Beginners and Beyond


ThursDAILIES (Read 32 times)


    Good morning.


    I stayed up way too late for any type of run this morning. Of course in the olden days I would've run anyway, but in these newden days (newden? lol), nope.


    I'll run later.



      Good morning!


      I ran 9 with a windchill in the mid 20s.  It was much cooler than yesterday, which suited me just fine.


      Have a great day folks!

      Runner with a riding problem.


        I'll run some sort of Tempo/Threshold/10K to HM paced workout at lunch that will have to fit in 35 minutes.

        This evening I'll run easy for 60-70 minutes.


        delicate flower

          'Morning!  Masters swim before work.  2400 yards, with 500 yards using the hand paddles.  My arms and shoulders are now shot.  Bike session tonight and I am probably going to suffer a bit on it.



          Former Bad Ass

            Woke up too fucking early to go to PT.  No run at it since she had me jumping on trampolines and other meniscus-inducing or SFx inducing things.  Those went well, at least.  Then, she massaged my incisions and made me cry.  5 miles and Pilates later.




              I was worried yesterday because my Achilles started bothering me again at about mile 5 of 12, so thought I was back to square one. But today it was fine...till about mile 4. So in conclusion, no idea what's going on.



                Back home after a week in Florida.  I only took one unscheduled rest day (yesterday) which for me is pretty good. I struggle with running on vacation


                  Back home after a week in Florida.  I only took one unscheduled rest day (yesterday) which for me is pretty good. I struggle with running on vacation


                  You poor thing. I just shake my head when I come back home to gray skies after being somewhere sunny and nice.


                    Woke up too fucking early to go to PT.  No run at it since she had me jumping on trampolines and other meniscus-inducing or SFx inducing things.  Those went well, at least.  Then, she massaged my incisions and made me cry.  5 miles and Pilates later.


                    That's not typically how one wants to start their day. lol


                      'Morning!  Masters swim before work.  2400 yards, with 500 yards using the hand paddles.  My arms and shoulders are now shot.  Bike session tonight and I am probably going to suffer a bit on it.


                      No mention of your aching ribs is a good thing though, yes?


                        I'll run some sort of Tempo/Threshold/10K to HM paced workout at lunch that will have to fit in 35 minutes.

                        This evening I'll run easy for 60-70 minutes.


                        Sounds like fun. Will you be shooting for a PR?


                          Good morning!


                          I ran 9 with a windchill in the mid 20s.  It was much cooler than yesterday, which suited me just fine.


                          Have a great day folks!


                          It won't be too much more of that nonsense thankfully. It's hard to believe we made it!



                            I was worried yesterday because my Achilles started bothering me again at about mile 5 of 12, so thought I was back to square one. But today it was fine...till about mile 4. So in conclusion, no idea what's going on.


                            Sounds like the typical injury mind fuck to me. I would suggest focusing on counting your left arm swing as a mental diversion. The alternative of course is to bash your achilles with a hammer, thus giving it a reason to fuck with your head. lol


                              I have a cleaning at the dentist in an hour and can't find my stupid floss. If I used it more than once every six months (the day of my cleaning), "finding" it wouldn't be a problem.



                                You poor thing. I just shake my head when I come back home to gray skies after being somewhere sunny and nice.


                                It was rain/snowing here yesterday. But by Sunday it's going to be 60. And DST is just around the corner, so that helps.
