Beginners and Beyond


Who am I joking? (Read 191 times)


    Ok. So I'm a bit bipolar with my running as mentioned in my previous thread, I've got a race coming up in a few weeks and I'm already putting pressure on myself to run a certain pace. I need to relax and stop being so competitive.  Why do I do this to myself. Tongue How do you run races for fun and not get upset if you don't run a certain time? I need to chill out. Lol.

    Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


    delicate flower

      How do you run races for fun and not get upset if you don't run a certain time? 


      So far, I haven't.  Kind of drives the wife nuts.



        I do not run races for fun lol!


        I ran a 5k once with muscle aches and a fever, and I still haven't gotten over that pedestrian time I hung even though I was sick.


        I ran Detroit injured, but that was more a test of intestinal fortitude than anything, so my expectations going in were automatically tempered.


        If I know I cannot run a certain pace before an event, I may not even run the stupid thing.  If however, I somehow choose to run it, I would select a pace and goal time based on where my training was at that time, and try to run that.


        Former Bad Ass

          I run tons of races for fun.  I don't really care about my time.  When you have as much stress in life as I do, running is my fun thing and I don't mess it by worrying about hitting a time.  If I ever get to that point, running would become not as fun and I would quit.


            Use of cliches...


            The sun will come up tomorrow.

            It's just running. In the grand scheme of life this race isn't a big deal.

            The beer at the finish line tastes the same whether I PR'd or not. Smile


            I used to be more upset when I didn't get a time I wanted. Maybe I don't now because I feel I've done more than I ever expected with my running and really can't be too disappointed all things considered. Also with experience I know that I will have good races and bad races. Learn something from both and move on.





              This is why I love coming here to vent. I'm totally normal for feeling this way and its nice to talk with like minded runners about it.BTW the race is in four weeks. I still have time. Tongue

              Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

              Just B.S.

                For me, I'm old and slow I'm just happy and grateful to finish upright every time.Big grin


                I'm a glass half full kinda girl, always have been, about everything in my life.


                  I do not run races for fun lol!


                  If however, I somehow choose to run it, I would select a pace and goal time based on where my training was at that time, and try to run that.


                  That is me as well. The best part of racing for me will always be in trying to achieve a certain finish time. But you also need to be realistic. That finish time must be based on your current abilities.

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                  Better I Leave

                    Acceptance. I accept the fact that I'm human. I have good days and I have bad days. I tell myself I "think" I can do something and set out to do it. If I do it, great. If not, there's always another day. On my last race I missed my goal of a sub 2 hour time by 1:10...But I was still pleased and there'll be another HM in my future.


                      I hope to be like this someday.  I'm all or nothing. Serious perfectionism type A personality.  Its good and bad for me.


                      For me, I'm old and slow I'm just happy and grateful to finish upright every time.Big grin


                      I'm a glass half full kinda girl, always have been, about everything in my life.

                      Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                      Chief Unicorn Officer

                        You know I'm the same as LRB, Lily, and Babboon.  It's normal. Embrace it. Smile

                        Mile 5:49 - 5K 19:58 - 10K 43:06 - HM 1:36:54


                        Fear is a Liar

                          Hmmmm... I'm in the "I don't do races for fun" camp. Not that it isn't fun, but it is mental  and physical suffering in a "good" way. I do have expectations going into a race, but if I don't make my goal I get over it, look at my training, and get ready for the next one!

                          I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!


                            Totally agree with you here in terms of basing my current fitness with a goal time.



                            That is me as well. The best part of racing for me will always be in trying to achieve a certain finish time. But you also need to be realistic. That finish time must be based on your current abilities.

                            Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                              I think there are just two types of runners, the ones who can run for fun and the ones who can't.  Some people are able to float between the two groups, but there are just runners who will always care - and that's OK, I think.


                              There's a really cool 24 hour relay here that I would love to do.  Since I'm still pretty new to the area I don't know a lot of runners, so I asked my brother (who's been nationally ranked at the amateur level a couple of times in trail running) if he would join a team with me.  He declined, and told me "The last time I did a charity relay the guy before me was doing it for fun, and I was running 6 something minute miles.  I got really angry with him and his slower times, even though it was a fun run and we are friends.  Then  I realized I am way too competitive to run on a team, even if it's for fun."  I told this to a group of running friends back in New York.  Half of them thought he was crazy, and the other half totally got it.  So maybe you're just always going to be competitive with yourself, and you just have to go with it!


                              Former Bad Ass

                                I am probably in the camp of can do races for fun.  Running is not my life and I don't worry about a pedestrian thing like did I hit a time or did I PR.  I do have a plan for every race but if does not happen, it's just running.  There are more inportant things in my life.

