marathon from Mile 10 on so it wasq disappointing. Wanted to quit but at Disney you can still telephone it in so I did. 5:09. Not too bad, considering.


                        Sorry Docket.  Not all things come in line on race day.  Great job toughing it out to finish (been there)!


                        Cy - Don't recognize the Empire State Building in the first photo? 


                        Dave - That's a heavy duty looking metal.  I may have to get me one of those!

                        3/17 - NYC Half

                        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                          Hey, lookee what I can get if I run 1000 miles in a year. I'm thinking I should go for it.


                          lol - Perspective is a funny thing. Nice looking piece, though.


                            I puked during my marathon from Mile 10 on so it wasq disappointing. Wanted to quit but at Disney you can still telephone it in so I did. 5:09. Not too bad, considering.


                            Damn. I know how much you love your mountain dew and krispy kreme pre-race meal, it must've pissed you off having to toss it up. Boo.



                              Hom much $?


                              I'd have to click more things that I want in order to find out.



                                LRB, did you run while OMFGing this morning?


                                I planned to, but my entire backside is tight from cross-training yesterday and Thursday so my respite from running will extend to 6 days (and now probably 7 since I will mostly likely return to my normal schedule tomorrow).


                                Imma hop on the elliptical instead. ZZZZs
